Breaking News
Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Info Post
(PK NOTE: I have a surprise planned for the moment Detroit declares bankruptcy and is taken over by the state of Michigan. Life is too short to allow this moment to pass-by without something big to celebrate the occasion of the Black Undertow squandering the resources and infrastructure of what was once one of the world's great cities and turning into a direct representation -- and extension -- of the Black phenotype seen all around the world. Detroit's collapse has nothing to do with 'liberalism' or 'socialism'; it has everything to do with Actual Black-Run America (ABRA). 

Have we started a fire? No... but the fire rises anyways.
The Black Undertow. Nothing is more lethal to the overall health of a county; a city; a business district; or a community then white flight from one of these aforementioned places and bequeathing of the sound infrastructure (abandoned is the right word) to the Black Undertow.

Formerly thriving business districts die immediately. Schools that once produced some of the highest standardized test scores in the nation are replaced with an army of probation officers to keep the peace instead of teaching the Pythagorean Theory.

Malls where commerce once thrived are boarded up. Property values plummet with the rise of the Black Undertow; tax-revenue drops considerably, forcing corrupt government officials (the hallmark of the Black Undertow) to find unorthodox manners in which to raise funds.

We call this Climate Change.

In 2011, across the United States of America, there was no major threat of Muslim terrorist activity (End all threats of Islamic terror by actively seeking to repatriate existing Muslims in America and discontinue all Muslim immigration to the United States).

In 2011, across the United States of America, there were minor terrorist engagements that one man dared expose: Matt Drudge and the heroic Drudge Report shamed every conservative -- those clueless non-profits in Washington that steal good people's money and every web site that still publishes crap about Detroit failing because of 'liberal policies' -- by showing us the Black Undertow in all its glory.

Who can forget the Memorial Day madness? Who can forget the numerous cities that through up the white flag and passed emergency curfews in response to this persistent threat? Who can forget that freedom failed in New Orleans, where the National Guard could emerge in 2012 as the watchful protector of law-abiding citizens from the savagery of the Black Undertow?

Flash Mobs Mahogany Mobs waged war on white people, each other, and unsuspecting businesses in Philadelphia, Kansas City, Peoria, Cleveland, Columbia (S.C), Washington D.C., Chicago, and many, many other cities. Immediately after the election of Mein Obama, these Mahogany Mobs started in places like Akron, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and at the Iowa State Fair.

In St. Louis, despite the best efforts of journalists to proclaim that participants in the Knockout King were 'youth', it's well-known that Black people hold a complete monopoly on this barbaric activity. Yes, just as Black people NATIONWIDE engaged in the 2011 Air Jordan Riots, Black people have once again come to dominate the interracial crime statistics this past year.

Only the most Disingenuous White Liberal (DWL) can still hold out hope that a story involving some heinous crime will not be a Black-on-white (or Black-on-insert racial group here) activity. Judging by the comments of any story on the Memphis, Atlanta, Nashville, Chattanooga, Dallas, Los Angeles, well, name-your-city ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX affiliate, your average American knows the score all too well.

A once thriving mall... now dead because of the Black Undertow
People know that the Black Undertow is responsible for the vast majority of crime and do everything possible to avoid living near it... even if that means commuting 10 + hours to and from work a week to ensure the safety of their family in some Whitopia, they'll do it.

Worse, these criminals now have an Attorney General in Eric "My People" Holder who actively sides with them over the law-abiding masses. His Department of Justice (DoJ) is suing states that dare make people show proper identification; his DoJ is suing police and fire departments that dare make Black people suffer the indignity of showing mental acumen by passing a test that measures their intelligence; his DoJ is... completely refusing to acknowledge nationwide violence courtesy of the Black Undertow.

Then again, haven't all administrations turned a blind-eye to this threat? Who cares how many cities and counties that were once peaceful places to raise a family and were filled with an abundance of jobs courtesy of productive, law-abiding people have turned into Clayton County? Worse, how many malls have gone the way of Union Station (the former Shannon Mall) in Fulton County -- home of Atlanta -- Georgia?

Union Station closed because white people stopped frequenting that mall; white people stopped frequenting that mall because the presence of the Black Undertow made shopping there a dangerous proposition; stores closed because of a loss of profits, white people deciding to shop elsewhere because loitering Black people made the experience uncomfortable and unsafe; the myth of Black Purchasing Power was exposed as the Black Undertow couldn't sustain the mall (security costs outpaced sales).

This exact same scenario has happened to malls across the country. Chris Rock wouldn't be joking about it if it weren't true. We call it Mall Envy at SBPDL.

