Breaking News
Saturday, 22 December 2012

Info Post
Christmas Decorations? An invitation for a black home invasion in St. Louis
Merry Christmas! Now take down those lights, if you wish to avoid being a victim of an ever-increasing home invasion over the Christmas season [Police Warn Homeowners to Avoid Christmas Crime, CBS St. Louis, 12-20-12]:
If your holiday light display shines like the Griswalds, are you inviting burglars to see what’s inside your home?
“Sometimes criminals look for targets, even houses that may be decorated,” said police Sgt. Catherine Dennis, “I’m not saying not to decorate, but sometimes they may look for that.”
Dennis outlined the dos-and-don’ts of Christmas crime prevention, reminding homeowners that it’s that time of year when Santa Claus isn’t the only one breaking into homes.

Among the recommendations :
**It’s OK to display your lighted tree in the window with the drapes open, but don’t let people driving by see presents in the window .
**If you’re not home, don’t have packages delivered there, sitting on the front porch to tempt passersby.
**Always keep your garage door closed, and if your garage attaches to the house, always lock the inside door.
**When shopping, there is safety in numbers. Watch your back, don’t count cash in public, and don’t carry chin-high arm loads of packages to your car.
**Always hide valuables out of sight in the trunk.
If you’re looking for more home security to help you sleep at night, you may do what Sgt. Dennis did — get a dog. Dennis says twice burglars have tried to get into her home, but she has an Akita with sensitive hearing who has awakened and barked “like a wolf” to scare them away.
Is that Tim Allen on the roof honey?

Something is seriously, seriously wrong in America. Remember what OD reported about crime in St. Louis (courtesy of Missouri State Highway Patrol Statistical Analysis Center):

In St. Louis, African-Americans are 49.2 percent of the population, but are responsible for 92 percent of homicide, 78 percent of rape, 93 percent of robbery, 87 percent of aggravated assault, and 82 percent of burglary.
So people own guns in St. Louis for home defense from... black people.

Maybe this is why "civil rights" hero John Lewis went on MSNBC and said people should give up their guns "because the British aren't coming" [John Lewis: The British Are Not Coming, Lose the Guns, Breitbart, 12-20-12]:
When asked by Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC whether the problem of gun violence was all about guns or if there were other issues, such as mental health, Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, who was a black civil rights activist in the 1960’s and had been talking about the murders of Martin Luther King and Medgar Evers, decided to revoke the Second Amendment:

It’s not all guns. We must bring the issue of mental illness out into the sunlight, out of the shadow, out of the closet, deal with it, treat people, have centers where people can get the necessary help. But we can start by dealing with the issues of guns. There’s too many guns. The British are not coming. The Russians — the Russians are not coming. The British are not coming. We don’t need all these guns to kill people.

As Lewis likes to invoke history, it might be wise for him to brush up a little. After the Civil War, the Confederate States enacted the Black Codes. These codes forbid the new free blacks from having guns, leaving them vulnerable to organizations like the Ku Klux Klan, which pushed for these laws.
 Rep. John Lewis is right: "The British aren't coming."

The black people are coming.

This is why, nationwide, people are making a run on - not banks - gun stores.

Home invasions are on the rise; black-on-white crime is increasing. And in St. Louis, you are being warned about putting up Christmas decorations.

It's a brave new world; And the Christmas bells that ring there Are the clanging chimes of doom...


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