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Friday, 25 May 2012

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The Key to the White North Fulton battle with Black South Fulton: Buckhead
It will never end. No matter how many concessions one makes; no matter how many attempts to rectify racial inequities from the past (largely made-up or exaggerated); there will always be an “And Then?”

Case in point in Fulton County, Georgia (home to Atlanta), where 56 percent of the residents are non-Black – 44 percent being white. At 44 percent of the population, Black people will not tolerate any reduction in the public workforce that negative impacts their seat at the position of power:

A coalition of civil rights and attorney groups says African-American judges are being replaced by white appointees in one of Georgia's most heavily populated black counties and called Thursday for Georgia's governor to fill vacancies with judges who reflect their communities' diversity.

The coalition, led by the Rev. Joseph Lowery, said black representation on the bench has decreased from 44 percent in 2002 to 30 percent. They say every African-American judge who has resigned or retired from Fulton County Superior Court replaced by gubernatorial appointment since 2002 has been replaced by a white appointee.

Fulton County is 44 percent African-American, according to the latest Census figures.

"We need fairness," said Lowery, head of the Georgia Coalition for the People's Agenda, as he stood on the steps of the courthouse. "Do the right thing. We're not here to ask them for favors. We're asking them for justice."

Fairness? What percentage of Fulton County public employees is non-Black? Does anyone have that information? What about City of Atlanta public employees? MARTA?  Are these numbers available? What about employees over at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport?

It wouldn’t be surprising to learn that of the aforementioned public entities,  75 percent or more of the employees of each are Black.

Fairness. These words only apply to Black people in Black-Run America (BRA). Just look at this article from Ebony in 1989, written by Renee Turner:
AIR travelers to Atlanta witness a spectacle that bolsters the city's image as the jewel of the New South and a showcase of Black achievement. Airplanes fly over fields of emerald pines that encircle a bustling metropolis run by Black politicians. They glide over some of the $300,000 homes of the Black elite, and land on runways built by Black firms before depositing passengers at a high-tech airport that some call America's greatest monument to affirmative action.

A quarter-century after the signing of the Civil Rights Act, the city that was the setting for Margaret Mitchell's famed Civil War novel, Gone With The Wind, is a city that the book's heroine, Scarlett O'Hara, would not recognize. Gone with the winds of change are the Jim Crow-era "Whites Only" signs, segregated lunch counters, and laws that prevented Blacks from voting.

Today, Atlanta is the benchmark of Black political and economic success--a mecca for Blacks seeking and often finding fulfillment of the American dream. Blacks and Whites exercise and network at the Downtown Athletic Club. Everything from T-shirts to coffee mugs bearing the logo of Underground Atlanta, the city's new downtown $142 million retail and entertainment attraction, are produced by a Black-owned firm, the Logo Depot. The city of nearly a half-million people is run by its second Black mayor. In fact, African-Americans, who comprise almost 70 percent of the city's residents, hold the majority of city council and county commission seats.

How many of those glittering homes that belong to a manufactured Black elite – all due to the pernicious machinations of radical affirmative action – are now in foreclosure? Judging by the fact that a Section 8 Riot erupted in South Fulton County when 30,000 Black people overwhelmed an event to sign forms for housing vouchers that won’t be valid for years, it should be obvious that the Black Mecca is more like… Africa.

With great power, comes great responsibility, right? In the PBS Documentary Eyes on the Prize, there is an episode called Keys to the Kingdom that profiles Mayor Jackson and what happened in Atlanta after his election in 1973.  Political power, in his eyes, was about redistributing wealth – and jobs – to his community, in a move that would benefit Black people and Black people alone:
First of all, start with exaggerated black expectations, that overnight Valhalla will be found, heaven will come on earth and it's all because the black mayor's been elected. And things just don't work that way. The obligation that I felt was to try with everything in my power and every legal and ethical way that I could to move things as quickly as possible in that direction.
 To Black people, the only responsibility of government –and elected officials – is how will your actions improve my life? More importantly, every action, every bill, and every legal decision must be made to improve the quality of life of Black people only, even if it is to detriment of white people (and increasingly, a non-white, non-Black population).

