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21st Century England: No crime here when it's a white person be attacked. |
Meanwhile, a gang of Black girls (Muslims from Somalia for those counting at home) will be free to roam England like Morgan Freeman's character Azeem in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves after participating in a racial beat down of a white girl (while her boyfriend watched):
A gang of Muslim girls who repeatedly kicked a young woman in the head walked free from court after a judge heard they were 'not used to being drunk' because of their religion.
The group screamed 'kill the white slag' while kicks raining in on 22-year-old Rhea Page as she lay motionless on the ground, the court heard.
The attackers - three sisters and their cousin - were told by a judge that normally they would have been sent to jail.
However, he handed the girls - all Somalian Muslims - suspended sentences after hearing that they were not used to alcohol because their religion does not allow it.
Their victim was left with a bald patch after they pulled a chunk out of her hair during the attack on the High Street, Leicester.
Ambaro and Hibo Maxamed, both 24, their sister Ayan, 28, and cousin Ifrah Nur, 28, attacked Rhea, a care worker, as she walked to a taxi rank with her boyfriend after a night out.
The victim, a support worker, was left so traumatised that she lost her job following repeated absences with stress and flashbacks, Leciester Crown Court was told.
The charge - assault occasioning actual bodily harm - carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.
James Bide-Thomas, prosecuting, said Ambaro Maxamed, who started the violence, had called Miss Page a 'white bitch' during the incident.
'White bitch' and "kill the white slag" are no longer considered evidence of racial hate in England, because the government of that nation is actively trying to import a new people (if you recall the admission that the Labor Party was actively promoting mass immigration there).
The women, who are all Somalian Muslims, were not charged with racial aggravation.
Much as the Democratic Party is abandoning the white working class vote in America, every party in England has abandoned any hope of defending the English people. Emma West is in prison for words; a gang of Black Muslims from Somalia are free to roam England after beating a native Englishwoman.
Words can hurt in an age of tyranny; they have the power to motivate |
In America, Black people participated in violent Mahogany Mobs all across the nation (the most frightening occurring at the Wisconsin State Fair in Milwaukee where hundreds of Black people attacked whites, even pulling many scared pale-faces from their cars).
Parts of Paris are no longer safe for native Frenchmen to walk, or police to dare tread.
If 2011 has taught you anything, it must be that the concept of freedom is dead. Mark Steyn - who basically admits a race war is coming in his new book After America that National Review sends to all new subscribers - tells us the only way to save the country is to embrace "liberty" and "freedom."
What does that even mean anymore, when the Federal Government actively works to resettle refugees from places likes Somalia - the same country where those charming girls in England threatened to kill a white girl and went unpunished - to homogeneous states like Maine or a city like Minneapolis that had virtually no crime prior to their arrival?
Any Whitopia erected outside of a crime infested Black Undertow major city will inevitably be circled for destruction by the Department of (In) Justice and HUD with Section 8 communities placed squarely in the middle of Main Street. Just ask New Berlin.
Just remember we live in Black-Run America (BRA) and the threat by the Black Caucus in Atlanta to sue cities for white flight must be taken seriously (Atlanta would die without its white tax-base to lean upon and practice an extreme form of racial monetary redistribution).
England no longer prevails. Not for the left-wing wing notions endemic in Alan Moore's V for Vendetta (or the movie of the same title), but for the reasons outlined in this article:
V for Vendetta is almost a perfect reversal of the actual situation in England today. In the film, an ultra nationalistic and Christian theocratic government uses state terrorism to coerce the masses behind a repressive right wing agenda. The Church of England rules the moral landscape. Muslims, homosexuals, and immigrants are all imprisoned or deported. Guy Fawkes is a long forgotten hero who struck a blow against tyranny.
In the actually existing England of today, the English flag is considered a racist symbol. The officials of the state are told the Red Cross is offensive because it reminds those oppressed Muslims about the Crusades. Six year olds are investigated for racism. The leader of the Church of England is busy advocating for Muslim Sharia law. The state maintains that Islamic terrorism must be labeled “anti-Islam activity” so Muslims do not have their feelings hurt. It is not criminal to be a homosexual – , even in the mildest of terms. Perhaps most revealing, political leaders have actually admitted that mass immigration offered no benefits for England but was a tactic to make electing conservatives and libertarians impossible in the future by flooding the country with Third Worlders dependent on the welfare state. In essence, by their own words, the English government is a conspiracy against their own people.
In a movie that I immediately understood when I saw it back in 1998, these immortals lines are heard:
Figuring things out for yourself is practically the only freedom anyone really has nowadays. Use that freedom.If you are new to SBPDL, spend some time exploring the archives (or pick up a copy of one of the three books over Amazon) and use the only true freedom we have left. Black-Run America (BRA) exists and the logical outcome is on display in England.
Emma West sits in jail; a gang of Black Muslim's from Somalia have been set free after beating a white girl and yelling "Kill the white slag."
That's your freedom. That's your liberty. One man's freedom and one man's liberty is another man's tyranny. Now you understand where BRA is heading in America.
Free Emma West. For the West.
Hunter Wallace points out a 96-year-old British war veteran was assaulted by members of the Black Undertow on the same tram that Emma West was cited for "racial hatred." Liberty failed. Freedom failed. Public transportation could work in America (and does work in a majority white - though shamed by this fact - like Portland), but it can't work when you cede control to the Black Undertow. Just look at MARTA. Look at Cleveland's problems. Look at Detroit, where Black bus drivers sit idle at the Rosa Parks Bus Terminal, fearful of going into certain areas of that dying city because of the behavior of Black riders.
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