In Miami, the unthinkable happened: a truck carrying 3,000 turkeys -- courtesy of Don King -- never arrived to deliver free fowl to hungry people in Little Haiti. And by hungry people, we mean Black people:
Hundreds of needy South Floridians were disappointed to learn Friday that a truck loaded with Christmas turkeys to be donated by boxing promoter Don King had been hijacked. Don King’s spokesman Robert Weneck said the truck full of 2,000 turkeys bound for South Florida went missing over night. The truck was found abandoned near Pompano Beach sometime Friday morning, according to Weneck
While the turkeys were still inside, the fowl had to be discarded because nobody was sure whether they’d been temperature-controlled and safe to eat.
“I just hope everything gets better for us,” said Dorothy Clay from Deerfield Beach, who was supposed to receive a turkey. “It’s very hard,” she said, wiping a tear from her eye, “it’s very hard.”
Don King, a resident of Delray Beach, has been giving away turkeys at Christmas time for years. But unfortunately, hundreds of people in West Palm Beach, Deerfield Beach and Miami came away empty-handed this year.
“They tell me that the truck has been hijacked,” said King, “and that we ain’t got no turkeys to give, so we’ve got to figure out a plan “b” of when we can get a truck.”
There is some good news however. Weneck said a date to replace the turkeys will be determined on Monday.
I know, I know. We shouldn't make fun of this story, but it reminded us of the immortal Popeye's incident in Rochester, New York from three years ago. There, Black people were morally outraged that a Popeye's franchise ran out of fried chicken. For those wondering, that video was the impetus behind Stuff Black People Don't Like.
With it being Christmas time, we're reminded of the 1980s classic "Do They Know it's Christmas Time?" song by such rock legends as Bono (of U2), Sting, George Michael, Boy George (okay, not him), Phil Collins, etc.
It's about Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) feeling sorry for the fact that Black people can't feed themselves in Africa. Well, Black people can't feed themselves in America either. That's why "The Day the EBT Card Runs Out" is the next Hurricane Katrina for this nation. Well, that, or if utility rates rise in Black Undertow areas...
Watch these three videos and ask yourself this question: "Why can't we just say no more?"
The first two videos show something... sad. We mean this. But why can't the top rockers/pop stars in England get together now and release another Christmas song that addresses the fact that Black people in America can't feed themselves either?
Oh well, at least we can listen to these wonderful lines from "Do they know it's Christmas time?":
And it's a world of dreaded fear
Where the only water flowing is a bitter sting of tears
And the christmas bells that ring there are the clanging chimes of doom
The "clanging chimes of doom?" No, that will be the noise that is heard on the "Day the EBT Cards Run Out"...
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