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Monday, 19 March 2012

Info Post

The 1967 Black riot in Detroit -- America's version of the Revolution of San Domingo 
It should be known the only way to deal with high rates of Black criminality – in a community where they represent 10 percent of the population or 90 percent - is with force exercised by the police.  This is why, in the waning days of white rule (in a city they built) in Detroit, efforts were made to curb rising rates of Black violence – the primary reason housing segregation patterns emerge in any community – by creating the STRESS police task force.

In 1973, Coleman Young would be elected the first Black mayor of Detroit – pushing the domino that would eventually turn a city that was 80 percent white in 1950 to 89 percent Black in 2012 – by campaigning to get rid of STRESS.

Lawlessness and disorder are now the rule in Black-run Detroit, with the new documentary Deforce – showcasing what happened in Detroit after the Black “rebellion” of 1967 – letting slip this fascinating detail about why The Motor City should henceforth be known as the land of “murders and executions”:

The documentary chronicles key portions of the city’s history, ranging from the automobile boom and former Mayor Coleman Young’s Poletown Plant to the July 1967 riots and subsequent STRESS police task force’s sometimes lawless actions. “DEFORCE” touches on the corruption in Kilpatrick’s tenure as mayor, shows a panoramic view of the differences on the border at Grosse Pointe Park and looks at the well-publicized crime statistics and how they got to that point. 
“It’s bad to other people because other people didn’t grow up over here,” said “Nod,” a Detroit resident in the film. “But to us, it’s just regular. … It’s nothing to us.” 
In 2006, an estimated $1.3 billion to $2.5 billion in drugs was trafficked through Detroit, as chronicled in the film. Of the 21,000 murders that have occurred in the city since 1969, many are drug related. In the first six months of 2004, 65 percent of 800 shootings in Detroit were drug related. In the same time span, 100 U.S. soldiers were wounded in Afghanistan. 
“The most disturbing statistic that I’m always (repeating) is more than 21,000 people have been murdered since 1969. That’s the population of Birmingham or Sterling Heights,” Rodney said. “We’ve desensitized to the violence in the city. … If there were a shooting at Groves, it would just turn peoples’ worlds upside down and they’d pull their kids out of schools.” 
They also put it this way: Spanning the three decades of the Northern Ireland Civil War in the late 20th century, Detroit’s murder rate was more than six times that of Northern Ireland during that same time period.

Yes, many of these murders probably were drug-related; almost all were just “Black-related” killings. This is why STRESS was so necessary, to stop the fratricide in the Black community; but Black people would rather have lawlessness and disorder in their communities and cities; protecting criminals in their midst’s; blaming “whitey” and poverty for their continued problems, then admit the problem rests with them.

Especially in a city that has been so thoroughly re-made into the image of a Black-metropolis as Detroit, where 21,000 murders have happened since 1969 – two years after the Black “rebellion” of 1967.

The most dangerous for a Black person isn’t the womb; it’s Detroit, a metropolis who’s every level of government, police, and public services are run entirely by Black people.

21,000 murders since 1969; this is the legacy of America’s version of the Revolution in San Domingo. Detroit is both “The Mogadishu of the West” and the manifestation of John Brown’s dream, which came true in the Republic of Haiti.

White people fled the ashes and ruins of Detroit after the Black insurrection in 1967, when a raid of a Blind Pig turned into massive Black riot in response to what they deemed “police brutality.”

Since 1969, 21,000 people are dead now, victims of wanton criminality in Detroit.

The Color of Crime report showcases why white people chose not to live in areas with high levels of integration. The reason? Their life might just depend on it:

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involv- ing blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty- five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa., the Baghdad Bob of Black news web sites, had the audacity to publish a story claiming white-on-Black killings are rampant in the new millennium.  Of the eight profiled, the vast majority involve a police officer using lethal force to put down a Black criminal.

Those 21,000 murder victims in Detroit from 1969 to today have no voice. After the Black “rebellion” of 1967, the battle of Detroit had been effectively won; there is no need to pay attention to what happened once Black-rule commenced, for “whitey” had been dethroned.

That 21,000 people have been murdered – and that nearly all of these have been Black – isn’t cause for national concern.

For it to be, we’d have to admit that Black-rule has been a failure, and that Black people lack the capacity to govern themselves and create safe communities.

21,000 murdered in Detroit since 1969. And yet the murder of Trayvon Martin is somehow worth crying over.

Who speaks for the dead in Detroit? No one. There is no money in it, for it would only bring national attention to the disorder rampant in Black-run Detroit; there is a money shot in Organized Blackness running to the defense of a Black kid shot by a Cuban outside of Orlando.

The key to understanding Black-Run America (BRA) is Detroit; to unlock the madness that our modern era is entirely based upon resides in this one city, which could topple the egalitarian nonsense that dominates conventional wisdom (mandated by Disingenuous White Liberals – DWLs - of course).

After the fire and smoke subsided in Detroit following the 1967 Black “rebellion”, and the 82nd Airborne and National Guard units left, President Lyndon B. Johnson set-up the Kerner Commission to find out what went wrong.

Whitey was, of course, blamed. Bill Moyers of PBS would comment on the 40th anniversary of the commission in 2008, publishing this:

Forty years ago race and class was on the minds of Americans too — when The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders released its report on the urban riots of 1967. That report, more commonly known as the Kerner Report, with its stark conclusion that "Our nation is moving towards two societies — one white, one black — separate and unequal" — was a best-seller. It was also the source of great controversy and remains so today. Referencing the Kerner Commission report has become rhetorical shorthand in some ways. 
For critics it suggests wasteful federal spending programs — for others, societal goals and potentials not yet met. In covering the 40th anniversary report USTODAY headlined its 40th anniversary coverage "Goals for Black America Not Met." The article raised some ire when quoting Robert Rector of Heritage Foundation: "Rector says the report ignores a major cause of poverty: single-parent homes. He says 70% of black children do not have a father in the home." That sentiment earned this response from Elliott Currie, a member of the Kerner Commission, 40th Anniversary Task Force: "The implication is that it's the heedless behavior of black men — rather than the strains of a blighted economy and a legacy of discrimination — that is responsible for the continuing crisis of poverty and racial disadvantage 40 years after the Kerner Commission."

Why yes Mr. Currie, it is the fault of heedless Black men. It’s really that simple. It was heedless Black males who primarily pulled the trigger of the gun that ended the lives of more than 21,000 primarily Black people since 1969 in Detroit; it is Black people’s inability to create businesses in Detroit – after white people left and creating thriving suburbs – that would enable the city to have some tax-base for city services.

But we can’t blame Black people in BRA for anything, let alone the collapse of what once was “The Arsenal of Democracy”; we’re we to blame Black people for their actions, the world DWLs have created evaporates into the air like a small puddle on a hot, southern summer day.

Deforce - 120s Trailer from Daniel Falconer on Vimeo.


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