Do you remember when the feckless Conservatism Inc. non-profit, Political Media, dared to propose a campaign aimed at blacks to get them interested in stopping gun control from passing?
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American Thinker: "The KKK, NAACP, and Democrats agree blacks shouldn't have guns." Crime and gun homicide stats prove all three groups correct |
It was to be called ‘What Would Django Do?’[After 'Gun Appreciation Day,' Organizers Invoke 'Django Unchained' for Follow-Up Campaign, Hollywood Reporter, 1-22-13]:
A controversial group's new effort dubbed "What Would Django Do?" looks to bring minorities to its side in the debate over gun control.
The group is called Political Media, and it's the same entity that was behind Saturday’s controversial Gun Appreciation Day, which encouraged Americans to show up at various places with a copy of the U.S. Constitution and signs reading, “Hands off my guns.” Larry Ward, president of Political Media, a company that designs websites and organizes ad campaigns for right-of-center organizations, said hundreds of thousands of people participated in Gun Appreciation Day, crowding gun stores and gun shows and demonstrating at various state capitals nationwide.
One can only see this group peddling “WWDD” bracelets in the vain hope of encouraging black people to abandon any call for gun control – but remember, Django went around killing white people in the movie where he was unchained.
Not exactly the ideal question to ask black people to ponder, is it?
So just what do black people think about gun control? The answers might surprise you [New data: Whites twice as likely to own guns: A previously unreleased survey shows whites far more likely to own guns, and oppose reform, than blacks or Latinos, Salon, 2-20-13]:
White Americans are more than twice as likely to own guns as blacks or Latinos, and more likely to oppose gun safety reforms, according to previously unreleased data from Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health researchers.The survey, conducted by the Center for Gun Policy and Research and initially released without racial breakdowns in late January, showed strong support overall for many of the proposals being discussed in Congress to limit gun violence. But the researchers broke down the numbers by race this week and shared the results with Salon.
Overall, 22 percent of Americans were found to own guns, while another 11 percent live in homes with someone else who owns guns. Among whites, the number of gun owners is slightly higher, at 26 percent, with an additional 13 percent who live in gun-owning households.
But only 12 percent of African-Americans and 13 percent of Latinos own guns. Just 5 and 7 percent of each ethnic group, respectively, lives in a household with someone else who owns a gun.
Not surprisingly, this translates to a disparity in support for gun control measures, with whites being consistently more opposed to gun control than the other groups. For instance, support for reinstating the assault weapon ban is about 10 percentage points higher among blacks than whites. And 72 percent of blacks support banning possession of assault weapons entirely through a mandatory buyback program, compared to just 54 percent of whites.
African-Americans are also more supportive of laws promoting safe use, such as requiring people to keep their guns locked in a safe while at home, and of proposals to restrict access, such as making people acquire a license from the local police before being able to buy a gun.
So, white people primarily use guns for defensive purposes (or purchase them with defensive scenarios in mind), while black people are in favor of gun control because blacks use guns for offensive purposes – such as for committing robberies, rapes, car-jacking, home invasions, or murders.
Thus, white people are against gun control: disarming white people means they become potential targets for those same crimes black people – who use guns primarily for offensive action – commit disproportionate to their percentage of the overall US population.
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And just what might be the racial breakdown of these cities compared to the metro/suburbs? |
Richard Florida, editor at large of The Atlantic Cities site, has been kind enough to gather together to data for those US cities where gun-violence is the highest; and, yes, there is a dramatic correlation to race [The Geography of US Gun Violence, Atlantic Cities, 12-14-12]:
Cities have substantially higher rates of murder by gun, as [Harry] Moroz points out. New Orleans has the highest rate, 62.1 per 100,000, more than twice its metro rate. Detroit has the second highest rate with 35.9, nearly four times its metro rate, followed by Baltimore (29.7), Oakland (26.6), and Newark (25.4). St. Louis, Miami, Richmond, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., round out the top 10. All of these rates are considerably higher than their metro rates — in most cases more than double or triple, or in the case of Newark, nearly eight times its metro rate.
On the other side of the ledger, Austin has the lowest rate of gun-related homicides (1.5), followed by San Jose (1.9), Portland (2.2), Virginia Beach (2.7), and San Diego (2.8).
The rate of gun death for central cities ranges from a high of 69.1 in New Orleans to a low of four in San Jose. Detroit has the second highest rate (41.4) followed by Las Vegas (36.9), Miami (33.5), and Baltimore (33.1). St. Louis, Richmond, Memphis, Cleveland, and Philadelphia — all with rates above 20 gun deaths per 100,000 people — round out the top 10. All have a rate of gun death that is roughly two or more times higher than their metro rate. On the flip side, New York City follows San Jose with second lowest rate (4.9), followed by central San Diego (7.1), and Seattle (8.3).
Race, unfortunately and tragically, factors into gun death at the metro level. The share of the population that is black is positively related to both the overall rate of gun death (.56) and even more so with gun-related homicides (.72). The pattern is similar for the share of the population that is comprised of young black males which is also positively related to the overall rate of gun death (.55) and murder by gun (.70).
For those wondering, San Jose is 3.2 percent black and Austin (TX) is 8.1 percent black.
The data paints a powerful picture – not “tragic,” in the words of Atlantic Cities – as to why suburbs/metro areas of major cities like Baltimore, New Orleans, or Detroit exist: as a way for white people to escape the high rates of black crime in the city, which only serves to drive down property value and drive away productive members of society.
What might be the racial breakdown of those cities with greatest rates of gun-related homicides?
What might be the racial breakdown of those cities with greatest rates of gun-related homicides?
