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2009 Chicago Annual Report, Chicago Police Department ; Blacks are 32 percent of Chicago's population |
Though at roughly 89 percent Black (the most homogenous major American city), you’d expect most of crime in Detroit to be committed by this very group. That Black people make Detroit the most dangerous place to live in America is something you rarely you hear.
To better understand the statement “Guns don’t kill people, dangerous minorities do,” we need only look at the Chicago Police Department 2009 Crime Report. But that’s getting ahead of ourselves, ever so slightly.
What’s the population breakdown of John Hughes’ favorite city? Well, Bloomberg reports:
Blacks constitute 32.4 percent of the population, down from 36.4 percent in 2000 though still the city’s largest racial bloc. Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 31.7 percent of Chicago’s population in 2010, making them the second-largest racial or ethnic group.
After increasing by 38.1 percent between 1990 and 2000, the city’s Hispanic population growth moderated in the latest decade. The group, the third-largest in the city, grew by 3.3 percent and now makes up 28.9 percent of the city’s total population.
According to that 2009 crime report put together by the Chicago Police Department, Black people are responsible for 75 percent of the murder; 66 percent of the criminal assaults; 57 percent of the robbery; 65 percent of the aggravated assault; and 73 percent of the aggravated battery, for a whopping 64 percent of the total violent crime.
At 32 percent of the population, we can thank the Black population of the city for keeping crime alive in the city!
Data from a 2005 crime report in Chicago produced similar results that suggest Black people have a tendency to utilize guns as a weapon for killing or maiming at rates that dwarf those of white people, who primarily carry for protection from precisely the described scenario from occurring:
According to the 2005 Homicide Report of the Chicago Police Department, the murder clearance rate (in terms of an arrest being made within two years of the homicide) has dropped from over 70% for 1991 to under 60% for 2003. Summer months have significantly higher murder rates, and over 70% of murders take place between 7PM and 5AM. The percentage of murder offenders between 14 and 16 years of age has declined from a 1994 high of approximately 15% to approximately 6% in 2005.
In 2005, 75% of murders involved a firearm, and 11% were the result of a stabbing. 41% of domestic murders were stabbings. 10% of murders in 2005 (39) were the result of an armed robbery, 9% were of undetermined cause, and at least 30% were gang altercations. Over 40% of victims and 60% of offenders were between the ages of 17 and 25. 85% of victims and 93% of offenders were male. 76% of victims were African American (77.4% of offenders were), 18.3% were Hispanic (17.3% of offenders), and 5.6% were white (5.3% of offenders). The African American murder victimization rate was approximately 34 per 100,000; the Hispanic rate was 11 per 100,000, and the white rate 3 per 100,000. Over 75% of victims and 88% of offenders had a prior arrest history. 11% of armed robbery victims were female, 50% of domestic victims were female, and 7% of gang-related victims were female. 31% of armed robbery victims were over 45 years old. 29% of domestic-related murders were committed by women. From 1991 to 2005, 19.2% of armed robbery murder victims were white, and only 4.3% of armed robbery murder offenders were white.
(2005) Victims of gang-related murders: 70% African American, 26% Hispanic, 3% white; 93% male. Offenders in gang-related murders: 76% African American, 20% Hispanic, 3% white; 99% male. Victims of domestic-related murders: 79% African American, 10% Hispanic, 11% white. Victims of armed robbery—related murders: 68% African American, 13% Hispanic, 19% white, 89% male. Offenders in armed robbery—related murders: 87% African American, 9% Hispanic, 4% white; 93% male.
Just this past St. Patrick’s Day Weekend, while white people enjoyed a green beer or two in Chicago, Black people were busy firing their guns at other Black people, to the tune of 40 people being shot and 9 killed:
Ten people were killed and at least 39 others were wounded in shootings across the city this weekend.
Most of the victims, male and female, ranged in age from their mid-teens to 30s, with the notable exception of a 6-year-old girl who was shot dead as she played on the front porch of her home in the Little Village neighborhood.
Neighbors said Aliyah Shell was playing on the porch of her home in the 3100 block of South Springfield Avenue about 3:40 p.m. Saturday while her parents sat on the front steps. A small gray pickup truck stopped in the street and one person inside got out and fired four shots -- two of them hitting the little girl.
In 2011, marauding bands of Mahogany Mobs terrorized law-abiding citizens in Chicago, prompting the shutdown of one of the popular beaches over Memorial Day. The city government tried to claim that it was due to concern of “heat exhaustion,” but the real reason was the threat of uncontrollable and sustained Black violence scaring away white residents from the city as this phenomenon has in so many other metropolises.
The silly Web site “Shit Hits The Fan” Plan (SHTFplan.com) reported that elected officials in Illinois were calling for the National Guard to patrol the mean streets of Chicago, without mentioning that it is Black people alone and the violence and crime that comes from their actions that must quelled:
Crime is getting bad, and as trend forecaster Gerald Celente has predicted, it will only get worse. This year, 113 people have been killed due to violence on the streets of Chicago, and two Chicago democrats are asking for help:
Two state representatives called on Gov. Pat Quinn Sunday to deploy the Illinois National Guard to safeguard Chicago’s streets.
Chicago Democrats John Fritchey and LaShawn Ford said they want Quinn, Mayor Richard Daley and Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis to allow guardsmen to patrol streets and help quell violence. Weis said he did not support the idea because the military and police operate under different rules.
“Is this a drastic call to action? Of course it is,” Fritchey said. “Is it warranted when we are losing residents to gun violence at such an alarming rate? Without question. We are not talking about rolling tanks down the street or having armed guards on each corner.”
