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A view to a kill: Cabbagetown kidnapping ATM footage |
Mike King wrote in the Atlanta Journal Constitution (Racial shifts speak volumes,And metro Atlanta will have to listen; March 9, 2006) that one of America's most affluent regions must become must another mediocre area of economic stagnation, inadequate school systems, and high-crime zones:
The popular perception of metro Atlanta as an urban core of blacks surrounded by white suburban counties grew increasingly out of date during the 1990s, and has collapsed completely in the first half of the current decade.
From 2000 to 2004, blacks, Hispanics and other racial minorities accounted for more than 80 percent of population growth in the 28-county metropolitan Atlanta area, according to a report issued this week by the Brookings Institution. Fifteen years ago, whites represented 71 percent of the region's population; today, they make up 57 percent of the 4.7 million people in metro Atlanta.
Think of the growth trend this way: Every year, the metro area adds about 100,000 people, the vast majority moving into the suburban and exurban counties surrounding the city. Four of every five of the newcomers are minorities.
In the first four years of the decade, more than 183,000 blacks have moved into metro Atlanta, by far the largest in-migration of blacks in the country. In 1990, metro Atlanta had the seventh largest black population in the country. By 2004, its black population ranked only behind metro New York and Chicago. At its rate of growth, there will be more blacks in metro Atlanta than in metro Chicago by the end of the decade, the Brookings report predicts.As whites become the minority in places like Clayton County, the fortunes of the latter grow dark as the minority population rises. Now, all of metro Atlanta is headed in that ignominious direction, while white people - long weary of traveling long, arduous commutes to get to and from work - move into the downtown area.
But what awaits white people in downtown Atlanta is the exact same thing that now is popping up in formerly crime-free metro Atlanta white enclaves, a reminder that you can only escape the Black Undertow for so long...
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SWPL whites, mugged by reality on July 4th |
Peachtree City Police are searching for two men involved in a home invasion Friday night on Woodland Drive near Robinson Road in Peachtree City. One of the residents suffered an injury from a shotgun blast as she fled the house in an attempt to escape and summon help.
Peachtree City Police spokesperson Rosanna Dove said officers responded at approximately 10:24 p.m. Friday night to a possible home invasion with shots fired inside the Woodland Drive residence.
Dove said three residents were home at the time of the incident.
Dove said preliminary information pertaining to the home invasion indicates that two black males entered the residence through an unlocked door and once inside they ordered the female victim to relinquish money.
Statements indicate that the offenders carried shotguns and believed there was a sum of money inside the residence the victim had access to. The two offenders are described as African-American males, in their mid-twenties with dark complexions, both about 5’8” to 6’ tall and medium to slender in build, Dove said.
Dove also noted that two male residents were at home during the incident.
“One resident was in an adjacent bedroom and came into the living room after hearing the commotion. As he did, he was confronted by one of the offenders who pointed a shotgun at him directing him to the living room floor,” Dove said. “While this was taking place, the female victim fled from the residence but was pursued by one of the offenders. The offender fired a round from a shotgun at the victim. The victim was grazed on her head by a pellet as she continued to flee from the area.”This is huge, huge news. Peachtree City is one of the top cities in America (especially for relocating and starting a family because of the excellent school system, a byproduct of being more than 90 percent white) and to have the type of Black criminal activity invade the city that once was the stuff of nightmares only shown on the 6 o'clock nightly news broadcasts... well, it's a reminder of the joy of diversity.
How do you think the Atlanta Journal Constitution covered this Black home invasion of a white family? By completely ignoring the racial aspect of the story:
A Peachtree City grandmother was beaten and grazed with a shotgun pellet during a home invasion Friday night, but she fought back and escaped the attack, according to a Channel 2 Action News report.So... what did those two men look like Atlanta Journal Constitution? Who should the fine residents of Peachtree City be on the look out for?
"I was not going to be executed in my own home," Cece Coffee told Channel 2. Coffee descried the harrowing experience she said she had with two suspects armed with a shotgun.
Coffee said the men were in their 20s and wearing all black, with black bandannas covering their faces. She said they left in a dark-colored pickup truck.
The answer is the exact racial group of assailants that targeted an area near downtown Atlanta that is seeing a renaissance of economic activity (entirely due to white gentrification and a brush back of Black urban blight). You see, Black gunmen targeted a group of white people on the porch of their Cabbagetown home during a July 4th party. Of course, the Atlanta Journal Constitution omitted this part from their coverage of the attack:
Gunmen robbed five people from their front porch in Cabbagetown Tuesday night and then kidnapped a man, Atlanta police said.
The robbery is the most recent in a series of crimes that have shocked and scared Cabbagetown residents, said Sam Gris, public safety chairman for the Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association.
"It just seems like people are getting more and more brazen," Gris said. "It's a frustrating time to be in town."
The robbery occurred at a house on Estoria Street around 11 p.m., said police spokesman Carlos Campos.
Gris sent The Atlanta Journal-Constitution an excerpt of the preliminary police report detailing the robbery.
According to the officer's report, five people were sitting on the porch when they saw three men walk by. About 10 minutes later, the men returned with handguns and ordered everyone inside the house.
