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Coming February 2, 2013 |
Gave Bates smiled through tears as she swiped her hand across her phone, flipping through pictures of her cousin playing around and striking goofy poses.
"He was a lot of fun, very good at imitating people," Bates said of Nathaniel T. Jackson, 40. "He just had so much fun all the time. And we all grew up together in the same house."
Jackson was standing outside a store in the Austin neighborhood around 9 p.m. Thursday when someone walked up and shot him in the head, police said. His death was apparently the 500th homicide in Chicago this year, marking a grim milestone. The city last reached that toll in 2008.
Jackson grew up on the West Side, a few miles away from where he was gunned down, and had been released from prison this past summer after serving a sentence for robbery. He had been shot several years ago, after an earlier stint in jail, and Bates said she constantly warned him to be careful on the street.
"The last time he was out, someone had shot him several times, in the back," Bates said as she stood outside Stroger Hospital, where Jackson was pronounced dead. "He was a fighter, he was a survivor."
Police had no motive on the shooting outside Noah Foods at Augusta Boulevard and Lavergne Avenue. No one was in custody.
As of Thursday night, homicides were up 17 percent over last year in Chicago, and shootings had increased by 11 percent, according to police statistics.
Largely contributing to the spike was the unusual number of homicides that occurred during the early part of the year, when the city experienced unseasonable warmth. In the first three months of the year, homicides ran about 60 percent ahead of the 2011 rate.Trying to humanize a thug by making him sound like a typical cocktail lounge comedian - who happened to just get out of jail for the second time - is the name-of-the-game for the Chicago Tribune.
Now do you begin to understand why dismantling Restrictive Covenants was such an important goal of those hoping to break the back of local resistance to integration? Nothing destroys property value and the ability for local businesses to turn a profit like the introduction of one black family - no matter how posh they might be - to the neighborhood.
You begin to realize why the Chicago Tribune once wrote editorials denouncing Martin Luther King as an outside agitator when he came to Chicagoland, where he encountered a people more determined to protect their way of life then he had in places like Birmingham and Atlanta [MLK blogging: From their archives, to my archives, to you, 4.4.08, Chicago Reader]:
"Where Inflamatory Words Take Us" (Jul. 30)When the Rev. Martin Luther King said that Chicago invited rioting by ignoring and downgrading the "nonviolent" civil rights movement, he engaged in his usual prattle about the "white power structure" and "power elite." Riots, he said, helped whites relieve their guilt feelings because the Negroes can be blamed for lawlessness. As one who as contended that "unjust laws" can be broken with impunity, King, as Mayor Daley has remarked, has made his own contribution to incendiarism. But he does not hold himself at fault: it's all the blame of the "power structure."
"Patience at an End" (Aug. 5; emphasis mine)
We believe that the vast body of Chicagoans, white and Negro, has come to the end of its patience with tumult and violence in the streets, and that it will support any necessary action to see that lawlessness is banished.
As a first step, police have in custody a 15-year-old charged with aggravated battery in the assault on the firemen. We believe that the courts should impose the stiffest penalty that the law allows in order to warn street corner gangs that from now on they are not going to be let off with kid-glove treatment.
The same treatment should be accorded the imported prophets of "nonviolence" who are seeking to incite trouble with marches into white neighborhoods. The Rev. Martin Luther King of Atlanta is expected to lead another of these forays into the Gage Park area, where whites were baited into a near-riot last week-end which resulted in injuries to some 50 persons, a score of whom were policemen, and a dozen cars were burned.
It would be well to advise King in advance that if he manages to produce a similar result he and his lieutenants can expect to find themselves in the lockup. King profited from a sojourn of this kind in the south by writing a so-called "Letter from Birmingham Jail." . . .
"Why Must We Put Up With Daily Brawls?" (Aug. 9)
The "civil rights" marchers are only hurting themselves and their cause. Chicago is retrogressing to the condition of a frontier town in early days, where shots are fired in the air and challenges to combat are hurled. The town marshals are busier than in a TV western.
Why are they making phony civil rights marches? All for what? Simply because a lot of misguided people are induced to slog down sidewalks in quiet communities at the behest of King, Raby, Bevel, and the rest of the crop of paid professional agitators. What do these agitators think they are accomplishing? "I have to do this--to expose myself--to bring this hate into the open," King says self-righteously. Who gave him the commission, and what is the result except to inflate his vanity?
The time has come when the great body of fine and decent Negro Chicagoans ought to take action to get King off their backs. They have found homes here, and opportunities seldom found in southern states. Their incomes have enormously improved. They have the impartial protection of the law, and they are accustomed to peace and order. They are contributing to Chicago, not trying to tear Chicago down.
Sunday's march was thru the Belmont-Cragin neighborhood, a community of modest but good homes. Families ordinarily would be enjoying the chance to sit on the front porch reading the paper, to sprinkle their lawns and work in their gardens, or go to the park or beach. Instead, they are confronted by a shuffling procession of strangers carrying signs and posing as martyrs. The spectacle is repulsive to right-thinking people.
"The Sabotage of Chicago" (Aug. 18; watch for the rather stunning interpretation of anti-criminal syndicate laws at the end, it's pretty audacious. Emphases mine.)
It is not enough that Martin Luther King and his "nonviolent" marchers have brought violence, resentment, and global notoriety to Chicago. On top of all this, according to Police Supt. O.W. Wilson, they are largely to blame for a 25 percent increase in the city's crime rate.The police feel obligated to protect them. It has been their deliberate tactic to disperse the police force so that it is spread too thin to be effective anywhere. . . .
With the police thus tied up, it is natural that professional criminals and hoodlums should take advantage of the the opportunity to prey upon the public in their own manner. Nor is it irrelevant to note that there were 72 murders in Chicago in July--an all time high for any month. . . .What a different tune the Chicago Tribune once sang; instead of trying paint career black thugs/criminals such as Nathaniel T. Jackson as a comedic genius, the paper once published the truth about Organized Blackness.
And now, on February 2, 2013, so will we.
Second City Confidential: The Black Experience in Chicagoland will be a book like none other; a history of black people in Chicago - and the conditions they have created for themselves - from the pen of a Paul Kersey.
In 2012 we brought you Escape from Detroit and Black Mecca Down. In 2013, we start with the Second City.
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