So to all those who have donated money, please be patient. Your books are almost ready. The wait will be worth it. On Martin Luther King Day, we will be debuting a huge video and be going for a money bomb on that same day. It is time we judge by character in America; at SBPDL, we plan to do just that.
Check Vdare for a big article tonight by PK, and look at Alt Right for one tomorrow.
“I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
― Lyndon Baines Johnson ―
It was not just a misplaced sense of egalitarianism but greed, in both its financial and political forms, that drove early desegregation.
The Dawn of Big Government
Lyndon B. Johnson and the Democratic Party’s “Great Society” programs represented social engineering on a scale unseen since Roosevelt’s New Deal, which was just another Democratic boondoggle.
America’s New Deal focused on the "3 Rs" of Relief, Recovery, and Reform. Among its reforms was one of the most detrimental economic strategies imaginable and it was instrumental for the “Great Society” ― with its “War on Poverty” ― to become a reality. This reformation was a shift off of the Gold Standard which allowed the U.S. government to print fiat currency, a crippling addiction that it has not shaken to this very day.
Instead, by printing fiat currency the Federal government has waged a devastating economic war upon its population’s most productive segment, the Middle Class. Being among America’s most diligent savers, inflating the currency supply had a direct effect of looting from Middle Class savings and retirement accounts that which could not be extracted through increased taxes. This is because tax increases were rather routinely opposed by the Middle Class whose conservatism tended to favor small government.
Had the Gold Standard remained in effect, it is questionable as whether the Democratic Party could ever have financed the massive welfare state it then sought to bring about. The damage done to America by this social engineering was not confined to creating a totally dependent class of tax consumers. This push for equal rights would see the abandonment of America’s space exploration and an unheralded diversion of funds into Liberal Socialist programs that bore every prospect of dwarfing the New Deal in both scope and magnitude.
While the New Deal had an adjusted cost of $557 billion (2011), it dealt with the entirety of American society save only the very most wealthy. The “Great Society” was focused largely upon those dwelling below the poverty line, which was some 22% of Americans in 1965. Therefore, its adjusted cost of $344 billion (2011) would require an approximate multiplier of 4.5 times were it to have addressed the majority of Americans in an equal manner. This would make the “Great Society” programs cost some $1.548 trillion (2011), far in excess of the New Deal and surpassed only by one other expenditure. To put this in perspective, the combination of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid took up 43 percent of our national budget in 2010.
The Bailout Flow Chart |
As it stands, the future costs of existing New Deal programs sees America facing a standing bill totaling some $50 trillion dollars. Nor was this lingering debt something that could not have been anticipated, even back then. In 1920 the Civil Service Retirement System was started and it soon required taxpayer-funded supplements to meet payments for retired federal employees. From the linked article:
Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin explains LBJ's approach, "The subjects might change, but the essentials remained the same: in the opening, an expression of dire need; in the middle, a vague proposal; in the end, a buoyant description of the anticipated benefits--all contained in an analysis presented in a manner that often failed to distinguish between expectations and established realities ... Pass the bill now, worry about its effects and implementation later--this was the White House strategy." [emphasis added]
All of which is highly reminiscent of the strategy used by South Park’s underpants gnomes.
● Phase One: Collect underpants.
● Phase Two: ?
● Phase Three: Profit.
It is sad to see just how little change there has been over the last half century with respect to America’s planning and enactment of large scale social programs. Despite repeated and clear demonstrations of federal incompetence, a new generation of US voters is being persuaded that their government is capable of managing corporate enterprises where it has absolutely no charter to do so.
The Origins of “Hate Crimes”
Aside from renewed large-scale federal spending, the “Great Society” programs also set in motion anti-discrimination laws which would serve as the cornerstone for today’s Politically Correct “hate speech” and “hate crime” laws. These modern Thoughtcrime laws found their footing in the Fair Housing Act of 1968.
A principal thrust of this legislation was to remove all legal enforcement of restrictive housing covenants that previously assured neighborhood racial cohesiveness. In doing so, the Fair Housing Act institutionalized unequal protection under the law by creating seven protected classes. These categories were: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, and familial status.
Little did many expect that this relatively innocuous piece of legislation might serve as part of a lever that would one day drive the most massive default in American history. The cherished “American Dream” would be forcibly wedged into a government equation that had long ago stopped being about individual “pursuit of happiness” and equality of opportunity in favor of equality of outcome and mandated entitlement. Few, at that time, stopped to remember Gerald Ford’s uncharacteristically prescient words:
”A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”
And give the Federal government did. Between 1945 and 1960 large numbers of federally subsidized home loans were financed through the FHA (Federal Housing Administration) and VA (Veterans Administration).
The Federal government refused to back mortgages in “racially changing” (i.e., “redlined”), localities due to them being regarded as higher risk propositions. Thus was de facto segregation enforced by law and it provided largely White loan recipients with a solid taste of how crime-free such neighborhoods could be.
It is a small wonder that Whites so vigorously resisted newly mandated laws regarding home sales which only served to devastate this once Elysian setting. This will soon bring us to the role that financial greed played in destroying much of the urban “American Dream”. First, however, it is necessary to examine the other side of Big Government’s segregation coin.
