Breaking News
Monday, 25 February 2013

Info Post

From what I can tell, a term coined by Daniel Greenfield at Front Page Magazine.

Murder in America: The Wall Street Journal created a database for all firearm murders in America (save Florida) between 2000-2010 -- though black people are 13% of US population, they were responsible for 45.1% of known murders in America committed with a gun; whites, though roughly 66% of US population, were responsible for 24.3% of known murders committed with a handgun. 
As we consider the question of 'Guns, Blacks, and Steel', it would be imprudent not to include Greenfield's piece detailing the true source of America's gun problem [Gun Violence is Not a Republican Problem, It’s a Democratic Problem, Front Page Magazine, 1-18-2013]:
Forget Wal-Mart and skip your local gun show. The murderers of tomorrow will not be found wearing orange vests at your local sporting goods store. They won’t have NRA memberships or trophies on their walls.
You won’t find them in America. Look for them in Obamerica. 67% of firearm murders took place in the country’s 50 largest metro areas. The 62 cities in those metro areas have a firearm murder rate of 9.7, more than twice the national average. Among teenagers the firearm murder rate is 14.6 or almost three times the national average.
Those are the crowded cities of Obamerica. Those are the places with the most restrictive gun control laws and the highest crime rates. And many of them have been run by Democrats and their political machines for almost as long as they have been broken.
Obama won every major city in the election, except for Jacksonville and Salt Lake City. And the higher the death rate, the bigger his victory.
He won New Orleans by 80 to 17 where the murder rate is ten times higher than the national average. He won Detroit, where the murder rate of 53 per 100,000 people is the second highest in the country and twice as high as any country in the world, including the Congo and South Africa. He won it 73 to 26. And then he celebrated his victory in Chicago where the murder rate is three times the statewide average.
These places aren’t America. They’re Obamerica.
In 2006, the 54% of the population living in those 50 metro areas was responsible for 67% of armed killings nationwide. Those are disproportionate numbers especially when you consider that for the people living in most of those cities walking into a store and legally buying a gun is all but impossible.
Mayors of Obamerican cities blame guns because it’s easier than blaming people and now the President of Obamerica has turned to the same shameless tactic. The NRA counters that people kill people, but that’s exactly why Obamerican leaders would rather talk about the guns.
Chicago, the capital of Obamerica, is a city run by gangs and politicians. It has 68,000 gang members, four times the number of police officers. Chicago politicians solicit the support of gang members in their campaigns, accepting laundered contributions from them, hiring their members and tipping them off about upcoming police raids. And their biggest favor to the gang bosses is doing nothing about the epidemic of gang violence. 80% of Chicago’s murders are gang-related.
But in 1999 when a bill came up in the Illinois State Senate to charge anyone carrying out a firearm attack on school property as an adult, a law that would have largely affected gang members, the future leader of Obamerica voted present. Had he not voted present, it is doubtful that he would have been reelected in an area where gang leaders wield a great deal of influence. The majority of murders in the cities with the worst homicide rates are gang-related. And while it isn’t always possible to be certain whether a killing was gang-related, the majority of homicide victims in city after city have been found to have criminal records.
In 2010, there were 11,078 firearm homicides in the United States and over 2,000 known gang-related killings, over 90% of which are carried out with firearms. Since 1981, Los Angeles alone has had 16,000 gang related homicides. That’s more than twice the number of Americans killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is what Obamerica looks like. It’s a place where life is cheap and illegal guns are as available as illegal drugs. It’s the war that we aren’t talking about, because it’s easier to talk about the inanimate objects being used to fight that war.
 "Obamerica" -- funny, as James Kirkpatrick illustrated at Vdare, those leaders of Conservatism Inc. believe only a black man can save America from "Obamerica" (paging Dr. Ben Carson... paging Dr. Ben Carson) or else watch as the Republic is dragged into the 9th layer of Hell.

Right now, there is no "morality" in place that defines why white America has a right to exist, to survive -- instead, the only hope by the gatekeeper at Conservatism Inc. is in coagulating the severe wound "Obamerica" has inflicted on the nation with the steady hand of Dr. Carson.

No thanks.

The cities Mr. Greenfield mentions as the epicenter of "Obamerica" - Chicago and Detroit - were once the crown jewels of white America, an expression of the type of community white individuals could collectively create.

In 2013 -- they represent the type of communities black individuals are capable of collectively creating.

It was those conditions white people created in Detroit and Chicago - seemingly limitless prosperity, a state-of-the-art infrastructure, etc. -   that attracted black migrants; it is the conditions the now black majority in each city created that drove away white people and allowed for the flowering of "Obamerica" to transpire.

The constant threat of black violence (be in gun or black criminality) drives away capital investments in a city; it drives away businesses - legitimate businesses - that can provide tax revenue for much needed city improvements; and, most importantly, it drives away white people who must seek a safer climate to rear children and protect their family.

One city Mr. Greenfield doesn't mention is Philadelphia, where it was reported 59 precincts went 100 percent for Obama in the 2012 election.