1. New Orleans is 60% black, 30% white
2. Detroit is 82% black, 7% white
3. Baltimore is 63% black, 28% white
4. Oakland is 28% black, 25% white
5. Newark is 52% black and 11% white
6. St. Louis is 48% black and 43% white
7. Miami is 19% black, 16% white, and 64% Hispanic
8. Richmond is 50% black, and 39% white
9. Philadelphia is 44% black and 37% white
10. Washington D.C. is 50% black and 35% white
Do you begin to understand why white people abandoned cities like Baltimore, Detroit, Richmond, St. Louis, and Philadelphia? What about Birmingham, the 73.4% black city, which harbors one of the most dangerous inner-city populations in all of America? Well, black people have a monopoly on gun violence, which has been the primary reason white people have abandoned the city [The killing years, Part One: Accused killers in the Birmingham area, and victims, often under age 25, The Birmingham News, 6-2-10]:
When people are murdered in Jefferson County, chances are the killer was a male under 25 using a gun.
More than half of the accused killers in the county were 24 or younger, according to a Birmingham News analysis of homicides from 2006 through 2009.Nine times out of 10, the victims were shot to death.
The percentage of homicides with defendants under age 25 who used guns in Jefferson County substantially exceeds the national average, statistics show.In Birmingham, where nearly three-quarters of the county's murders occurred, the disparity was even worse from 2006-2009.
Black males were 80 percent of the homicide defendants in majority-white Jefferson County and 89 percent in majority-black Birmingham. The national average was 57 percent.
>> More than 70 percent of the victims in Birmingham were black males, versus 43 percent nationwide in 2007, the only year a comparison was possible.
>> Guns were used in 86 percent of Birmingham homicides, and 83 percent in the county as a whole, versus 68 percent nationwide. Birmingham's rate is higher among defendants ages 16 through 24.
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Wait a second -- why are black people targeting white males and white females in Birmingham? |
Now, Conservatism Inc. is already proudly wearing those ‘WWDD’ bracelets, happily dancing the tune of the few black people who profess “conservative” views publicly.
[Black conservatives: Gun control has ‘racist’ roots, Daily Caller, 2-22-13]
Conservative African-American leaders spoke out against President Barack Obama’s call for more Gun Controlon Friday, some saying the proposed measures have “racist” origins.
“For black Americans, we know that gun control has ultimately been about people control. It sprouts from racist soil; be it after the, or during the infamous Dred Scott case where black man’s humanity was not recognized,” said Niger Innis, spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality at the press conference sponsored by the Center for Urban Renewal and Education.
Harry Alford, the president of the Black Chamber of Commerce, praised the National Rifle Association in his speech at the event.
“The National Rifle Association was started, founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect free slaves from the Ku Klux Klan,” said Alford.
“They would raise money, buy arms, show the free slaves how to use those arms and protect their families. God bless you. Many of us probably wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for the NRA.”
Alford told The Daily Caller he agrees with Innis that gun control laws have “racist” origins.
Some of the leaders argued that cities with the most crime have the strictest gun control laws.
“How many children have to die, black and white, for us to come to the conclusion that most of the gun violence is in cities with the most gun control? When are we going to change our minds and put some common sense in there?” said Ken Hutcherson, former linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys and pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Washington state.
That’s why the NRA was started? Good thing I’m not a paying member. There is gun violence in our cities, because black people are responsible for said gun violence.
An expansion of the suburbs/metro area of cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, Atlanta, Memphis, and Birmingham exist because white people must constantly abandon communities once too many black people migrate to the area.
Because they import the very conditions for gun-crime that whites abandoned in the first place, i.e., black people.
The data doesn’t lie.
Statistics don’t lie.
To paraphrase Mr. Hutcherson’s question: “How many black children have to die for us to come to the conclusion that most of the gun violence is in cities with a lot of black people? Perhaps gun control isn’t the solution, but controlling black dysfunction and working to eradicate the problem is the answer? When are we going to change our minds and put some common sense in there?”
Understand this: gun control is about thing, and one thing: controlling the ability of peaceful, law-abiding, productive members of the white population of America from legally procuring weapons that can be used in a defensive manner.
The American Thinker recently lamented the NAACP, KKK, and "the Democrats" are all about 'gun control' as a way to control black people:
Data and statistics don't lie; people do.
Real Gun Control means Controlling Black Dysfunction -- by any means necessary.
And we write “defensive,” we simply mean protecting their life, family, and property (be it private or commercial) from those who would do evil to others.
And judging by the statistics, “those who would do evil to others” are the very people gun control laws in big cities like Chicago, New York City, Milwaukee, etc., target… black people.
The American Thinker recently lamented the NAACP, KKK, and "the Democrats" are all about 'gun control' as a way to control black people:
Anti-Second Amendment journalist Robert Sherrill meanwhile admitted that the Gun Control Act of 1968 might as well have been called the Negro Disarmament Act of 1968:
"The Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed not to control guns but to control blacks, and inasmuch as a majority of Congress did not want to do the former but were ashamed to show that their goal was the latter, the result was they did neither."
The truth is that law-abiding black people in rural areas have needed firearms to defend themselves from the Klan, while those in inner cities need them for self-defense against the gang members of all ethnicities who turn their neighborhoods into war zones. It is already illegal for gang members who are under 18 to own any firearms whatsoever, while it is also illegal for anybody of any age to possess a firearm during the commission of any crime. New gun laws are not needed to change this.The current 'Klan' is nothing more than a loose collection of organizations completely infiltrated by the FBI, with black people in rural areas being quite safe; The Gun Control Act of 1968 came on the heels of massive black riots, including one in Detroit (1967) that represented a true racial war -- disarming black people through a 'stealth' law made sense, when such actions would protect white property and business owners hoping to still live in major American cities.
Data and statistics don't lie; people do.
Real Gun Control means Controlling Black Dysfunction -- by any means necessary.
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