Breaking News
Thursday, 8 March 2012

Info Post
PK NOTE: All who have donated to the "I Can See" idea, be patient. The "Don't Get Detroit-ed" billboard campaign is coming to a city where the Black Undertow threatens to destabilize a once thriving metropolis. Sadly, many cities are on this list.

It's full-court press time, folks.

Courtesy of the Black Undertow
It gets tiring reading reports on how "liberals," "Progressives," and "unions" destroyed Detroit. The state of Vermont is one of the most liberal, progressive place on earth, with plenty of unions. As one of the whitest states, crime is virtually non-existent. Well, save for the contributions of the small Black population of Vermont, who prison population is 20 times that of the civilian population. The Burlington Free Press laments the fact that Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime.

It just proves what we already know: "Guns don't kill people, dangerous minorities do."

The cities that are used by our own government to train Army, Air Force, and Navy medics preparing for war-zone environments overseas are places, not coincidentally, that are almost 70 percent or higher Black.

Someone named Bill Zettler penned these words, before stating how crime is due to hyper-liberalism and a toleration of unions; an anti-business bias; and, worst of all, an acquiescence to the proliferation of rap/hip-hop:
Washington, D.C. and Chicago have some of the strongest gun control laws in the country.  Obviously, the criminals who committed these crimes were ignoring those laws.  In fact, according to Chicago Police statistics from January 1st through April 30th, 96% of murderers had criminal records, as did 72% of the victims.  So what we have are criminals, who should not have guns under current gun control laws, killing mostly other known criminals.  Of course, about 30% of victims (and maybe more) were innocent bystanders or victims of robbery and home invasion.  The question is why are these violent criminals on the street?  Isn’t that a “crime control” problem rather than a “gun control” problem? And who is in charge in these high crime areas?  By and large, liberal Democrats control American cities.  
For example, in Illinois, if you eliminate Chicago murders, the state's murder rate is about the same as Finland's, while Chicago’s rate would be greater than Mexico’s, whose murder rate is the sixth highest in the world.  Mexico, by the way, has more restrictive gun laws than the U.S., but a murder rate three times that of the U.S.  And, no, restrictions on gun sales do not help.  Mexico has only one gun store (in Mexico City) and it takes 30 days for a citizen to be approved to purchase a very restricted list of guns.  This pretty well disproves Chicago Mayor Daley’s contention that tighter government control of gun store sales would minimize gun crime. Another very liberal Democratic city is Detroit--where no Republicans hold an elected citywide office.  Disproving Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s contention that it is the white power structure responsible for the African-American dilemma, the mayor, the district attorney and eight of the nine city council members are black.  
No white guys to blame in this city, just liberal Democrats.  Again, when we separate Detroit from the rest of Michigan we find the gun crime problem concentrated in the Democratic areas with Detroit’s 8% of the state's population perpetrating 59% of the murders.  That puts Detroit’s murder rate above Jamaica’s, which is the third highest in the world.  And Jamaica’s gun laws may be the most restrictive in the world.  Possession of a single bullet, with or without a gun, is punishable by life in prison.

Wait a second. This guy appears to get it (though he doesn't mention the racial dynamic of those contributing to the lawlessness and violence in D.C. and Chicago -- hint, it's Black people) when he mentions Detroit's racial group as providing the evidence needed to showcase who it is committing the crimes.

But again, he continues to live by the rules, criminal = Democrat. Without operating under this equation, all illusions of crime for these hopelessly I HAD people (I Have a Dream people, since only white people tried - and still try - to live by the decree issued by St. Martin in 1963) collapse to the ground.

It is this propensity for criminal behavior by "The Blacks" that drove white people -  76 percent of Detroit's population in 1960 - into the suburbs. They weren't escaping unions, an anti-business bias (okay, judging by the lack of businesses in majority Black city's and county's, one can conclude that high numbers of Black people are undeniably bad for the maintaining of a business and thus, anathema to sustaining a local economy) or hip-hop/rap; they were retreating from the expanding Black Undertow, which the US Supreme Court declaring restrictive covenant as unconstitutional makes forever impossible to escape.

