An e-mailer recently asked why haven't we been covering some of the recent criminal actions of Black people from such exotic locations as Portland, St. Louis, and Philadelphia. For one, no one else dares target the state deification of the Tuskegee Airmen. Also, the impending collapse of Detroit (and the takeover by the state of Michigan) will be the biggest story of the first quarter of 2012.
Long-time SBPDL readers should know that once a target is acquired, we attack it. Completely. Last summer, this site along with View from the Right, Unamusement Park, OD, TakiMag, OneSTDV, GL Piggy, and a few others began documenting the trend of Black people targeting whites in vicious attacks. Some call it Knockout King; in Milwaukee, it was just Black people (more than a hundred) attacking whites. In Philadelphia, well, it was Black people waging war with one another (and white people) that illustrates why liberty is really cracked in Black-Run America (BRA).
This needs to be made clear right now: If you notice that it is Black people attacking white people nationwide; if you notice that Black people are waging a war on the profitability of public transportation by attacking whites and driving them to car pool to work; that Black children are attacking white kids on school buses; if notice that the government seems to favor Black people; well, you my friend are an ENEMY OF THE STATE.
You don't have to advocate the superiority of the white race. All you have to do - to be considered an ENEMY OF THE STATE - is notice collective Black failure and the government's (both state and federal) to endless promote Black people above everyone else.
Perhaps it's fate that we enter a race for the President of the United States between Mitt Romney, the son of former Michigan Governor George Romney. After all, it was George Romney who was the Republican governor of the state when Black people rioted in the summer of 1967 and burned it to the ground, scaring the remaining white people to the suburbs and solidifying that Climate Change would totally ruin The Motor City:
A massive race riot erupted in Detroit. The summer of 1967 was a turbulent time in American history. The Detroit rioting began near 12th Street and Clairmount in a predominantly African-American, overcrowded, and low-income neighborhood. Early on the morning of July 23, Detroit police officers raided a “blind pig,” which was an establishment that illegally sold alcohol after hours. A crowd gathered as those arrested were put in a police wagon. Riots erupted and quickly spread. Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh asked Michigan's governor, George Romney, to send in the State Police. Eventually, Romney called in the National Guard. After eight dangerous and unfortunate days, the riot came to an end. The riot's immediate effects were disastrous. Forty-three people had lost their lives. 1,700 stores had been looted. In all, 7,231 people were arrested and over 1000 buildings were burned. Damages to property amounted to about $50 million. As a result of this debacle, President Lyndon Johnson set up the Kerner Commission to investigate the causes of civil disorder in American cities. New taxes were eventually adopted to bring increase revenue for education, welfare, and other government services. In 1972, a state lottery was also established to help raise money and alleviate the dire conditions of inner-city living.
It should be noted that Gov. Romney (the elder) had designs for the White House, but those all ended when he claimed he was "brainwashed" into supporting the Vietnam War:
Governor George W. Romney of Michigan was a leading contender for the 1968 Republican presidential nomination until September 4, 1967, when he told Detroit television newsman Lou Gordon that he had been "brainwashed" by American generals into supporting the Vietnam war effort while touring Southeast Asia in 1965.
Though Romney tried in earnest to explain himself, he became the target of blistering press and partisan attacks. Romney's candidacy never recovered from the furor he created with his statement.
The day will come when Black-Run America ends, that never-ending pursuit to promote Black people above everyone else (even at the expense of the nations overall health) which is the official governing policy of the government, the court system, the private sector, the military, the media and entertainment industry, and academia.
Many white politicians will claim, like Romney the Elder, that they were "brainwashed" into believing it. The summer of 2011 was a prelude to the sparks that will fly in the summer of 2012, courtesy of
After all, both Camden and New Orleans have requested the National Guard to patrol the city streets in a last-ditch bid to keep Black people from killing one another.
Life is Balance. The moment that Mitt Romney is elected POTUS, it won't just be Detroit that could go up in flames, but every American city (think St. Louis, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Birmingham, Portland, Buffalo, Memphis, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Atlanta, etc.) that feels the defeat of Mein Obama is yet another reminder that The Man wants to keep the The Brother forever down.
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