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Monday, 4 February 2013

Info Post

There is a solution to the violence gripping Chicago, which seems to be on the minds of many who are involved in Conservatism Inc. -- well; it’s a two-part solution.
Notice any trends that might explain rise of violence in Chicago?
(Source:Police and Community in Chicago: A Tale of Three Cities)

First, we must be honest about the role black people have played in making Chicago one of the most violent cities in America. No, not liberalism; black people and the dysfunction in their community, which drives away business, investments, and destroys property value. 

After all, were it not for the Great Migration of blacks to Chicago in the first place, a beachhead for black identity politics would never have been created which ultimately succeeded in giving us Barack Obama.

But how can one be honest about the role black people played in destabilizing Chicago’ delicate eco-system in an era when telling the truth is a revolutionary act?

By attacking those who peddle half-truths with a barrage of facts, which cast a dark shadow on the conditions found in 2013 Chicago and the lies used by Conservatism Inc. to deny reality.

Hot Air has been blowing a cold wind of lies over the truth about the black role in destabilizing Chicago, when they note the city is more violent now then when Al Capone was the number one gangster in town[Video: Chicago murders worse now than during Capone’s era, Hot Air, by Ed Morrissey, 2-4-13]:
Chicago still has one of the worst murder rates in the nation, if not the worst, but has the population of the city changed enough to vary the rate?  According to Boston University … no.  The Census population of Chicago in 1920 was 2,701,705, and in 1990 it was only 82,000 more at 2,783,726.  According to the Census Bureaunow, it’s 2,695,598 — almost exactly what it was in Capone’s heyday.
Poor Mr. Morrissey can’t be bothered to look up those crime statistics or, more importantly, the racial breakdown of the city of Chicago during Mr. Capone’s lifetime. Today, Chicago is almost 1/3 white, 1/3 black, and 1/3 Hispanic – with black people monopolizing 3/4ths of the murders and Hispanics nearly 1/5 – but in the age of Capone, Elliot Ness, and Prohibition, would you believe Chicago was only 4.1 percent black?

Out of a population of 2.7 million people, Chicago was 95 percent white (non-Hispanic for those who don’t understand the tidal wave of Latinos is a recent phenomenon) in 1920. By 1930, Chicago had a population of 3.3 million people, with 6.9 percent of the population being black -- the rest was 93.1 percent white.

Yes Virginia, there is a racial correlation to the rise in murder rate in Chicago and the rise of the black population (source: Chicago Crime Scenes Project)
By 1970, Chicago was 64.5 percent white and 32.7 percent black; by 1980, Chicago was 43.2 percent white and 39.5 percent black.

But what drove white people out of the city of Chicago – the very city in which the industries and businesses they had founded and operated had been the magnet for attracting black migrants to in the first place?

Black crime, Watson. Black crime.

Indeed, the story of crime in Chicago – with the incredible evidence that points to a correlation of the rise of gun laws to the rise in the black population there – is a powerful reminder that individual liberty and personal freedom can only flourish in a homogeneous community/neighborhood/city/state/or nation.

Here’s the start of the evidence, courtesy of Edward McClelland of NBC Chicago [Opinion: Make Chicago As Safe As It Was During Prohibition, 7-20-12]:
It’s true that this year’s Chicago murder rate is unacceptable. But do you know what else is unacceptable? The murder rate that Chicagoans find acceptable. 
 Throughout the 2000s, we thought we were on a holiday from homicide. In 2004, Chicago experienced 448 murders, for a homicide rate of 15.65 per 100,000 residents. That was less than half the murder rate in 1990, at the height of the Crack Wars. 
 But it was still higher than the murder rate in 1929, the year of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, when Al Capone was the city’s crime kingpin and the streets were awash in blood as gangsters battled over illegal liquor sales during Prohibition. The 1920s saddled Chicago with international image for murder and violence that we still haven’t shaken off. The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre was so shocking it led the nation to reconsider whether Prohibition was worth the gang warfare it caused. 
 Here’s a list of historic murder rates, courtesy of the Encyclopedia of Chicago. 
Use this graph from the book Second City Ghetto to understand reason behind rise in murders in Chicago... Notice the drop after the repealing of Prohibition between 1930 and 1940.
    1920: 10.5
    1930: 14.6
    1940: 7.1
    1950: 7.9
    1960: 10.3
    1970: 24.0
    1980: 28.7
    1990: 32.9
    2000: 22.1
    2010: 15.6
Here is a chart of murder rates from 1870 to 2008.