Zero votes for Mitt Romney.

Conversely, Philadelphia is also a city firmly controlled by "Obamerica" [Violent trend remains epidemic, Philly Tribune, 6-28-12]:
From one end of Philadelphia to the other, virtually no neighborhood — from Society Hill to Grays Ferry and from University City to Strawberry Mansion — is exempt from the senseless violence that seems to have a vice-like grip on Philadelphia.

According to law enforcement experts, among the top ten cities in the nation, Philadelphia’s homicide rate remains among the worst, with young Black males between the ages of 17 to 25 consistently being the majority of the victims and perpetrators. After a 20 percent decline in homicide over the last three years, the numbers are starting to inch up again. To put the figures in context, there have been 183 murders in Philadelphia as of Tribune press time. By contrast, one U.S. serviceman was killed in Iraq in 2012. In 2011, there were 324 murder victims in Philadelphia, again, mostly Black males. In Iraq for that same year, 54 U.S. servicemen were killed.

The numbers illustrate the glaring and frightening reality that a young Black man is safer in Iraq fighting insurgents than he is walking around the streets of Philadelphia’s African American neighborhoods.

During military operations in Iraq from 2007 to 2012, 1,482 American service members were killed. In Philadelphia for the same years, 1,654 people were killed — mostly Black males. To color that number even more, according to Philadelphia Police Department figures, 645 Black males between the ages of 17 and 25 were murdered in Philadelphia during those years. By contrast, 27 Black males between the same ages were fatally shot by police officers in the commission of their duties.
 It is the destruction of a city of such national importance as Philadelphia that illustrates why the "Liberty Bell" has no meaning in 2013 -- a property owner or business owner in the "City of Brotherly Love" only has the liberty to watch their property value plummet or their security expenses go up and their cash flow go down as the "Obamerica" sets in upon Philly.

The Wall Street Journal created a database for all firearm murders in America (save Florida) between 2000-2010 -- though black people are 13% of US population, they were responsible for 45.1% of known murders in America committed with a gun; whites, though roughly 66% of US population, were responsible for 24.3% of known murders committed with a handgun; Hispanics, roughly 13% of the US population, were responsible for 9% of known murders in America committed with a gun over that same time period.

Mr. Greenfield would end his piece at Front Page Magazine with these words:
There are, as John Edwards said, two Americas. America is a country that runs pretty well. And then there’s Obamerica. Not all of Obamerica is broken, but a lot of it is. America does not have a gun violence problem. Obamerica does. And Obamerica has a gun violence problem for the same reason that it has a drug problem and a broken family problem.
Democratic leaders and machines, combined with social workers and justice crusaders have run Obamerica into the ground. Obamerican cities used to be the homes of industry and progress. Now they’re places where young Black and Hispanic men kill each other in growing numbers.

We need to set aside the same old tired social justice rhetoric and have a serious conversation about what is wrong with New Orleans, Detroit and Chicago. And we need to do it before it’s too late.

 Right now, one of Greenfield's "two Americas" is under tremendous assault from all corners: immigration, illegal immigration, the removal of Red State white males from the military, gun control, the outsourcing of jobs, confiscatory levels of taxation, an EEOC determined to make erratic heartbeats a violation of 'equality', a USDA that considers any white person an abomination,  and an Education-Industrial Complex determined to create handicaps for white (and Asian) children just to close the racial gap in achievement.

And a state whose private and public sector is doing everything possible to retard the advancement of white people via "diversity" and quota mandates. 

And the best Conservatism Inc. can do is look to Dr. Ben Carson and pray for his divine wisdom to impart sanity upon "Obamerica."

What those 65 million people who have bought guns since President Obama's election in 2009 don't understand is simply this: it is the goal of those in charge of "Obamerica" to turn every last village, city, or community in this nation into just another reflection of "Obamerica."

And it is almost exclusively white people who have even vested interest in stopping this from happening.

The morality to survive is a radical, radical notion in "Obamerica"; after all, in what other epoch of American history would the very people whose blood was the catalyst for the creation of the nation be targeted for elimination?

SBPDL was started as a joke -- but with the fall of black-run Detroit imminent, I know realize the importance of such seemingly insignificant projects as this; no one else had told the story of Detroit's demise.

The same with Chicago; the same with Birmingham. 

What is becoming increasingly obvious about life in "Obamerica"is, to paraphrase President Thomas Whitmore's speech from Independence Day, "White America is  fighting for a form of ultimate freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution, but from annihilation. We're fighting for our right to live, to exist."

As we have seen with Detroit, where white America is absent (violently overthrown by blacks in an as-of-yet-unnamed war), civilization is absent.

And the cost of policing and maintaining the "absence of civilization" in black-run Detroit is passed on to the white taxpayer; as will the cost of bailing out the city.

So Mr. Greenfield is correct to call for a conservation about what is wrong with New Orleans, Detroit, and Chicago. 

But any discussion of gun control in America would - as the Wall Street Journal's interactive on murder in the USA between 2000-2010 makes clear - would involve a frank discussion of race.


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