The aptly named Mall of America is headed that same way:
Police arrested nine people at the Mall of America Monday, the day after Christmas, after multiple fights broke out, authorities said.

Mall of America officials released a statement saying that around 4:20 p.m. 50 juveniles caused a large disturbance in the north food court.
Witnesses said the fights started after there were reports that rappers Lil’ Wayne and Drake were visiting the Mall. Police, however, did not comment on these rumors.
Cmdr. Mark Stehlik of Bloomington police said in a press conference that 30 officers responded to the fight and arrested five people (both adults and juveniles) for disorderly conduct.
Mall of America security arrested four other people for disorderly conduct as well, Mall officials said.
Police said as many as 200 were involved the fights. A YouTube video, which contains profanity, shows a fight break out and rage before a police officer interrupts it. The fight occurs at roughly 50 seconds in.
As the fights were popping up, the Mall of America inadvertently called for a lock down. But the lock down was called off minutes later, Mall officials said.
There were no reports of serious injuries, Mall official said.
Although the Mall kept its normal hours, some stores within the Mall closed early.
Some witnesses reported being evacuated from the Mall; but police said that shoppers were escorted toward the east exit to make room for the investigation.

Rumors of rappers led to a massive riot and the lock-down of the Mall of America? This is why Freedom of Association must make a comeback if we are to survive as a nation. Because business can't discriminate, well, you see what happened to Union Station.

Here's another story on the Mall of America Black Riot of 2011:
Fists flew and so did a few chairs during a large-scale brawl at the Mall of America Monday.
"Anytime you have a large group of people together things can happen," said Commander Mark Stehlik with Bloomington Police. "But this is highly unusual."
Shortly after 4 p.m., authorities confirm more than 20 individuals started fighting in the north food court. Cellphone video uploaded to YouTube shows dozens of young people watching while some push, punch, and even throw chairs. At that same time, police say several other fights flared up in other places of the mall.
"There were drinks thrown on the floor and chairs being thrown everywhere," said Tess Dessalgne who witnessed the brawl. "Everyone started running towards the fight."
No, Commander Stehlik, anytime you have large groups of Black people together, without a massive police response that resembles martial law -- just ask the good folks at the Indiana Black Expo -- then anything can happen. Perhaps this is why the people of Miami no longer want Black people to celebrate Memorial Day in their city?

OD showed some unsurprising statistics when it comes to entitlement abuse from the Black Undertow in Minneapolis (undoubtedly, many of the youths Black people involved in Mall of America Brawl for All subsist on redistributed tax-dollars):
Note: In 2009, 47 percent of African-Americans in Hennepin County, Minnesota were EBT card users. The number is undoubtedly much higher almost three years later. See also Looting in Minneapolis after Tornado? Who looted?
The Beat Whitey Night II event at the Wisconsin State Fair was the moment that I realized the end of Black-Run America (BRA) was an absolutely certainty: Just like in the waning days of the Soviet Union, people no longer believe in this insanity. No national figure has started to articulate a cogent argument against BRA yet, but that doesn't matter.

Have we started a fire? No, but the fire rises anyways.

We didn't start the fire. Nor will anyone know how to put it out.

DWLs know this too.

Baltimore, Washington D.C., Richmond, Philadelphia, Birmingham, Charlotte, Minneapolis, Houston, Tulsa (Oklahoma), Seattle, Hartford, Providence, Augusta, Mobile, Orlando, Tampa, Oakland... all of these cities are dangerous because of the Black Undertow. Entire shopping complexes are abandoned when the costs of doing business (and securing that business) is overwhelmed by the Black Undertow.

In Birmingham, the city has basically been rebuilt in the suburbs; white people giving up hope of ever saving downtown Birmingham and leaving its citizens as perpetual stars and cast members of The First 48 tv show.

Atlanta's suburbs that jettison as far as the Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee state lines are directly related to white people fleeing one city/county that the Black Undertow overwhelms and rebuilding it again in the futile hopes of escaping.

Just like any mall that the Black Undertow takes over; just like any city that the Black Undertow inherits the existing infrastructure of upon the inevitable white flight; just like any county that goes majority Black Undertow, the end result is always the same as that which befell Union Station.

The aptly named Mall of America is not immune from this iron law of the visible Black Undertow hand. Just look at Detroit, Birmingham, and Clayton County for the proof of what happens when Black people inherit the existing infrastructure of a formerly world-class city or county... it isn't pretty. 

Have we started a fire?


But the fire rises anyway.

Like it or not, 2012 is gonna be a hell of a year.


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