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The Magnificent Mile -- the refuse of the demolished Robert Taylor Homes on the South Side threaten civilization in Chicago |
Were there a true threat from Islam (those "Islamo-Fascists" underneath Pamela Gellar's bed), then directly following the 9/11 attacks there would have been multiple followups. For every Fort Hood incident, an investigative journalist like Colin Flaherty could describe 200-300 black-on-white attacks... just from 2013!
The real threat is white America not awakening to the horrors befallen our major cities, courtesy of a population incapable of self-restraint and completely protected by the local, state, and federal government.
What horror do we speak of? The same horror the Chicago Police Department held a townhall meeting to try and educate the "vibrant youth" of the Second City from engaging in -- the horror of Spontaneous Blackness and Mahogany Mob Attacks.
It didn't work [Chicago Police Swarm Mag Mile ‘Wilding’ Scene, Make Several Arrests, CBS Chicago, 3-31-13]:
Chicago police made several arrests Saturday evening following another “wilding” scene instigated by young people along the Magnificent Mile.
Photographers shot chaotic video of police officers and vehicles swarming Michigan Avenue near Huron and detaining several young people around 7:30 p.m. Some of the disturbance leaked onto Chicago Avenue near State Street on a relatively warm night with temperatures in the 50s.
Chicago Police News Affairs released a statement overnight saying officers made 17 arrests — of 15 juveniles and two adults — for misdemeanor reckless conduct. The department said the disturbance was caused by “a number of kids fighting among themselves” and there were no reports of assaults, robberies or property damage.
But community activist Andrew Holmes, who happened to be shopping with a relative in the upscale retail district, described a scene in which hundreds of young people misbehaved, with some of them harassing and attacking people on the street.
“They assaulted a Chicago police officer who was on a mounted horse. And all of a sudden, they assaulted the citizens walking the streets – just normal citizens shopping, enjoying the weather,” Holmes told CBS 2’s Chris Martinez. “I caution those parents if their child has been arrested … You need to think about your child. Just don’t say the Chicago police picked on your child, when we watched all the assault going on, especially by teen women.”
Chicago’s Michigan Avenue and nearby retail strips were beset by numerous wilding, or “youth mob,” episodes the past two summers.
The phenomenon continues in Chicago and its suburbs. In February, a disturbance broke out at Ford City Mall after a meet-and-greet appearance by the boy band Mindless Behavior. A mall official blamed groups of “older youths” and said it had nothing to do with the event."Older Youths?"
Try black people.
Muslims didn't devastate Birmingham; Muslims didn't destroy Detroit.
Black people did. [28 arrests after downtown disturbance, 'L' attack, Chicago Tribune, 3-31-13]:
Nearly 30 people were arrested downtown on Saturday night for disturbances that ranged from bumping into passersby on sidewalks to attacking passengers aboard a CTA train, authorities said, citing preliminary information.
Seventeen of the people in custody -- all but two younger than 18 -- were charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct, said Chicago Police Department News Affairs Officer Hector Alfaro.
Those arrests happened on the Magnificent Mile near North Michigan Avenue and East Erie Street between 7 p.m. and about 7:40 p.m., authorities said. The suspects were alleged to have bumped into other people on the sidewalks, blocked sidewalks and traffic on the street and started fights.
No injuries were reported.
In a separate incident, police arrested 11 teens at the CTA's State/Lake station in The Loop about 6:35 p.m. after the group attacked two women on an elevated train car, authorities said, citing preliminary information.
The incident started when a woman on the "L" asked one of the teens to put out a cigarette, authorities said, citing preliminary information. The group of teenagers then allegedly attacked that woman and another woman on the train before running onto the "L" platform with the purse belonging to one of the victims.
Officers arrested the teens as they attempted to leave the station, authorities said.
The 11 teens, all but one of whom are younger than 18, told police they had agreed on Twitter to meet downtown. It appeared that several of those arrested had not met in person before Saturday, authorities said.
The two victims were bruised during the attack but were in good condition and declined medical treatment, authorities said.The Magnificent Mile in Chicago is the Berlin Wall separating civilization from "what-ever-you-call-the-civilization-black-people-create-on-the-South-Side-of-the City."
Yes, blacks - not "youth," and not "teens" - to the tune of 500 brought their own brand of savagery to the nice parts of the city Easter Weekend 2013 [Teen Mob Action Takes Over Chicago’s Gold Coast, CBS Chicago, 3-31-13]:
The warmest day of the year so far brings hundreds of mischievous teens to Michigan Avenue.
Police are calling it ‘mob action’.
CBS 2 is learning about multiple incidents in at least four different locations along the Magnificent Mile and in the Gold Coast, yielding a slew of arrests.
Things got pretty bad, very quickly with many innocent shoppers and tourists caught in the middle of a very chaotic situation.
Hundreds of teens littered Michigan Avenue and State Street near Chicago.
Things started to go bad around 6:00 p.m. Saturday, with teens purposely bumping into people, and causing fights among themselves.
Fifteen juveniles and two adults were arrested and charged with Reckless Conduct— a misdemeanor.
Community activist, Andrew Holmes witnessed some of the problems, while shopping with his family.
“You had a group of teens, close to maybe 500. They assaulted a Chicago police officer that was on a mounted on a horse and all of a sudden they assaulted a citizen walking the streets, just a normal citizen shopping and enjoying the weather,” said Holmes.
Later that night, a man was attacked around 10:45 p.m. while walking near Chicago and Dearborn. Sources tell us he was jumped and punched in the face by a group of teens. He was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
In a separate incident, a group of woman say they were attacked by a mob of girls on the CTA Red Line. The women reported a robbery once they got off the train at the State and Monroe station. Eleven females were arrested—10 juveniles and one adult—and charged with battery. Two of the teens were charged with strong- armed robbery.
“I caution those parents if their child has been arrested which numerous teenagers have been arrested tonight, that you need to think about your child. Just don’t say the Chicago police picked on your child, when we were watching all the assault going on, especially by teen women,” said Holmes."Mob action?"
How about black 'mob action'?
Assaulting police officers and randomly attacking white people?
Yes -- let's all fear Sharia Law (just restrict immigration from Muslim nations and then the threat of Islam is over), while Organized Blackness protects black criminality and black mob activity by threatening not only economic boycotts, but more black mob/riot activity if white America doesn't acquiesce to acts of Spontaneous Blackness.
Why worry about Sharia Law in our judicial system, when the threat of black riots after a "guilty" verdict for a black criminal already restrict the court system?
When white America wakes up, whatever threat Islam poses to America will be neutralized, but the first threat to America is Obama's Sons.
The great threat is that white people in Chicago and across the nation have grown comfortable, accustomed to these acts of Spontaneous Blackness that they've moved far away from ever having to encounter. They are now numb to these incredible displays of why they moved to the suburbs (what is merely normally black behavior in black communities), and believe no solution exists to deal with the continued degradation of major cities and commercial areas.
Meanwhile, Detroit is in ruins; Memphis is in ruins; Baltimore is in ruins; Milwaukee and Indianapolis are headed in that same direction.
The hilarity of the situation is that the state (those in charge of the city government of Chicago) is completely on the side of Spontaneous Blackness, handicapping the police in dealing with that "The Great Migration" imported to the city.
And to think... it's only March.
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