The Blacks have abused the power that Connected Capitalism ceded to them in 1973. Atlanta is on threshold of a battle that will forever alter the landscape of America, if the predominately white North Fulton cites of Sandy Springs, Milton, Johns Creek, Chattahoochee Hills, and Dunwoody (potentially even Buckhead) were to push for secession, instantly predominately Black South Fulton turns into Detroit.

Overnight. The ability to create a Black middle class – based on redistributing wealth to Blacks via public jobs and contracts that stipulate unfair quotas toward Black firms – would end.

You see, in Detroit, white people fled Wayne County. Though many white people fled to other metro Atlanta counties, enough wealth stayed in Fulton County since 1973 to keep the whole unfair system chugging along.

But now, that is ending. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported this on May 17; House GOP leader: ‘My goal is to end Fulton County’:

When the Legislature passed new maps for the state House and Senate last year, Republicans gave themselves extra slices of certain counties.
Earlier this month, House Speaker pro tem Jan Jones of Milton bluntly explained the merits of the tactic to a group of north Fulton voters. From Neighbor Newspapers:
In January, according to Jones, there will be a north Fulton majority in both the House delegation and the Senate delegation.
Which means, “we can cut Fulton County down to size until we get Milton County,” she said.
“My goal is that we reduce the thumbprint … of Fulton County on your lives and your pocketbooks such that in a very few years, Atlanta and south Fulton will not fight us on recreating Milton County because Fulton County will be insignificant,” she said. “We will begin that process next year.”
Jones said she actually thinks splitting Fulton into three counties would be in the best interest of all citizens.
“My goal is not to re-create Milton County. My goal is to end Fulton County and bring government closer to the people,” she said. “But it will take convincing.”
Jones’ comments, reported last week, are only now circulating within the city of Atlanta. They explain the motives behind HB 1052, which would have given the power to appoint two of three Fulton County representatives on the MARTA board to municipalities in north Fulton, said state Rep. Rashad Taylor, D-Atlanta.
This means the end of Actual Black Run America (ABRA) Fulton County and Atlanta. 

It was in a discussion on a proposed MARTA Bill that we begin to learn that when given great power, The Blacks will do everything possible to keep it:
Vice Chair Emma Darnell said the bill would disenfranchise the Southside. She also brought up the forming of new north Fulton cities, which she called "segregation based upon race and income."
Since 2005, three communities north of Atlanta voted to incorporate, a backlash against a perception of lackluster services and poor representation by the county government. One effect has been a higher tax rate on unincorporated south Fulton, the only area still under direct county governance.
"In my district, from Bankhead to Buckhead, we have no intention of going back [to segregation]," Darnell said. "There's too much blood back there."

There is a lot of Blood in South Fulton, but it isn’t from the era of Jim Crow and segregation. Just read this piece from Jim Goad at Takimag called Blight of the Living Dead.

South Fulton is one of the most violent places in America. Consequently, it’s almost all Black.

For too long white people in America have been told to know their role and shut their mouth. Pay taxes that go directly to fund the proliferation of a people whose only contribution to Atlanta (and America) has been crime, increased poverty, and the degradation of formerly great cities like Memphis, Birmingham, Baltimore, and Detroit.

Now, rumblings are being heard in The City too Busy to Hate. A fissure is developing of catastrophic potential.

With great power came the belief that the Blacks would forever play the race card and never expect “blowback” for race-based policies that require high taxation of the private sector (white people) to pay for an almost all-Black public sector.

With great power, comes great responsibility.

The Blacks have reneged on this in Atlanta. Though it might not seem that obvious yet, the coming political war in Fulton County is the start of a series of clashes around the nation, as white people begin to slowly understand the burden of high taxation goes directly to pay for public jobs and services that go toward their dispossession.

It might seem like a tax revolt, but it’s the start of something much more important: the repudiation of whites knowing their role, and keeping their mouths shut.  


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