What he envisions, Fritchey said, is a “heightened presence on the streets,” particularly on the roughly 9 percent of city blocks where most of the city’s violent crimes occur.
Weis previously identified those “hot spots” and said he plans to create a 100-person team made up of selected and volunteer police personnel to respond to crime there. If guardsmen were to assist police, they could comprise or contribute to that force, Fritchey said.
These officials are essentially requesting that the mayor or someone else in power declare martial law in the city of Chicago. Be forewarned that by doing so, the standard rules do not apply. Under martial law there are no Miranda Rights or any other constitutional protections.
Chicago joins New Orleans, Detroit, Newark, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Atlanta, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Memphis, Houston, Dallas, Columbia (S.C.), Milwaukee, Peoria, and Cleveland where similar “martial law” style cries for help in stopping the rising levels of violence, almost entirely attributable to Black people, have been made since President Barack Obama’s election.
The late- James Q. Wilson pointed out in an article at City Journal that Black crime rates were failing nationwide, though that doesn’t change the fact it is the Black population that keeps Chicago in the news for weekends where 40 people are shot and 9 people – including a six-year old girl – lay dead.
It is indisputable that higher incarceration rates and longer sentencing keeps Black criminals from plying their trade in our world, but it still disputable how the high rates of abortion in the Black community have impacted the crime rate.
The Chicago Sun-Times has removed the story, but Huffington Post teases us with this tantalizing inverted pyramid story:
The most violent part of Chicago? It's a section of Chatham, the largely middle-class, African-American neighborhood on Chicago's South Side that has long been a bastion of black lawyers, cops, plumbers and other professionals, a Chicago Sun-Times analysis has found.
"I am very, very surprised," said the Rev. Marc Robertson, 48, a Chatham homeowner for the last eight years.
The article is available here, revealing this fact:
The department divides the city into beats, 279 in all. And Beat 624 ranks No. 1 among them in violent crime for the first three months of 2010, according to the Sun-Times analysis, which takes into account the total number of major violent crimes reported -- all of the murders, sexual assaults, robberies, aggravated batteries and aggravated assaults in every police beat.
Doesn’t crime correlate to poverty? Nope, that’s just a delusion peddled by the Disingenuous White Liberal (DWL). Black people create both poverty and crime: see Detroit.
Crime in Chicago is largely the product of Black people, with Hispanics doing the jobs that white Americans won’t do when it comes to at least somewhat competing for the Second City Championship belt of “racial group that keeps crime high in Chicago.”
Heather Mac Donald, writing at City Journal, that nearly 80 percent of Black kids are born out-of-wedlock in Chicago, attributing the lack of a Black father figure to the high rates of mayhem they behind:
No, youth violence isn’t just a Chicago problem. Urban school districts across the country flood school areas with police officers at dismissal time. But youth violence is definitely correlated with race. Though rates of youth killings and shootings vary—Chicago children under the age of 17 are killed at four times the rate of New York children, for example—youth violence is disproportionately a “black problem” and, to a lesser extent, a Hispanic one. According to James Alan Fox and Marc Swatt of Northeastern University, the national rate of homicide commission for black males between the ages of 14 and 17 is ten times higher than that of “whites,” into which category the federal government puts the vast majority of Hispanics. Black juveniles accounted for 78 percent of all juvenile arrests between 2003 and 2008 in Chicago; Hispanics were 18 percent, and whites, 3.5 percent, of those arrests. Recognizing that tough truth is the only hope for coming up with a way to change it.
In Chicago, blacks, at least 35 percent of the population, commit 76 percent of all homicides; whites, about 28 percent of the population, commit 4 percent, and Hispanics, 30 percent of the population, commit 19 percent. The most significant difference between these demographic groups is family structure. In Cook County—which includes both Chicago and some of its suburbs and probably therefore contains a higher proportion of middle-class black families than the city proper—79 percent of all black children were born out of wedlock in 2003, compared with 15 percent of white children. Until that gap closes, the crime gap won’t close, either.
This crutch for collective Black failure must be discarded. It is an individual’s choice to rob, beat, steal, rape, attack, sexually assault, stab, shoot, or murder another individual. If, collectively, Black people in Chicago make the city unsafe because of individual actions by Blacks, well, social forces are at play that go far deeper then just melanin.
Chicago’s CBS affiliate reported in 2008 (in a story long since removed from the site) that the city was far more dangerous than Iraq, an area where an occupation and war was still ongoing:
An estimated 125 people were shot and killed over the summer. That's nearly double the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period.
In May, cbs2chicago.com began tracking city shootings and posting them on Google maps. Information compiled from our reporters, wire service reports and the Chicago Police Major Incidents log indicated that 125 people were shot and killed throughout the city between the start of Memorial Day weekend on May 26, and the end of Labor Day on Sept. 1.
According to the Defense Department, 65 U.S. soldiers were killed in combat in Iraq. About the same number were killed in Afghanistan over that same period.
In the same time period, an estimated 247 people were shot and wounded in the city.
You have the 2009 crime statistics of Chicago in your hands (courtesy of Hunter Wallace). Black people monopolize violent crime in Chicago – as they do in any city or state where they reside – and once again affirm that, “Guns don’t kill people, dangerous minorities do.”
The world order established by Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) that we have dubbed Black Run America (BRA), which mandates that all failures of the Black community be blamed on the lingering effects of slavery; the persistent and entrenched white racism; and, of course, white privilege, be the reason for continued Black failure.
Especially criminality.
It is an individual’s choice to engage in crime. If, when you add up the individuals who chose crime as a vocation (or avocation) in Chicago, it becomes clear that the city is dangerous because of one racial group.
The same pattern emerges everywhere in America.
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