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Tuesday, 17 January 2012

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The whole world of Black-Run America (BRA) could come crashing down and end tomorrow.

It won't.

But it could.

I'm just one, largely insignificant person. I can be ignored. Or I can be destroyed.

Memo to Jesse Jackson: Walt Disney selected Orlando for the future home of Disney World when it was still segregated
But tomorrow, were I one of the GOP contenders for POTUS, a press conference would be called to address some recent accusations of Jesse Jackson. The Republicans, unlike the Democrats, haven't given up on the white working class in America though they could care less about defending that groups interests. In fact, the Republican Party exists solely because of the white vote (though their dispossession continues unabated courtesy of these largely septuagenarian white career politicians) and to maintain its position as a national party must continue to increase its share of the white vote.

Before we continue, let's take a look at what Jackson stated:
The Rev. Jesse Jackson says he wants to hear the candidates at the Republican presidential debate tonight - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - discuss racial issues, which the civil rights activist says the GOP hopefuls have avoided throughout the campaign.

“I want to hear from them — do they support Dr. King and the New South movement? Do they appreciate Dr. King’s legacy?” Jackson told POLITICO. “These candidates talk about free enterprise, but do they understand that there would be no Boeing plant in South Carolina if blacks and whites couldn’t work together? That you couldn’t have CNN with a segregated Atlanta, or a Disney World in a segregated Florida?”
“I’ve not seen one of them with African-Americans in their ads or going to an African-American church,” Jackson said of the 2012 hopefuls. “It is an irony that they are having a debate on Martin Luther King Day, when all of them are running on state’s rights.”
According to Jackson, by embracing states’ rights, all of the GOP candidates are running campaigns whose platforms run counter to the very reasons Dr. King is hailed a national hero. “The Tenth Amendment was a rationale for southern segregation,” he said. “All of [the candidates] are running on states’ rights, when precisely the cause to defeat states’ rights chose the Thirteenth Amendment.”
What does Jackson mean by the 'New South movement'? Does he mean white people fleeing major cities like Birmingham, Memphis, Atlanta, Montgomery, Miami, Orlando, Jackson, Charlotte, and Columbia to settle in safer areas where they can raise their families ensconced in unmentionable whiteness? 

And what does Jackson mean about not having a Walt Disney World in a segregated Florida? Walt Disney himself scouted the land when segregation was still in full-effect down south, using dummy corporations to buy the land that would become the Magic Kingdom in Dixie in as early as 1963:
Walt Disney flew over the Orlando site (one of many) in November 1963. Seeing the well-developed network of roads, including the planned Interstate 4 and Florida's Turnpike, with McCoy Air Force Base (later Orlando International Airport) to the east, Disney selected a centrally-located site near Bay Lake.

To avoid a burst of land speculation, Disney used various dummy corporations to acquire 27,443 acres (11,106 ha) of land.

In May 1965, some of these major land transactions were recorded a few miles southwest of Orlando in Osceola County. Also, two large tracts totaling $1.5 million were sold, and smaller tracts of flatlands and cattle pastures were purchased by exotic-sounding companies such as the Latin-American Development and Management Corporation and the Reedy Creek Ranch Corporation (Some of these names are now memorialized on a window above Main Street, U.S.A. in the Magic Kingdom). In addition to three huge parcels of land were many smaller parcels, referred to as "outs."

And there wouldn't be a CNN without an integrated Atlanta? Didn't Ted Turner personally fund Gettysburg and Gods and Generals, two movies that glorify the cause of secession? Didn't he even sing the song "The Bonnie Blue Flag" in the latter film?Has Jackson ever been to Atlanta? The white suburbs of metro-Atlanta surround the city like some perversely unfinished puzzle; when one county - like Clayton County - starts to go majority Black, white people flee farther and farther away from the downtown area in hopes of finding a county system with "good school" (read: all-white).

But Jackson is right; the mere reason we celebrate the "contributions" of Martin Luther King is because of the totalitarian reach of the federal government, which has decided a national agenda of BRA-enforcement is more worthwhile than a policy of building a strong national infrastructure.

