Breaking News
Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Info Post
Racist? We all know truth has a well-known racial bias.
Newsone is pissed. So is the Los Angeles Times. So is CNN. So is The Weekly Standard. So is The New York Times. So is National Review. So is Business Insider. So is... every body.

Why? Because once again those pesky Ron Paul newsletters from the 1990s (when America was poised to save herself) are being trotted out to derail the Ron Paul for President campaign. We at SBPDL are not enthralled with his candidacy (though through his actions of severely retarding the growth of government by adhering to the US Constitution would be hilarious; the artificial Black middle class would die overnight), but will now ask this one simple question: can anyone prove that Ron Paul is wrong regarding the content of his newsletters?

The Business Insider published these excerpts:

Some choice quotes:
  • "Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."
  • "We are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, it is hardly irrational."
  • After the Los Angeles riots, one article in a newsletter claimed, "Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks."  
  • One referred to Martin Luther King Jr. as "the world-class philanderer who beat up his paramours" and who "seduced underage girls and boys."
  • Another referred to Barbara Jordan, a civil rights activist and congresswoman as "Barbara Morondon," the "archetypical half-educated victimologist."
Hmm, nothing in these comments is objectionable. Well, at least when you are trying to be truthful. But in Black-Run America (BRA), truth is always the first causality, because it happens to have a racial bias. Just look at the crime statistics for Washington D.C. (it's only Black people killing each other or mugging/robbing/assaulting white people or Black people).

Those LA riots? One billion dollars worth of damage, because a Black guy named Rodney King didn't want to cooperate with the police. By the way, how much property damage are Black people responsible for each year in not only Los Angeles; in not only California; but in all of the United States? Quantify that number, and you might start to understand why calling the Black Undertow a sunk cost isn't that far off the mark.

Of course you should be afraid of Black men. More than 50 percent of the murders in 2010 were committed by Black males, who make up less than five percent of the United States population (not to mention that one million Black males are in prison). 

Hate Ron Paul all you want. Demonize him. Criticize him and chastise him as a racist, a bigot, etc. It doesn't change the fact that what he wrote is true. published this story,  which documents that Paul went on CNN to apologize for the newsletters:
Texas congressman and GOP Presidential candidate Ron Paul appeared on CNN and was questioned about the racist newsletters that were written under his name in the 80s and 90s.
Ron Paul disavowed the newsletters and claimed he didn’t write them. He said that they were written by between six or eight people who worked for his staff. When asked if he could find out who wrote the newsletters Paul said “Well, possibly I could.”
Why try and disavow the truth? Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime in America; Black people make any city they live in unsafe (especially Prince George's County) and drive down property values primarily because the school system inevitably tanks once Black people become a numerical majority.

Remove Black people from the equation, and the United States of America is already on Mars. Instead, we have spent trillions on government housing, trying to close the racial gap in learning, incarcerating this disproportionately criminal people, feeding (EBT/Food stamps, free lunches at school), and housing (Section 8 Housing), plus trillions more in TANF/Welfare and health care. Oh, and we have had to abandon major cities because it is unsafe to live around Black people.

Still, Black people follow prosperity (what we call the Black Undertow), bringing true Climate Change to Whitopia's created for the sole purpose of avoiding Black people.

Black-Run America (BRA) could end tomorrow. All Ron Paul would have to do is, "Yes, I wrote those newsletters. More importantly, what I wrote was grounded in a truth that is outlawed in our time, because offending Black people is the greatest criminal offense in America, according to the white liberals who run it."

But he won't. All it takes is one person -- in a position like a Ron Paul - to show courage and say the equivalent of "F--k you" to those Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLS) who enforce BRA, and it's over.

People need dramatic examples to shake them from their apathy. By saying, "Yes, I wrote them. Prove me where I'm wrong," Ron Paul could change everything. By asking those in the media to show where he is wrong, he would show that the emperor has no clothes.

All they can do is call you a "racist." That's it.

You'll survive these attacks. By showing a little courage, you might even be surprised at how many people are there to pick you up and dust you off after you've been tarred and feathered, and been branded with the Scarlet R.

America's ready, or Real America is ready. Just wait until 2012. It's going to be the Year of SBPDL.

Those evil Ron Paul newsletters from the 1990s are true. That Paul -- the so-called fighter of liberty -- won't even dare protest the accusations of "racist" being thrown his way shows you the power of BRA. More importantly, it shows you that the concept of 'freedom' did fail.

There's truth in the Paul letters; that we can't even discuss them in a civilized manner is once again proof that freedom failed.


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