A more iconic photo than Obama's "Hope" picture? |
So how many times has a Black person walked into an all-white or predominantly white neighborhood and not been shot?
Now, how many times has a Black person walked into an all-Black or predominately Black neighborhood and been shot?
Which is more dangerous for the Black person: walking into a white neighborhood or walking into a Black neighborhood?
If you've read Whitopia by Rich Benjamin you'll know that when this Black writer ventured into almost exclusively white cities throughout the nation, he was treated with complete and overwhelming kindness.
If you've read your local newspaper from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Atlanta, Birmingham, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, etc., you'll know that the news (and local nightly news reports on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX affiliates) primarily show a seemingly endless parade of human misery, courtesy of Black people.
Abductions. Burglaries. Flash Mob attacks. Shootings. Stabbings. Slayings. Rape. It gets depressing watching Black faces fill your screen, confirming immediately why you choose to safeguard your families health by living in a Whitopia.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution had the temerity to publish this story, the same day that Obama uttered the now infamous line, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," which discusses Black parents fears for their Black children without mentioning once that it is precisely because Black males commit such a disproportionate share of the crime in America that people harbor suspicions about them:
Her sons were 12 and 8 when Marlyn Tillman realized it was time for her to have the talk.
Buying a water gun was perfectly acceptable for their white friends, but not them. As young African-American men, she told them, even owning a water gun could make them an easy target for police.
“I could no longer keep them in the dark,” Tillman said. “I had to break it to them that the world sees them differently.”
According to a 2010 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study, homicide was the leading cause of death for black males age 12-19.
In the weeks since young Trayvon Martin was gunned down in a gated community in Sanford, Fla., those truths have weighed heavily on black parents.
Tillman, a community activist and empty nester, lives in a middle-class, predominately white Snellville neighborhood.
Ruben Brown, 48, lives with his wife and 14-year-old son in Atlanta and, while not the suburbs, it is hardly the ‘hood. But like Tillman, he knows their middle-class status in no way equals safety when it comes to his son.
Although worries about the safety of adolescents are not the province of just black families or parents of boys, Tillman, Brown and other parents say raising black boys is perhaps the most stressful aspects of parenting because they know they’re dealing with a society that is fearful and hostile toward them, simply because of the color of their skin.
“Don’t believe it? Walk a day in my shoes,” Brown said.At 14, Brown said his son is at that critical age when he’s always worried about his safety because of profiling.
“I don’t want to scare him or have him paint people with a broad brush, but, historically, we black males have been stigmatized as the purveyors of crime and wherever we are, we’re suspect,” Brown said.
Black parents who don’t make that fact clear, he and others said, do it at their and their male children’s own peril.
“Any African-American parent not having that conversation is being irresponsible,” Brown said. “I see this whole thing as an opportunity for us to speak frankly, openly and honestly about race relations.”Sigh. Homicide was the leading cause of death for Black males between the ages of 12-19, because Black males are pulling the trigger of guns aimed at these individuals. It's called Black-on-Black murder. It's not white people targeting Black people; it's Black people targeting other Black people for execution, and in the process, making predominately Black neighborhoods unsafe.
Hence the rational decision by white people (and members of non-Black races) to move away from areas that have a high percentage of Black people.
But that's not all; Black men are also the leading cause of death for Black females:
The number one killer of African-American women ages 15 to 34 is homicide at the hands of a current or former intimate partner.
Africana Voices Against Violence, Tufts University, Statistics, 2002,
So, as Black people don hoodie sweatshirts to plan "Million Hoodie Marches" (helping to further identify those who are potentially up to no good) around the nation, we'll excuse the Black violence in Philadelphia that left an aspiring rapper dead:
A man has been shot in the head and killed during the filming of an amateur rap video in Philadelphia.
The shooting happened Thursday night in front of a crowd of about 100 people. Police say the man was in his late 20s or early 30s.SBPDL would like to release a warning to all American's over the upcoming weekend: Stay away from largely Black cities and venues frequented primarily Black people. The media and Organized Blackness has created a frenzy, a mob-mentality (greater than usual) within the Black community that can only be satiated by blood.
Mein Obama's comments and the rhetoric of Organized Blackness leaders - which will immediately consume those areas "blighted" by the Visible Black Hand of Economics.
White people have tried to live by Martin Luther King's vision of America, where content of character outweighs the color of one skin; Black people believe that all white people harbor racist thoughts towards them, and that their success is due to "white privilege."
But it is stories like this out of Seattle, where a 15-year-old Black kid forced - at gunpoint - an employee of a coffee house (that he and two Black friends were robbing) to perform oral sex upon him that reinforce why white people take precautions around "the Blacks":
A 15-year-old boy will serve 15 years to life in prison after pleading guilty as an adult to raping and robbing a barista in Lakewood.
Kyntrel Jackson was convicted of first-degree rape, two counts of first-degree robbery and one count of first-degree theft in a string of crimes prosecutors said he and two other men committed around the Lakewood area in September.
From our partners at The News Tribune:
Co-defendants Armuelle Danisel, 18, and Christopher Henson, 19, previously pleaded guilty to first-degree robbery and other charges and were each sentenced to three years, five months in prison.
Police said that during a September 29 robbery at Bikini Bottom Espresso, Jackson forced a barista to strip and perform a sex act while holding a pistol to her head. The attack was caught on surveillance video and cell phone pictures Jackson took himself.
The barista's stepfather said the attack has destroyed the woman's life.
"Our family is in disarray," the stepfather said. "(Her) life is upside down. It will be that way the rest of her life due to his actions."
Jackson said virtually nothing duirng his court appearance Thursday.
His godmother said the family had tried for years to get help for the boy, but nothing worked.
"I know Kyntrel has to pay for his crimes he's committed, but this is a case of where the state has failed a child," Dorothea Holmes said.
Three of the robberies targeted bikini barista establishments. The fourth was of a citizen.
That story never made national headlines, did it?
There is no "beer summit" that can medicate and mend the ever-opening would that is race relations in America.
City that sees the first Black-on-white retaliatory strike for the actions of George Zimmerman (even though he's not white)?
Milwaukee. This is the city that most resembles Detroit circa 1967, with cops there trying to police a sizable Black population that is largely responsible for ALL the violent crime in the city. Thus, the reason for more routine stops. Worse, the unemployment rate for Black males in Milwaukee (a city where Black-on-white violence is nothing new) is one of the highest in the nation.
Odds are high on Milwaukee.
Philadelphia doesn't look to peaceful either, but that's because the Black population can't stop shooting one another (or attacking white people in Mahogany Mobs). Same goes for Chicago, where 40 people (almost exclusively Black) were shot last weekend.
Funny, almost two years prior in the Southside of Chicago, 40 people (almost exclusively Black) were shot by Black people.
None of this matters at all to Organized Blackness, because there is no mileage to gain from turning the slaying of a Black person (no matter how young) by a fellow Black person into a cause celebre. It happens to often for anyone to notice or care; when they do notice, it's because a Black person is wearing a "hoodie" and potentially could be a dangerous person.
No, there's only mileage on stories like the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, with the Black community morally outraged and continually enraged by sensational media coverage and inflammatory rhetoric from the Organized Blackness leaders.
This is all going to end very ugly.
Ladies and gentlemen, the year of SBPDL has officially begun.
Have your Skittles ready for this one. It's going to be a crazy weekend.
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