. . . In the black mythology of Detroit, 1967 had become the point that blacks finally stood up for themselves—what Ebony magazine called ‘the birth pangs’ of a new city” (pp. 238–39). What this understanding meant as a practical matter was that blacks saw riots and the threat of riots as a source of power, a potent tool of extortion—and so they proved to be until finally nothing was left to destroy. -- Race Policy in Three American Cities, by LINO A. GRAGLIA, Independent Review
It was these words, in a review of Tamar Jacoby's "Someone Else's House" that came to me when I read Matt Drudge's headline today at the Drudge Report:
Detroit Planning Bankruptcy
Sadly, Drudge omits the racial breakdown of Detroit in 2012: a 90 percent + Black city, completely controlled by black political power throughout every level of government.
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90 percent black Detroit, that is, plans bankruptcy |
There is nothing left to destroy in 90 percent + black Detroit, for black people lack the creative capacity as a group to provide for their common welfare, let alone maintaining the infrastructure they inherited when they drove whitey away. What Ebony dubbed 'the birth pangs' of a new city" so triumphantly in 1967 will now be put down by state execution.
Daniel Howes, writing in the Detroit News states [State laying groundwork for managed bankruptcy for Detroit, 12-7-12]:
Even as the state Treasury prepares to begin another financial review of Detroit's books, a plan is being solidified in the governor's office that would guide Michigan's largest city through what is being called a managed bankruptcy.
The working concept, still evolving, assumes that the state's financial review would find severe financial distress in Detroit, that Mayor Dave Bing and City Council would be unable to push through overdue restructuring, and that the process would culminate in appointment of an emergency financial manager under Public Act 72.
A Chapter 9 filing for Detroit may be increasingly likely given the dysfunction and infantile posturing atop City Hall. But bankruptcy is not yet certain, provided three obstacles can be removed or settled outside of court: pending litigation designed to slow the process; pension debt of $1.4 billion and $440 million in outstanding swap contracts; and liabilities for retiree health care.
Detroit residents went to the polls and cast 98 percent of their ballots for Obama; then, a member of the all-black Detroit City Council demanded that Obama “show them the bacon” and come bail out the city. And this was just in past 30 days.
Liberalism didn’t kill Detroit; it flourishes in Portland, Oregon, one of the whitest big cities in America. Though the white people their bemoan the lack of diversity, the city thrives without it… more importantly, it thrives with a paucity of black people [Census ranks Seattle among whitest big cities, Seattle Times, 4-23-11]:
An African-American blues performer, Anita White often finds herself the only minority at her performances around Seattle.
"You get used to it," she said with a laugh.
A lot of people have had to.
Compared with other large U.S. cities, Seattle is pretty white.
Along with Portland, Seattle is among large U.S. cities in which the highest proportions of residents describe themselves as non-Hispanic white, based on 2010 census data.
In Seattle, 66 percent of all residents fit that category — the fifth-highest rate among the nation's 50 largest cities — higher even than Wichita, Kan., and Minneapolis.
Seattle rose two notches in the ranking from a decade ago, in part because other cities experienced higher growth in their Latino populations.
Portland's 72 percent white population was the highest in the country, a position unchanged from 10 years ago.
None of this comes as a surprise to people who move to the Pacific Northwest from other cities or who have lived elsewhere and come back home.
While Seattle has one of the highest concentrations of Asians in the U.S., the proportion of blacks and Latinos is among the lowest.
The absence is visible on the city's streets, in restaurants and at many cultural events.
"It's always been this way," said White, 52, who works for the city of Seattle and lives in Renton. She spent eight years in Florida in the 1980s and '90s before coming back to this region.
"People think because we are a large city that somehow we should be more diverse," she said.
In a separate measure, which calculates the probability that two people chosen at random in the city would each be of a different race or ethnicity, Seattle also shows up as less diverse than other places.
It had the eighth-lowest diversity index among the 50 cities.
In fact, among Washington cities with at least 10,000 people, Seattle was ranked 19th, after cities such as Bellevue, Redmond, Lynnwood and Mount Vernon.
In the ranking of big U.S. cities, Portland remained unchanged at No. 3.
Detroit, with its overwhelmingly black population, was the least diverse.
72 percent white Portland, Oregon... thriving |
Odd: Portland is consistently voted as one of the top places to live in America, with a thriving downtown, high rate of entrepreneurial activity, and a great place to raise a family.
Why hasn’t liberalism doomed Portland the way it has – gasp – Detroit?
Public transportation works in Portland; people can walk freely throughout the downtown area, knowing they won’t be mugged; and better yet, property values are high.
The last time Detroit was rated as one of the top places to live in America was back in the 1950s when it was 85 percent white.
Of course, this was prior to the hat Ebony dubbed 'the birth pangs' of a new city" so triumphantly in 1967, when blacks rioted for three days and scared away whites for good.
Black people remade Detroit in their image: they preside over failing schools (the Detroit Public School system is almost entirely black; a complete lack of legal commercial activity – since they lack a creative class to create or sustain an economy; and a city with one of the highest crime rates in the world.
Portland? The exact opposite of Detroit in 2012.
And yes: it’s 100 percent a racial thing, though both cities went overwhelmingly for Obama in 2012. Portland because the citizens there like his ideas; Detroit because the citizens there judged him by the color of his skin.
We now see the same type of black people who presided over the decline of one of America’s great cities trying to counsel Obama on an agenda for black America in his second term [African-American Leaders Deliver Agenda For Obama's Second Term,USnews.com, 12-6-12]:
Following a four-hour closed door meeting Monday, the leaders of four African-American advocacy groups emerged looking pleased to announce a collective wish list they plan to deliver to President Barack Obama for his second term.
The "black agenda," as the groups have called their wish list on Twitter, starts with ensuring the fiscal cliff doesn't disproportionately hurt black Americans.
That's something Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League, has worried about before. But Morial also listed five new priorities that came out of what he called Monday's "historic gathering." Those include: working for parity for blacks in education, health care and the economy; reforming the criminal justice system; and protecting and defending voting rights.
Detroit has had a black agenda since the smoke cleared from - what Life magazine dubbed it on its cover issue in 1967 – the “Negro Rebellion.” It is now on the verge of death, clinging to life due to the generosity of the American taxpayer.
Liberalism is the culprit, right?
Then why is Portland flourishing?
“We come to it at last, the great battle of our time”
With all due respect to a man I consider a mentor, Peter Brimelow, the struggle is upon us in a manner far greater then the National Question (immigration).
With Detroit, we see the finality of what monolithic black political control brings; with Atlanta, we will see in 2013 if the white citizens of North Fulton have the audacity to kick-start the most important moment in American history – it’s true dissolution.
Economic secession is racial secession.
Somewhere in Buffalo, a white guy who had the guts to say BLACKS ‘RUIN NEIGHBORHOODS’ is hopefully having a cold beer and a cigar right now.
We are witnessing in 2012 Detroit (a 90 percent black city) that black people don’t just ruin neighborhoods, they destroy cities as well.
Portland, despite everything Conservatism Inc. would have you believe about Detroit’s collapse, thrives.
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