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David and Vivian Bouwman, married for 50+ years: The victims of Spontaneous Blackness |
Married for more than 50 years, the Pattersons are the type of people who are rarely celebrated, but play an integral part in building stable communities from which are produced the type of people capable of progressing society; Javonte Higgins is a byproduct of a community capable of regressing society.
No - Javonte Higgins is a perfect representation of what one community is producing across the nation, and the reason why people go to such extraordinary lengths to insulate themselves from the threat of Spontaneous Blackness.
One can't help but think of their grandparents when they see an image of David and Vivian Bouwman, a strong couple who were married when the sky-seemed-the-limit for Michigan's largest city, Detroit; they were murdered in the beginning portion of January 2013, when the sky has all but fallen on 92 percent black Detroit, a city producing nothing but future Javonte Higgins as we speak ['They were loved' say friends of Kentwood couple murdered during weekend home invasion, Michigan Live, 1-6-13]:
KENTWOOD, MI — Friends and family members of David and Vivian Bouwman are grieving this weekend after the beloved West Michigan grandparents were found murdered on Saturday during whatpolice say was a home invasion.
“They were loved,” said longtime friend Joan Medema of Grandville, who attends the Byron area Rush Creek Bible Church where the Bouwmans were decades-long members.
“They were very active in the church,” she said. “They had lots of friends.”
What happened to them is "evil."
David Bouwman, 81, and his wife, Vivian Bouwman, 80, were found dead inside their light blue two-story suburban home at 2289 StoweValley Drive SE in Kentwood’sPrinceton Estates subdivision on Saturday, Jan. 5.
Two lives extinguished by - allegedly - a black male... who the putrid Michael Moore told us white people were wrongly fearful of and the primary reason why they purchased fire arms to depend themselves from.Police have released few details about the double murder, but did say they were led to the residence on Saturday morning after Wyoming police found a burned-out Cadillac DeVille dumped on the 3800 block of Madison Avenue.
Sons of Obama strike again: Javonte Higgins held for Bouwman double-homocide
Two lives extinguished in the blink of eye; Two lives spent 50 + years together that will warrant no national outcry in how they were ended, nor produce columns or news reports dripping withDisingenuous White Liberal (DWL) guilt over how all black people must be held responsible for Mr. Higgins actions (as Eugene Patterson stated all white Southerners must share the burden of the 16th Street Birmingham Church Bombing).
Two lives extinguished in a city in Michigan, which serves as nothing more then Anywhere, USA at this point; where neighbors of the Bouwman's gathered for a vigil in honor of two people who spent a lifetime together [Candlelight vigil in memory of slain Kentwood couple a symbol that 'evil will not prevail', Michigan Live, 1-8-13].
Just who is this Javonte Higgins? Besides being a black habitual criminal, he is the modern face of black males in America that we turn away from acknowledge while simultaneously cheering on the Southeastern Conference (SEC) football and basketball filled to the brim with young men but a second from engaging in Spontaneous Blackness [Javonte Higgins' long criminal record:He's "person of interest" in Bouwman killings, Wood TV (NBC), 1-11-13]:
Just who is this Javonte Higgins? Besides being a black habitual criminal, he is the modern face of black males in America that we turn away from acknowledge while simultaneously cheering on the Southeastern Conference (SEC) football and basketball filled to the brim with young men but a second from engaging in Spontaneous Blackness [Javonte Higgins' long criminal record:He's "person of interest" in Bouwman killings, Wood TV (NBC), 1-11-13]:
"Evil will not prevail'... sadly the lack of outrage over the murder of a white octogenarian couple that spent 50+ years together in marriage is a sign 'good' is being trounced.
Javonte Higgins, identified as a person of interest in the killings of David and Vivian Bouwman, was arrested in September 2012 after he was found with a vehicle full of valuables and burglary tools near a Kentwood home.
A neighbor in the 5000 block of Ticonderoga saw Higgins disappear behind a home that day and called police. When they arrived, the back door of that home was open, the insides were ransacked and Higgins allegedly had the valuables.
He said he was just taking a walk, but was arrested and charged with second-degree home invasion and possessing burglars tools. He stayed in jail for a few weeks until his bond was reduced to $15,000. He posted the bond and was scheduled to appear in court next Monday, Jan. 14.
But his attorney told 24 Hour News 8 on Friday that hearing had already been postponed because he had been in a car accident and wasn't able to show up in court.
That hearing was postponed on Thursday -- hours before he was named a person of interest in the Bouwman slayings. His attorney said she had no idea he was a person of interest in that case.
Beginning in 2005, when Higgins was 14, he ran away several times, was caught repeatedly smoking marijuana, assaulted someone, resisted arrest, was chased by police and tried to break into a home. All before he was 17.
Shortly after his 17th birthday, Higgins was arrested for breaking-and-entering a home in the 7400 block of Old Lantern Drive in Gaines Township. In that case, the homeowner was there when he and another man broke in. She locked herself in the bathroom and called police.
They ran, but when police found Higgins and his partner they were able to match his shoeprints to some found at the scene. In that case, he was charged with first-degree home invasion.
He admitted he broke a window to get in -- similar to how the Bouwmans' killer entered their home on Stowevalley Drive. He dodged a possible 20-year sentence by testifying against his accomplice, instead spending three years in prison.We don't hold the shoe of a slain black child as did Patterson's imaginary white Southerner in his "A Flower for the Graves" speech; Birmingham in 2013, a 75 percent black city on the edge of death is a fitting reminder of the flower that grew from the grave of 16th Street Birmingham Baptist Church incident.
No, we hold a picture of David and Vivian Bouwman in our hands and turn away from the reality crashing in around an increasing number of cities across America; these could be our grandparents whose lives were extinguished in but a blink of an eye.
We hold a picture of David and Vivian Bouwman and are reminded that Michael Moore is correct -- white people do buy guns to protect themselves from black people; not out of racism, but out of necessity to prevent the same fate that befell the Bouwman's from taking place.
We hold a picture of David and Vivian Bouwman, and look at the faces of two white grandparents, just like the ones who raised President Barack Obama; though we know he would, just as he did with Trayvon Martin, look upon Javonte Higgins and see the son he never had staring back at him.
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