Once inside, the assailants forced the victims to lie on the ground and took their phones, according to the report. The assailants remained in the home for about 30 minutes, going through rooms and collecting computers.
Then, one assailant suggested that a male victim might have money because he was dressed nicely. So, they forced him into a car waiting outside the home and made him to withdraw money from several nearby ATM's. The cash amount stolen was not disclosed.
According to the report, the assailants told the victim they would keep him until after midnight in order to withdraw more money. When the victim was unable to withdraw more money, one assailant suggested they kill him.
However, a female in the car advised them not to, and the victim was thrown out of the vehicle near Memorial and Columbia drives. A passerby noticed the victim looked disoriented and gave him a ride back to the scene of the robbery.
Gris said he received the excerpt from Valencia Hudson, public safety liaison for City Councilwoman Natalyn Archibong.
Campos said Homicide Unit investigators, who are handling the case even though no one was killed, were not available for comment. He said they were working to identify the suspects.
Gris, a former police officer, said the incident could have ended much worse. "A 30-minute home invasion and kidnapping — that's got all the making of someone being hurt and killed," he said.
In the past, Gris said, the worst crimes residents had to deal with were graffiti or car break-ins, but recently crimes have become more severe.
Campos said, "Crimes have started occurring in areas where we historically have not had problems."
The police spokesman said total arrests in Zone 6, which includes Cabbagetown, have increased by 44 percent this year. He said police have arrested individuals in 12 burglaries and seven robberies this month. He urged residents to report any suspicious activity to police.A newscast describing the attack can be viewed here.
Southeast Atlanta was once one of the most violent places in all of America; now, many of those residents have matriculated into Clayton and Fayette County, pushed out by white gentrification and rising home values. They now seek areas with lower property value, which can readily be found in nearly all-Black Riverdale. But the problems that urban pioneers face when venturing into territory that has long been home to violent Black people, is that the violence will only go away when all Black people are removed. If not, then urban pioneers will become unwitting participants in this violence.
So what happened in the July 4th assault in Cabbagetown?
After seeing surveillance footage on Channel 2 Action News, parents drove their 15-year-old son to a police station to be arrested Thursday for his alleged involvement in the kidnapping of a man from a Cabbagetown porch, the TV station reported.
Investigators had released a crystal-clear snapshot of one of three suspects involved in the July 3 incident.
The victim was hanging out with four other friends on Estoria Street around 11 p.m. when three young men, brandishing guns, forced everyone inside the residence. After collecting their cell phones and ransacking the home for other valuables, the burglars — noting that one of the victims was well-dressed — drove him to several nearby cash machines, according to the Atlanta police incident report.
Surveillance footage captured at a Bank of America ATM showed one of the youthful suspects hovering over the captive as he withdrew money.
Atlanta Police Detective Paul Guerruci told Channel 2 that the footage is "extremely valuable to our investigation because it actually depicts the individual who committed this horrible, violent act."
The unidentified victim told police that one of the kidnappers suggested they kill him after he was unable to withdraw any more cash. Another advised against it and the thieves opted instead to throw him out of the car near Memorial and Columbia drives.
The kidnapping was just the latest in a series of brazen crimes that have unnerved the Cabbagetown community.
"It's a frustrating time to be in town," Sam Gris, public safety chairman for the Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution the day after the kidnapping.A newscast describing this event can be viewed here.
Gentrification might be changing the face of Atlanta, just as Black migration to the metro Atlanta is changing the face of formerly white suburbs. But one face isn't changing, and that's the near monolithic face of crime.
It's Black as its always been in Atlanta.
Back in 2007, Yahoo! News published an article asking if Atlanta's gentrification was causing a new crime wave. The answer is a resounding no; it's just Black people committing the crime that white people won't, but now, white people live closer to it instead of watching it from the safety of their suburban home.
So, something must be done to stop it:
Many of Atlanta's historic areas look a bit different than they did about 5-10 years ago. In keeping with numerous other cities in the United States, some of Atlanta's poorest neighborhoods are being completely overhauled into upscale communities. These "new" areas boast trendy boutiques, popular franchises like Starbuck's and Target and other pricey amenities. But there has long been controversy over the effect that gentrification has on these urban communities. City officials and lawmakers claim that cleaning up certain areas of Atlanta will help to reduce the amount of crime. In many cases, this is certainly true. But the proliferation of upscale businesses and residents in many of Atlanta's popular sections is causing concern that a new wave of crime may become more prevalent.John Henderson, who once worked as a bartender at The Standard in Grant Park, was one of those white urban pioneers who was gunned down by Black people. His death in 2009 galvanized the Stuff White People Like (SWPL) whites in the gentrifying areas that once were breeding grounds for the Black Undertow, but his memory is no longer invoked today.
Metro Atlanta is the Black Hole of America, a region where a Mad-Max mentality exists among a growing percentage of the Black underclass; a siege mentality exists among a growing percentage of the dwindling white population.
Not just in Cabbagetown, but even in Peachtree City.
So white flight is no longer an option; and gentrification isn't a viable option either.
Now... we just might getting to the point of no return for Black-Run America (BRA).
Video of the Cabbagetown kidnapping is here.
Video of Peachtree City home invasion here.
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