We know that federal government’s decision to ban the sale of alcohol created the nightmarish conditions of the Capone Era in Chicagoland; but with the repealing of Prohibition, crime dropped. Yet the historic murder rate began to climb as the percentage of the white population in Chicago began to drop and the percentage of black people in the Second City began to rise… dramatically.

Only when black people began to serve longer,  harsher prison sentences (thank God for drug laws), did we see a reduction in crime/murder rates – or, perhaps those cats from Freakonomicswere right about the abortion cutting crime theory.

Just look at the rise in the black population from 1940 to 1980 in Chicago, via the book Chicago Divided (Table 3: Racial Components of Chicago’s Population, 1940-1980):
1940: 8.1 percent black out of 3.3 million1950: 13.5 percent black out of 3.6 million1960: 22.8 percent black out of 3.5 million1970: 32.7 percent black out of 3.3 million1980: 39.2 percent black out of 3.0 million

Worse – the conditions black people created in Chicago necessitated an exodus by white people out of the city to the flourishing suburbs that they would create – and can only exist in a such desirable, alluring state if they remain majority white.

Much like the city of Chicago.

Property values dropped in heavily black-areas of the city; tax revenues from businesses dropped as whites created new economies in their suburbs, with black entrepreneurs incapable of replicating any new businesses in the communities that were abandoned to them.

The Reality of Black Crime in Chicago
Source: Police and Community in Chicago: A Tale of Three Cities)
So, herein rests the point of fact Conservatism Inc. refuses to acknowledge, but is powerfully stated in 2006 book Police and Community in Chicago: A Tale of Three Cities:
Figure 2.4 distinguishes between two general categories of crime: personal offenses and property crime. In every case, residents of largely African American areas came off worse, but the gap varied by type of crime. Figure 2.4 examines three types of violent crime: robbery, rape, and murder. Robbery rates are scaled at the left side of the figure, while rapes and murders – which are much less frequent – are scaled to the right. The immense concentration of the city’s violent crime in African American areas is apparent. Robbery and rapes rates there were almost six times as high as in predominately white areas, and almost three times as high as in Latino and racially diverse areas. 
 In 1991, 64 percent of all reported robberies and 66 percent of all rapes were committed in the city’s 121 predominantly African-American beats, which were home to 35 percent of the population. Murder, which was much less frequent, was just as concentrated; two-thirds of all of the city’s homicides took place in African American beats. The murder rate there was ten times that in white areas, and more than twice the rate in Latino and racially diverse beats. 
 Class made a great deal of difference in the risks facing the city’s African Americans. Homicide and robbery rates were more than twice as high in poor black areas as they were in better-off African American neighborhoods, but they were still the second most victimized cluster of beats. Homicide rates were 27 times higher in poor black beats than they were in white homeowner areas, where the murder rate was only three per one hundred thousand residents. (p. 36-37)

Now do you understand why white flight happens? Now do you understand why white people fought so hard to protect Restrictive Covenants and maintain the integrity of their community?

So when you read people blabbering on and on about how the violence in Chicago today is even greater than that of the Al Capone/Gangster Era of the 1920 – 1930s, just smile and nod, then politely point out the demographics of the situation.

The rise in black population and fall of white population
(Source: Chicago Divided)
And remember this – the government created the conditions in Chicago – Prohibition - where an Al Capone figure could rise and gangsters would then fight over turf for selling their banned alcohol, just as the government has funded the proliferation of the very people making Chicago a war-zone today via a redistribution of wealth of your tax-dollars (that’s what EBT/Food Stamps, Welfare/TANF, Section 8 Vouchers/Public Housing, and government employment represents).

As stated, there is a solution to the violence gripping Chicago, which seems to be on the minds of many who are involved in Conservatism Inc. -- well; it’s a two-part solution.

First, we must be honest about the role black people have played in making Chicago one of the most violent cities in America. No, not liberalism; black people and the dysfunction in their community, which drives away business, investments, and destroys property value. 

Second: immediately cut-off all EBT/Food Stamps, Welfare/TANF, Section 8 Vouchers/Public Housing, and government employment to the black community in Chicago and enact mandatory monthly Depo-Provero shots to those who desire being put back on government assistance, or offer a one-way bus/plane ticket back South to those black residents of Chicago who refuse such generous terms.

The only way to end the violence in Chicago is to end the government sanctioned transfer of wealth, which has artificially enabled a proliferation of the black community.

It is this community that is responsible for almost all the violent crime in Chicago; it is this community the government is actively seeking to augment; it is this community that must accept the blame for the dysfunction making Chicago almost as uninhabitable as Detroit.


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