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Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Info Post

Anything titled "Urban" automatically excludes white people... but they'll pay for it
It takes a solid foundation to erect a building. First you need a vision. And then you need sound architectural plans. Next come good contractors electricians, plumbers, masons with a strong work ethic and using the right building materials, be it bricks and mortar, steel, wood.

And that’s just one building. Now consider what you’d need to build an entire city.

Civilization isn’t easy. It doesn’t just magically appear built for you like some Sim City simulation might. It takes decades upon decades to build a thriving metropolis where families can establish roots and a sense of community, where ultimately character can be created as well.

Jefferson County, Alabama – home to Birmingham – recently declared the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history. Like Detroit (89 percent Black), Birmingham is a majority Black city (72 percent Black) that once was considered one of the most advanced metropolises in the world.

Now it’s a permanent home to the cameras of The First 48 television show.

It’s also one of the many cities where the delusion that a metropolis can be socially engineered is on full display. Courtesy of the Obama Administration, the US Small Business Administration (SBA) is hosting Urban Economic Forums across America in the hopes of bolstering minority entrepreneurship in cities where Black privilege has incapacitated economic creativity:

Birmingham Mayor William Bell plans to unveil plans for how to spend $75 million from a new bond issue with a program that aims to boost entrepreneurship and the number of black and minority-owned firms involved in building infrastructure and city-led construction projects.
"We intend to create a program that lends support to businesses who qualify, in turn growing our tax base," Bell told The Birmingham News. "The proposed bond referendum addressing our recent comprehensive plan allows us to invest both in projects and people. Those qualified could start new businesses and others expanded."
Bell will unveil the plan in conjunction with the White House Urban Economic Forum, which chose Birmingham as a host city in part because of the amount of construction projects under way in the city and the high use of minority firms with those projects.
Bell said the city was also chosen, in part, because of the entrepreneurship exhibited at UAB and Innovation Depot.
"Certainly, we are pleased about the White House choosing Birmingham as host city for the Urban Economic Forum, connecting urban entrepreneurs and business owners to the local and national resources they need providing connections to grow their businesses taking them to the next level," Bell said.

The White House Urban Economic Forum held in downtown Birmingham on Monday received high marks for bringing small entrepreneurs and community leaders together with local and federal agencies sharing tools to help their businesses grow.

The White House Business Council and the U.S. Small Business Administration co-hosted the forum, which included a day-long series of seminars and workshops at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex. Attendees also networked with officials from the city of Birmingham, the SBA and other federal agencies, and got one-on-one mentoring.
The White House is hosting a series of the urban forums across the country as part of an effort to connect urban entrepreneurs and business owners with local and national resources that can help them grow and prosper. The first forum was held in New York City last month, and others will be held this year in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Columbus, Detroit, Jacksonville, Kansas City, and Phoenix.

Bell said as mayor he is committed to giving minority businesses the assistance they need to thrive. During the forum, he announced the creation of The Build Birmingham Bonds, a program that will spend $75 million from a new bond issue to boost entrepreneurship and increase the number of minority firms involved in building infrastructure and city-led construction projects.
"We are determined to move Birmingham forward," the mayor said. "This is the beginning of making Birmingham the great city we know it can be."
Chuck Faush, Bell's chief of staff, said the Build Birmingham campaign will be a catalyst for giving minority entrepreneurs the capital and business capacity they need to be successful. Besides partnering with Seedco, a New York-based nonprofit secondary lender, he said the city program wants to work with big banks and other small secondary lenders.
Minority contractors that get work with the city often can't produce the desired results due to lack of cash or manpower, Faush said. "This program will enable minority businesses to be able to do what they say and be successful, which stimulates job growth," he said.
We aren't talking about Jack Kemp approved "Enterprise Zones" here. We're talking about money being appropriated that will directly go to funding the American Dream for everyone except white people.

Few roads are more treacherous then the ones paved with good intentions. Contracts with government agencies (or airports, like Atlanta's Hartsfield International) represent the new American Dream, where it is mandated that a certain percentage of minority contractors or minority-majority firms will have guaranteed work for a certain percentage of the construction or that guarantee such firms early bidding rights..

But this is no way to successfully build a building; it's not the way you should build a new hospital, highway, or tunnel. It's the blueprints for collapse.

The future of America under majority-minority status is so bright, courtesy of the Urban Economic Forum providing the necessary tools for the Black citizens of Detroit, Birmingham, Kansas City, Jacksonville, Phoenix, and Columbus that the need for success as an entrepreneur if you are minority is henceforth certified by the government.

It's a wonder that all of these cities were ever built in the first place! How was that possible without the aid of an assisting arm like the Urban Economic Forum? Why is it that white people succeeded in building America and never needed "enterprise zones" to stimulate economic activity?

Isn't this plan for Birmingham reminiscent of the "Africa Town" plan for Detroit? Because new immigrants to the city were establishing somewhat thriving neighborhoods in a city where they instantly spoke better English than the Black people living there, the Black community decided it was time for "Chinatown" to have some government sponsored ethnic competition:
The Detroit City Council, in defiance of Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, likely will move forward with plans to create an “African Town” in the tradition of Chinatowns and Little Italys nationwide, even though the issue has turned into a racially divisive economic-development proposal.
In July, the council resolved to build up a section of the city devoted to African and black American literature, cuisine and art, which Mr. Kilpatrick endorsed. He vetoed the resolution, however, when it became clear that the council’s plan would allow only black businessmen and investors to use the $38 million earmarked for the project.
Mr. Kilpatrick argued that the resolution is both racist and unconstitutional.
“It’s not the African Town proposal. We like the idea,” said Howard Hughey, spokesman for Mr. Kilpatrick. “But what they are proposing is to create a publicly funded private entity and give one man $40 million to use and distribute to investors, and it is unconstitutional to do that based on race and [the resolution] says very clearly that it would be.”
The nine-member council — which has two white members — voted 7-2 to override Mr. Kilpatrick’s veto and passed the resolution. In addition, they resolved that Detroit is a “majority-minority” city that is underserved.

Typically, Chinatowns, Little Italys and other locales, such as Spanish Harlem in New York, were created by immigrants in a time when they were not accepted in other areas of the city and forced to build their own businesses and communities centered on their respective cultures.
Recently, several cities, including the District, mayors and developers have used the ethnic tag to promote economic development, but never to this extent and never in favor of one ethnic group over another.
The council paid Claude Anderson, a radio talk-show host and author of “Powernomics,” a book on the strength of black spending power, $112,000 for a feasibility study last year, Mrs. Everett said.
She said she was “extremely taken aback” that the study Mr. Anderson delivered appeared to be “a cut-and-paste” from his book and included no information on costs, construction and investment possibilities.
That wonderful Rainbow Coalition of non-whites falls apart pretty quickly when Black people try and pass toothless legislation aimed at creating an African Town 

Can't we already call the condition of Birmingham and Detroit a wonderful replication of real-life "Africa Towns"? Without outside
foreign aid, both cities would be devastated overnight.

Odds are that the Urban Economic Forum and the plans to issue bonds in Birmingham for the express desire of creating "minority entrepreneurs" will not even see the start up of a lemonade stand.

So the White House of Mein Obama is now actively becoming venture capitalists in heavily-Black urban areas . . .

The question must be asked: Why is it that white people, forced to flee heavily Black areas because of inordinately high crime rates, are capable of rebuilding the city they abandoned without government assistance?

Oh. That's right. It takes a solid foundation to build a building, just as it takes a solid foundation of people to build a nation.

It only takes social engineering to destroy a building, a city, or a nation.


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