Actual Black-Run America (ABRA) Detroit's demise is near |
Some are aware of the impending storm; most are afraid to admit it exists, preferring to ban all talk of unsavory topics on a so-called "Free" Republic; others have decided all that matters is lowering taxes for millionaires and billionaires, pursuing any and all avenues for reaching this objective; others -we call them Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) - have decided that the approaching calamity is a time to go all in on the "right vs. left" rhetoric.
None of this will matter once the storm hits, for, like Hurricane Katrina, all that will be left in its wake is the unvarnished truth that those on both the politically-acceptable left and right work feverishly to hide: Detroit's collapse through financial mismanagement, depleted tax-base, shuttered businesses and completely broken local economy is due 100 percent to being the crown jewel of Actual Black-Run America (ABRA).
BRA doesn't mean that America is run by Black people; it means America - at every level of society - is run for the benefit of Black people, to the detriment of everyone else.
ABRA means, literally, that Black people control all levels of society in a given geographic area (be it city or county).
In BRA, freedom is denied to, well, everyone who isn't Black. In ABRA, most white people have completely fled the city or county, leaving behind Black people to tend to running the government, courts, schools, city services, and sustaining an economy.
Examples of ABRA would be Clayton County in Georgia, Prince George's County in Maryland, Baltimore, Birmingham, Memphis, Newark, and, who can forget, Detroit.
And it is Detroit - on the heels of Jefferson County (home to 72 percent Black Birmingham) declaring the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history - that WILL soon run out of money and declare the same.
People always like to say that the hope rests in the children, but with the sons and daughters of Detroit's leaders producing the worst 2011 NAEP scores in both reading and math of any big city in America, the future so bleak in that city you'd literally have to possess the atomic energy of the sun to see grounds for optimism.
Any ABRA city or county shows that freedom failed, with property value plummeting amid the exodus of citizens looking for "good schools" and a safe place to raise a family. Businesses immediately fold, with a large part of the remaining citizenry subsisting on government entitlements (EBT, TANF/Welfare, Section 8 Housing) and having no discretionary income to spend on luxury items. Or even 'needs' most of the time.
ABRA Detroit's collapse has DWLs worried, most notably those at MSNBC:
The potential takeover of the city of Detroit by an “emergency manager” under a controversial Michigan law was the topic of the night on MSNBC Thursday, with the Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz shows tackling the topic.
In Pontiac, emergency manager Louis Schimmel responded to a WJR radio host’s question of whether he is a tyrant, by saying “I guess I’m the tyrant in Pontiac, then.”
According to an analysis by Chris Savage, a Democratic activist who runs the blog Ecectablog, when you count the cities and towns that have already been taken over by emergency managers, and cities like Detroit that are under review, 50.7 percent of blacks in Michigan are “on the verge of having no meaningful local democracy,” Maddow said.
Maddow said the story of Michigan’s emergency manager law “could be the most important and most under-covered story of the year,” a belief Maddow said she shares with Schultz.
During his show, Schultz talked to Rev. Alexander Bullock of Rainbow Push Detroit, who called the emergency manager law “the end of democracy.”
Pointing to what he called racial implications of the law, Schultz highlighted one Detroit city council member’s description of the emergency manager as a “master…someone to control the plantation.” And he noted that Michigan congressman John Conyers is calling on the Justice Department to investigate the law, which Conyers said could perpetuate discrimination.
Bullock referred to the emergency managers authorized by the law as “emergency dictators.”
“We thought the end of democracy is in Michigan,” Bullock said. “The end of democracy is in Michigan. Michigan is the new Mississippi.”50.7 percent of Blacks in Detroit are on the verge of having no "Democracy," because the concept of freedom has failed. White people were forced to leave Detroit in the late 1960s after brutal Black rioting made raising a family there an impossibility. One can only hope that the end of democracy in Michigan is at hand, for Detroit is an example of what ABRA will eventually do to any other city in America that goes that direction.
Thus the slow ceding of Detroit into ABRA began, culminating in the city becoming synonymous with corruption, crime, decadence, dereliction, and America's irreversible decline. But that decline is immutably tied to both the universal, dogmatic enforcement of BRA and the hundreds of cities and counties where actual ABRA exists.
Black people had the opportunity to take Detroit to new heights once white people left; Black people had the opportunity to sustain Detroit once white people left; instead, Black people once again reminded the rest of America what happens when a town goes ABRA... it fails.
Democracy isn't ending, no. Something more powerful is at play. Just as in the waning of the Soviet Union, most within the Iron Curtain no longer believed the lies of the state, a growing number of those held captive - and without Democracy in America - by BRA know that Detroit's collapse is 100 percent racial.
Those on holding positions of power on both the "right and the left" will refuse to admit this, knowing their seat at the 21st Century Nobility Table -- reserved only for traitors to Real America -- would be at jeopardy if they reneged on the promise for publicly joining the ranks of Those Who Can See.
One Detroit council member had the audacity to say the state takeover of ABRA Detroit would turn it into a "plantation," but Walter Russell Mead’s blog on The American Interest states:
“Plantation”? “Plantation” is a colloquialism for a prosperous place where white people live good and make money from the back-breaking labor of black people.Rachel Maddow would still find a way to spin this truth into blaming white people for the fall of Detroit because not enough money was spent on Black people.
Detroit is a place where the predominantly black population doesn’t work but receives handouts from white middle and upper-middle class taxpayers in the form of food stamps, welfare, health benefits, etc. Rather than being prosperous, the whole thing is collapsing. “Plantation”? OK, you can start calling me a racist now. Just remember, I wasn’t the one who made this a racial issue.”
Pontiac, Michigan (51 percent Black) is one of those towns that has been taken over by the state of Michigan. Home to the built for millions upon millions, but sold for half-a-million dollars Pontiac Silverdome, the city is another reminder that freedom failed:
If you don’t feel like sugar-coating it, the emergency manager—Pontiac is one of three Michigan cities currently run by one—is an admission that democracy occasionally doesn’t work. Michigan introduced an emergency “financial” manager law in 1990, as a way to straitjacket cities that were failing.That the experiment of ABRA in Detroit ends so... so much like what happens when colonialism ends in Africa will not be addressed by the managerial elite who work to keep BRA moving forward.
But to Those Who Can See, the impending financial takeover of ABRA Detroit by the state of Michigan will be another reminder that freedom failed. And you'd be shocked at the number of Those Who Can See.
You can hear the rumbling. For those who ready, ABRA Detroit is about to be struck with a lightning bolt of truth that no sob story from MSNBC can help overcome.
Freedom Failed.
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