Majority Black Harrisburg has been Detroit-ed; Bankruptcy looms |
Though not as big as the failure of Jefferson County, Alabama and the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history (primarily courtesy of the financial mismanagement of 71 percent Birmingham), Harrisburg is an insolvent capital city. With virtually no tax-base (cities that are primarily comprised of Black people tend to have that problem), Harrisburg relies on parking garages and parking meters to as primary cash-generating assets, bankruptcy appears inevitable.
A financial emergency was declared by the state government in 2011 after it became apparent the city government of Harrisburg couldn't pay its public servants:
While Harrisburg in 2009 started skipping payments on debt related to an incinerator project, it hasn't defaulted on general-obligation bonds. Harrisburg's fiscal crisis is driven by more than $300 million in debt from an overhaul and expansion of its waste-to-energy facility, which doesn't generate enough revenue to cover the payments.In December, David Unkovic was appointed as the city's receiver, a first for the state, after Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett, a Republican, declared a fiscal emergency to ensure vital services, which included making payroll and paying debt obligations."My first priority as receiver is to ensure that vital and necessary services such as police and fire are maintained within Harrisburg during the state of fiscal emergency," Unkovic said in a statement today. "The city will not be making these payments to ensure sufficient cash flow so the citizens of Harrisburg continue to receive essential services."
No one can force an individual to save money to purchase land; no one can force an individual to save money (or have a good credit rating), come up with an idea to provide a good or a service to the community and become an entrepreneur. That the Black residents of Harrisburg have so few of these individuals among their population is reminiscent of the problem plaguing every city in America where Black people are found.
That Newhouse, the executive editor of the Patriot-News would admit to being nothing more than a pawn in Black-Run America (BRA) is hilarious, because the editor of The Buffalo News was attacked by the Black community there after daring to publish a story that acknowledged high levels of Black criminality:
About 700 members of Buffalo's African-American community tonight shared their grievances with Buffalo News Editor Margaret Sullivan over an Aug. 22 article on the criminal backgrounds of victims of the shooting at the City Grill three weeks ago.
The forum, held in True Bethel Baptist Church, 907 E. Ferry St., was one that Sullivan had requested following negative reaction to the report.
Many in the crowd expressed outrage that the police records of the shooting victims were reported at all. They called the report a gross departure from how The News traditionally treats crime victims and that it was disrespectful to the victims, their families and the African-American community.
Others who were specifically invited to speak included former Buffalo Common Council President George K. Arthur, who offered a historical perspective on the African-American community's grievances with The News' coverage of its community. The Rev. Matthew Brown and Murray Holman of STOP the Violence Coalition also offered their perspectives, charging the newspaper did not often respect black people's feelings and that it showed a historic pattern of insensitivity in its coverage of the community.
Sullivan said she was pleased she was able able to listen to the views and explain the editorial decision behind the publication of the Aug. 22 story.
"I really am not here to try to do a point-counterpoint to everything that I've heard because I don't think that would be possible and my main purpose in being here is to listen," she said.
"I do want to say that the way The Buffalo News is being portrayed, at least, in terms of our intention and what we try to do every day is, essentially, unrecognizable to me. I know that the people I work with feel very deeply, that they care about this community. They care about you," Sullivan said.Buffalo and Harrisburg are two communities that will continue to collapse, while the Black population in each city will demand that absolute no media attention be focused on the reason for the decline.
In 2009, massive cheating was detected on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) math and reading exam, with the majority Black students of Harrisburg posting scores that didn't correlate to their already quantified reputation on the exams. After the ouster of the superintendent who was in charge during the detected PSSA cheating scandal, test scores dropped.
Mayor Thompson beat Stephen Reed - who was dubbed Mayor for Life after working to turn the city around in the 80s - for the Democrat nomination in 2009. As the city dies under the watchful eye of a woman elected precisely because she campaigned on a platform that highlighted her melanin (a nod to the democratic process, since 52 percent of the city is Black), one wonders what Mr. Reed thinks. Racial loyalties from Black people trounced his progressive ideology of inclusion, tolerance, and hope.
Black people have made the city of Harrisburg unsafe, thus the need to abandon living there for the safety of the suburbs. Mayor Thompson can say that education is the way of salvation for the Black residents of Harrisburg, but a look at the facts supplied by an educational entity that gave the city a huge grant in 2002 provides a grim dose of reality for a city on the verge of bankruptcy:
Nearly 80 percent of the children in the Harrisburg, PA, school district experience some form of economic disadvantage. In 2002, poor academic achievement, low school attendance, and a high dropout rate presented significant barriers to youth development in this community of 50,000. Since funding began in 2002, the Harrisburg School District SS/HS initiative has improved the quality of services, reduced the duplication of services, and increased community participation in the support and delivery of services. Improvement has occurred every year in academic achievement, school attendance, graduation rate, and number of dropouts. Together with community partners, the Harrisburg SS/HS collaboration implemented programs and identified resources to reduce the barriers to healthy student development. These resources include evidence-based curricula in preK–8, teacher training, a mentoring program, a developmental preschool, school-based mental health services, after-school programs, school resource officers, and probation officers.
Harrisburg has been Detroit-ed. The economic disadvantage people have in the capital of Pennsylvania is that the 55 percent of the city is Black, meaning that Visible Black Hand of Economics is at work. In 2009, 30 percent of Black people in Dauphin County (home to Harrisburg) were on EBT/Food stamps. Only five percent of whites were.
As long as Black-rule is present, it's over for Harrisburg. Just as it's over for Detroit.
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