Those suburbs flourish - however fleeting that might be until those white residents are forced to retreat farther away from the No Man's Land of Detroit due to the expanding Black Undertow - with virtually no crime. Meanwhile, in Detroit, the feds continue to pursue a color-blind policy of enforcement:
Gun crimes in a section of Detroit's east side will get extra attention from federal officials under a program announced Thursday that is part of a crackdown on violence across the city. 
The effort, called "Project 48205" after the area's zip code, was announced by U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade. 
In August, McQuade said her office added more attorneys to its violent crime unit and would pursue more convictions for gun crimes in Detroit. 
A federal agent is looking at gun-related crimes that could be prosecuted in federal courts. Using stolen guns or weapons that have scratched off serial numbers is a federal crime. McQuade's office also will look at cases in which convicted felons are caught with guns during crimes, McQuade said. 
Federal charges typically carry harsher prison sentences than charges in state courts, she added. 
"We want criminals to know that there are very serious consequences to possessing firearms in Detroit," McQuade said Thursday. 
The 48205 zip code partly covers one of the more blighted, crime-ridden parts of the city. 
"We're letting criminals know their day is done," Mayor Dave Bing said.
Tell that to the majority of the - yes, they are virtually all Black people -  government officials (elected or appointed) in Detroit, where "criminality" has been the word of the day since Coleman Young took power in 1973. 

Ten years ago, the state of Michigan made it much easier for the law-abiding citizen to procure a concealed weapon license. Not surprisingly, in a state where the Black crime found in Detroit has spread to Pontiac, Flint, etc., the law-abiding of Michigan have good reason to get their concealed permit:
Ten years after Michigan made it much easier for its citizens to get a license to carry a concealed gun, predictions of widespread lawless behavior and bloodshed have failed to materialize. 
Today, nearly 276,000 -- or about four out of every 100 eligible adult Michiganders -- are licensed.
Unsurprisingly, crime has dropped and those law-abiding citizens with a CWP haven't gone on killing sprees (even in Wayne County, home to Detroit):
During the debate, opponents of the change warned of gun-toting, trigger-happy citizens loose on the streets. 
But violent crimes have been rare among carrying a concealed weapon license holders. Only 2% of license holders have been sanctioned for any kind of misbehavior, State Police records show. 
Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon said he had been opposed to the law and was concerned about flooding the streets with guns. But, he said, "it has turned out not as bad as I suspected that it would." 
Napoleon said he would like to see expanded training for people seeking concealed weapons permits.
Every sane person in America hoping to keep their family and person safe should acquire a concealed weapons permit. It should also be noted the progressive, liberal state of Vermont has some of the most gun-friendly laws in the nations.

It should also be noted Black people fill that states jail cells at rates that alarm the good Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) of Vermont.

To his credit, Mayor Coleman Young opposed gun-control laws, but for odd reasons. Remember, when you outlaw guns, only the criminals have them. In "The Quotations of Mayor Coleman A. Young" we find on p. 29 this hilarious quote, On why he refuses to support local anti-gun laws:
"I'll be damned if I'm going to let them collect guns in the city of Detroit while we're surrounded by hostile suburbs and the whole rest of the state who have guns, and where you have vigilantes practicing Ku Klux Klan in the wilderness with automatic weapons."
Oh that loquacious late Coleman Young, never laconic when it comes to expressing his hatred of whitey.  Those white people in the "hostile" suburbs have guns precisely because of what happened in late-July 1967, when Black people engaged in what Young labeled an "insurrection" (the worst riot in American history) and burnt significant portions of the city to the ground:

After the 1967 Detroit riot, for example, gun sales skyrocketed: Detroit issued four times as many handgun permits in 1968 as it did in 1965, and a nearby, predominately white suburb issued five times as many permits.
  The Tri-City Herald reported this on April 14, 1968:

Gun sales have soared in predominately white suburbs of Washington, Baltimore, and Kansas City since looting and violence erupted in the Negro neighborhoods of those cities this month. Rioting that followed the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4 marked the first major racial disorders in any of the three cities in recent years. 

And why must Black people always believe that a white-sheet wearing bogeyman awaits them around every corner, under every bed, and in every closet? Last we checked, it was Black people who were responsible for 90 percent of the interracial crime between whites and Blacks in America. 

And it is Black people killing fellow Black people in cities all across the nation, especially in Detroit, where vigilante killings are rising because the overwhelmingly Black police force is perhaps the most inept in all of America at doing its job. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that Detroit's police force operates year-around, as the New Orleans police force did in the days after Katrina. 

White people in America just want safety. They want peace of mind. Perhaps this is why gun sales are through the roof right now? Some have said President Mein Obama is the greatest guns salesman of all time, and they'd be wrong. The threat of wide-scale Black violence or the random Black thug trying to mug you always has been (at least since the Indian threat was neutralized). 

If you remove the Black contribution to criminality in America (be it home invasion, rape, murder, assault, sexual assault, theft, trespassing, etc.), pretty soon you have an entire nation looking like Vermont when it comes to a peaceful place to live. Of course, you'd have to remove the grossly overrepresented Black prison population - who represent one half of one percent of the Vermont general population - from the equation. Then, then you'd have the kind of America where no one locks their doors.

Doesn't sound like too progressive a place. Sounds like America...


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