A month after the Trayvon Martin killing, protests continue to mount, spurred on by the White House and President Obamablatantly attempting to incite the Democratic Party base and demoralize that of the GOP.
At the same time, helpfully publicized by guerilla websites likeDrudge, VDARE.com and my own SBPDL, the Left-wing narrative isunwinding with embarrassing speed—see for example, Trayvon Martin case: Martin was the aggressor, police sources say, by Rene Lynch, Chicago Tribune, March 26, 2012.
But that will do no good if the GOP leadership behaves with the cowardice that Senator John McCain displayed about challenging Democratic voter fraud in the 2008 election.
The shooting of Trayvon Martin has become the defining moment in the Obama Presidency. It’s becoming obvious that, as the 50 black teenagers shouted at the white Marshall family when they attacked their home in Akron, Ohio, after the 2009 July 4th weekend: “This is a black world.” [Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family, By Phil Trexler, Akron Beacon Journal, July 7, 2009]
(Not much seems to have been done about this—see follow-up stores from the same reporter: FBI asked to investigate attack on white family near Firestone Park, July 10, 2009 and Akron Attack Victims Frustrated With Police ResponseJuly 20, 2009.)...
In Louisiana, State Rep. Austin Badon has stated that the National Guard should patrol New Orleans’ Bourbon Street again—not because of Hurricane Katrina looters, but because of high rates of black-on-black crime. The New York Times was appalled to find that the “killers and their victims are overwhelmingly young black men”. [New Orleans Struggles to Stem Homicides, By Campbell Robertson, December 7, 2011] black people cried foul when a new curfew was introduced in The Big Easy in early 2012, even though the law was enacted on their behalf.
- In Chicago IL, President Obama’s home city, Democrats John Fritchey and LaShawn Ford have called for both military intervention and martial law because black-on-black crime/murder is rising.
- In Philadelphia PA, black Flash Mob violence (and black-on-black violence), prompting the city to pass an emergency curfew for the remainder of the summer.
- In Atlanta GA, Noticing trends across the nation, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed worked with the city council to pass a city-wide curfew for the majority black metropolis.
Black on black killings have been on the rise in the Music City. The Washington D.C. based Violence Policy Center noted Nashville had 42 African American murders in 2008, with an even higher rate than Memphis in 2009. Nearly half the murder total can be pinpointed to the large public housing communities such as Napier and Tony Sudekum Homes.
- Les Smith of the Memphis, Tennessee’s local Fox affiliate, reported that black-on-black murders were rising in bothNashville and Memphis:
Unlike Memphis where years of concerted effort by the city to pursue federal grants resulting in the abolishment of 5 infamous housing projects, Nashville has been slow in tearing down such violence-breeding enclavesThere’s a silver-lining to all this though: High rates of “urban” crime in St. Louis —invariably black-on-black—helps prepare Air Force trauma surgeons for the type of blunt wounds they’ll see in combat.
- In St. Louis, MO, black-on-black crime (not to mention black people playing “Knockout King”, a game where they target white and Asians for assault), forced the city to pass curfew rules for downtown, which—hilariously—were used against Occupy protestors in November of 2011.
Similarly, high levels of black on black crime in Baltimore makes the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center an excellent place for training military doctors before they are deployed to conflict zones around the world.
But since Obama’s election, we’ve had nothing but “domestic violence” in communities across the country—with the rights of law-abiding citizens restricted due to the actions of, primarily, black males.
Looking at the landscape of the America in 2012, seeing how many cities require curfews to keep the peace, it is easy to discern the type of “civil unrest” McCain feared. [VDARE.com Note: From our we-told-you-so files, see The Riots Next Time? Racial Violence Looms If Barack Obama Loses—Or Wins, By Matthew Richer on October 24, 2008]
Why does Obama demand “soul-searching” over the death of Trayvon Martin, when every day in America there are hundreds of incidents that should cause all of us to stop and think?
If the eventual GOP nominee is smart, he’ll make this moment—when Barack Obama interjected himself into a sub judice situation whose details are still emerging—decisive in the 2012 race for the White House.
He will demand that President Obama explain why all those murdered black people (forget white people) in Detroit and elsewhere—killed by other black people – aren’t worthy of a “soul searching” moment.
Read the rest there, comment on it here. I'd like to thank Peter Brimelow for publishing this piece, as its a panoramic view of life in America after the historic election of our first (half) Black President of the United States. As an FYI, Brimelow is sitting on some original Paul Kersey's pieces that are just as hard-hitting, including a two-part series on Washington D.C. and Prince George's County.
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