The Not-So Civil Rights Act
Another “Great Society” program was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This sweeping response to Jim Crow violated Constitutional freedoms with respect to both right of association, management-employee relations and the ability of States to determine their own racial policies under the Tenth Amendment. Many Republicans opposed this fundamental bias contained by the Civil Rights Act, something that probably even cost Barry Goldwater the 1964 presidential election.
A bare few managed to foresee that this sort of obligatory socialization would create an over-reliance by minorities upon government mediation in what were largely public affairs of individual choice. Conversely, these same “protected classes” also began to automatically presume upon their protection as a form of entitlement. This sense of prerogative was only further augmented by a lavish program of welfare benefits that would, in reality, serve to create an entire a near-permanent underclass of multi-generation urban dwellers that were wholly dependent upon government ― in reality, taxpayer ― largesse.
While the United States Housing Act of 1937 made provisions for government sponsored assistance to low income families and individuals, this did not come into its own until 1965 with the Section 23 Leased Housing Program. It was further amended in 1974 to create the now familiar Section 8 housing program.
Massive inner city housing projects served to cluster together poverty-line residents and became a breeding ground for some of the most concentrated urban crime activity ever seen at that time. The swift decline of living conditions in these gigantic housing blocks only served to aggravate public perception of them as warehouses for drug addicts and street thugs. Conversely, these aggregations of low income residents also created a sort of de facto segregation.
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Government housing built in South St. Louis |
Such urban housing projects were notorious for being predominately Black in population. This bunching together of Blacks engendered a proliferation of mannerisms, patois and what can only be called “social rituals” that tended to create an artificial “culture” which derived from what were mostly impoverished circumstances. Attempts by Blacks to enshrine so-called “Ebonics” is a prime example of this.
A useful comparison is how American Black “Soul Food” ― similar with respect to many other peasant culture cuisines ― was, in reality, a reflection of the inadequate nutritional resources made available to slaves at that time. While glorified in this modern era as a genuine artifact of early slave culture it, nonetheless, does not represent a truly healthful or nourishing bill of fare. Perhaps, even more ironic, is the simple fact that a low-calorie regimen of traditional “Soul Food” would better serve many typically obese American Blacks than the sugary and fattening fast-food diet they often seem to prefer.
So it was that the atmosphere in many urban housing projects cultivated a crop of highly negative behavioral modes that weren’t being reinforced so much by supposedly “oppressive” external influences than voluntary internal ones.
This was the fertile ground encountered by much of America’s late century “Black Power” movement that was largely responsible ― along with other Culturally Marxist mindsets ― for embedding a strong sense of victimhood and entitlement now currently in evidence among many urban Blacks. This largely unwarranted sense of entitlement only promised to grow and spread into other parts of the population.
Where the Blight of Living Dead reside in Atlanta... the true Walking Dead |
Unbeknownst at the time both to Liberals and Conservatives alike, these gargantuan apartment blocks and Section 8 housing programs were, perhaps, America’s first genuine glimpse of how Liberal Socialist intentions would just as often pave a road straight to hell.
Enter rapacious real estate agents and the unsavory but lucrative practice of “blockbusting”. Frequently, several small realtors would pool funds in order to finance the purchase of a dwelling in a predominantly White neighborhood specifically so that it could then be sold to a Black or minority family. This prompted an immediate exodus by White residents in an attempt to dodge the certain decline in property values that would so often follow. This allowed these same disreputable realtors to then “flip” all of the remaining homes; often at handsome profits as anxious White owners sacrificed hard earned equity for the sake of a swift sale.
Through construction of inner city housing projects and gradual dismantling of urban residential areas through blockbusting, there arose the phenomenon that SBPDL has accurately labeled as “Black Undertow”. It is an almost irresistible force that has already seen once great cities like Detroit reduced to the status of Third World living standards. Nearly all Black run cities and counties reflect this trend.
Most ironic of all is how so many of these government efforts at forcing racial harmony are not just spectacularly unsuccessful but that they can actually serve to worsen tensions. There is no Constitutional law that forbids an individual from being racist. Only public condemnation can serve to chastise such a stance. Instead, through the Civil Rights Act and its Fair Housing Program, America’s government had sought to legislate morality. It is a Sisyphean task and one which government has no legitimate part in.
How strange is it that modern America is just as segregated today as it was half a century ago? Jared Taylor at American Renaissance had this to say: (Video time point ― 06:06)
“White people say they’re all in favor of integration and yet there is a profoundly important act of integration that they could undertake but they almost never do. A White person could buy a house in a Black neighborhood. Nowadays there are plenty of middle class Black neighborhoods where a White person would be perfectly safe. But not even the most Liberal Whites will take that basic integrationist step. Despite what they say they, too, prefer the company of Whites. Just as I do.
Were you aware that the statistics for residential segregation in the United States are almost identical to what they were fifty or sixty years ago? Despite all of the encouragement and propaganda in favor of mixing of the races, Whites prefer to live with Whites and Blacks prefer to live with Blacks, Asians… Hispanics … there is self-segregation virtually across the board.”
Clearly, government mandated desegregation does not work.
Subsequent parts of this article will examine how a prevalent sense of entitlement has acted to help destroy much of what has been built up over the last 100 years. There will also be a brief look at ways of possibly averting what threatens to be a race war of national proportions.
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