Because of the dismissal of the 10th Amendment, we have seen the legacy of King in the fall of a northern city once known as "The Paris of the West." Eighty-four percent Black Detroit and its current dilapidated state is courtesy of an intense desire to maintain the illusion that King was a national hero.

Philadelphia, the birthplace of this nation, is transforming before our eyes into Detroit. The Liberty Bell's silence in 2012 tolls for us all, a reminder that liberty and freedom have utterly failed. The repudiation of the 10th Amendment directly correlates to the decline of the northern cities, where a Black majority now lords over a once shining metropolis in Detroit which resembles the decimated "emerald city" from the strange movie Return to Oz.

BRA could end tomorrow, if instead of Ron Paul whining about the number of Black people incarcerated (it's because they commit more crime, dear doctor, not because of justice system bias), or Newt Gingrich bemoaning Black reliance on government handouts (it's because a disproportionate amount of Black people have no discernible job skills, Newty, even in a nation ruled by BRA), a candidate just said this:
Jesse Jackson has long been hailed as the voice of Black America. Recently, he attacked the candidates for the Republican nomination for president for failing to address the concerns of Black South Carolinian's and, all Black Americans. 

Mr. Jackson, thank you for once again reminding the American people that no matter what they do to help Black America, well, it will never be enough. 

The Democrats have all but abandoned trying to be the political party of the white working class, instead targeting Black people and recent immigrants to serve as their political base. Because of the federal governments refusal to defend our borders and enforce immigration policy, we have seen individual state budgets rise to extreme deficits in a bid to care for the costs of illegal immigration. 

My first act as president will be to remove from the Department of Justice all of the attorneys who have engaged in the suing of the various states that dare enact the type of laws the federal government should be enforcing. The good people of Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina are only doing what the federal government refuses to do. 

My second act will be to start deporting all illegal aliens residing in our jails. My third act as president will be to permanently remove from one of the Democratic Party's future voting blocks by starting the mass deportation of illegal aliens. 

Instantly, jobs will open up that this endless supply of cheap labor keeps from providing good wages for Americans to be able to raise a family on. This will work to help reduce the  unemployment rate across the nation - especially the Black unemployment rate, as the Democrats desire to elect a new people surpasses their desire to actually help Black America. 

Black America. Jesse Jackson has long been one of the premier voices of this monolithic group. Recently, he attacked my fellow candidates for the Republican nomination because of our use of rhetoric that harkens back to states rights and a defense of the 10th Amendment. 

(Pause here for dramatic effect)

The 10th Amendment is the most important of the original Bill of Rights. That we as a people have forgotten this, is precisely why our nation is now falling behind other nations and why our children's future is jeopardized by the dreams of lesser men.

The Founding Father's of our great country understood that government, if left unchecked, would be the greatest threat to freedom and their liberties. Considering that Barack Obama's Department of Justice is now suing individual states for daring to pass immigration legislation that the federal government refuses to enforce shows you the sagacity of the dead white men we no longer even celebrate. 

(Pause again as the media gasps)

Mr. Jackson, the American people want to be left alone. They no longer desire turning to Washington D.C. for the answers, where an army of lobbyists and bureaucrats oscillating from one party affiliation to the other keep any real signs of hope bottle-necked in a sea of inertia. 

More importantly many of the American people throughout this great nation, who work hard, who save money to provide for their families, who go to work and take pride in their community, and who pay their taxes, have long hoped someone would say what I'm about to say. 

The only reason someone like you matters is because no one ever just got off their knees and said, "No more."

Well, "no more."

Were we to truly embrace the legacy of Dr. King, that would mean to judge people by their character. He's our national hero after all. 

So starting with you Jesse Jackson, I choose to judge you by your character. And I don't give a damn what you, as the voice of Black America, have to say. 

And neither do the American people. 

(The candidate takes no questions, walking off like President Andrew Sheppard from that stupidly Disingenuous White Liberal movie The American President)
Yeah, so a candidate would never say this. Doesn't change the fact that were a candidate to state it, he'd be elected. Oh well, at least we know Walt Disney wanted to build Walt Disney World in Orlando when segregation was still predominant there.


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