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Whites fleeing the Black Undertow... just say it. |
The Gordian Knot. The ultimate problem that vexed the ancients was one Alexander of Macedonia solved:
While at Gordion, the Macedonian king learned about a special wagon that was situated in the Temple of Zeus. The pole of the wagon was tied to the wagon body with an intricate knot of cornel bark, and a prophecy had foretold that whoever could unfasten the knot would go on to rule over Asia (or even the whole settled world, in one version). Seized by a longing to test the prophecy, Alexander tried to unfasten the knot by unraveling it, but when he was unable to do so, he drew his sword and cut right through it. From this comes the proverbial expression “to cut the Gordian Knot”, meaning to cut right to the heart of a matter without wasting time on external details.At the end of this month, metro Atlanta will go to the polls to decide if there will be an increase of taxation so that the burden of commuting around the city can be lessened:
On July 31, 2012, residents across the 10-county Atlanta region including Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale counties, as well as the City of Atlanta have the opportunity to vote on a referendum that would fund $8.5 billion in transportation improvements through a regional one percent sales tax.It has already been established here that Atlanta has the worst traffic in America. The longest commutes. A public transportation system that does little more than serve as a jobs program for Black people and move Move Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta (MARTA ridership is 78 percent Black).
For those who support the transportation referendum, an Web site has been set up with the historically interesting title of Untie Atlanta. The site (UntieAtlanta.com) states:
The Crisis
Traffic is choking metro Atlanta. Billions of dollars are wasted in traffic congestion each year, costing the average metro commuter $924 annually in wasted fuel and lost time. Businesses are discouraged from moving to our region and creating jobs because of the added costs and hassles of traffic congestion. And home values suffer as homebuyers avoid clogged communities.
The Solution
A yes vote on July 31 will help to untie our traffic knot and make our region more competitive again. Investments in regional transportation will help create and support 200,000 mid- to high-paying jobs -- and will free up our clogged roadways so we can be more productive at work and spend more time at home. Investing in our region will bring jobs, prosperity and an improved quality of life for decades to come.
Who can be against the creation of jobs, right? Well, the Atlanta Journal Constitution published an article (Public ‘in the dark’ on T-SPLOST $1B:Share of transportation funds for localities does not require project list, June 17, 2012) which illustrates the project has virtually no accountability nor transparency:
The battle over how the region would spend $6.14 billion to fix metro Atlanta’s transportation quagmire is in full roar.Look, no project in the Black Mecca has ever had accountability (save former Mayor Bill Campbell's mad dash to keep Affirmative Action in The City too Busy to Hate, lest Black people no longer have access to public jobs). The entire reason Atlanta has crushing traffic problems is completely, 100 percent due to white people's attempts to create cities and communities free of the Black influence that makes Atlanta one of the most violent in all of America.
Little noticed in the din: $1.08 billion in tax revenue that would go directly to local government, part of the $7.2 billion expected from the proposed 1 percent sales tax.
Each of the region’s counties, cities and towns would get a share of the $1 billion to spend on transportation. But unlike the regional $6 billion fund, there is no requirement to list a single project for the $1 billion local fund. In many cases, voters at the polls July 31 will have no way of knowing where the projects are that the local money would build.
That we live in Black-Run America (BRA) where no white person can speak honestly about race without fear of social ostracism and career suicide shows the totalitarian nature of the current political system.
Traffic isn't suffocating Atlanta; our inability to openly talk about race and the harmful effects of the Black Undertow Phenomenon (consult the history of Clayton and DeKalb County, as well as Stone Mountain) are suffocating Atlanta.
The city of Atlanta is where other municipalities mirrored their affirmative action policies from; because of government contracting rules that mandated work with the city, county (Fulton), and the Hartsfield International Airport, the city attracted Black people from around the nation to work in an artificially created middle class.
And because Black people are responsible for virtually all the crime in the metro Atlanta area, white people must continually seek safe cities (read: free of the Black Undertow) to raise children in.
Though whites are moving back into a city they long ago abandoned (Gentrification Changing Face of New Atlanta, By SHAILA DEWAN, March 11, 2006), the entire metro Atlanta is plagued by high foreclosure rates and property devaluations directly correlated to the influx of Black people.
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From The Spatial Mismatch Between Jobs and Residential Locations Within Urban Areas (an illustration of the Black Undertow Effect in action in Metro Atlanta) |
In the Travel Patterns of People of Color (prepared by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, June 30, 2000) we learn of the spatial mismatch hypothesis, which "suggests that employment rates and poverty rates are higher for inner city blacks in large part because they are isolated from employment opportunities located in the mainly suburban and exurban metropolitan regions areas that ring central cities."
Forever blame whitey for the plight of Black people, who lack the ability to sustain a business or create new industries (just look at the sorrowful nature of Sweet Auburn, historically the pride of the Black community in Atlanta).
Funny, the counties that go majority Black (Clayton, DeKalb) quickly prove the spatial mismatch hypothesis wrong, because once-thriving business districts dry up as the tax-base evaporates. In The Spatial Mismatch Between Jobs and Residential Locations Within Urban Areas by Keith Ihlanfeldt of Georgia State University, we learn this:
Within central cities, white flight from neighborhoods undergoing racial transition has been an important historical phenomenon. These results may not carry over into a suburban setting, however, since the cost of moving—in terms of additional travel time—from the city to the suburbs may be quite different from the cost of moving from one suburban location to a more distant suburban location. At some point, the desire for access to the central city may work to impede the mobility of white households.
Some evidence on suburban black infiltration/white flight in Atlanta during the 1980s is provided in Table 4. DeKalb, Clayton, and South Fulton Counties are inner-suburban areas that experienced considerable black in-migration during the 1980s. Each county has been divided into the superdistricts defined by ARC for planning purposes. The black population increased in all but one of the 14 superdistricts, and in 11 of these 13 cases the decline in the white population was substantial.
As has previously been stated here, Black people - and white people escaping from living near Black people - represent the greatest ecological threat to the United States. Some call it suburban sprawl; we simply call it Escape from Black people (though you might hear neighbors, family members, or pundits call it "searching for good schools"). The Sierra Club published a report in 1998 where they labeled Atlanta as the worst city for "sprawl" (read: white people escaping from Black crime and property devaluations):
1998 Sierra Club Sprawl Report: 30 Most Sprawl-Threatened Cities
Ten Most Sprawl-Threatened Large Cities
Number One: Atlanta
Every week, five hundred acres of green space, forest, and farmland in the Atlanta metro area are plowed under.
Every week, five hundred acres of green space, forest and farmland in the Atlanta metro area are plowed under.
Atlanta is one of the fastest growing regions in the country, and the environmental impacts of unplanned sprawl in the Atlanta area are among the most significant and widespread in the nation.
Atlanta's urban land area expanded 47 percent between 1990 to 1996, following a 25 percent expansion between 1980 and 1990. Pressure to expand will continue as the population grows disproportionately in the outer suburbs. From 1990 to 1996, the population outside Atlanta's urban core increased almost 40 percent, but only 2 percent inside the city limits. Some experts believe that the region's population could double in the next 50 years. With no natural barriers, few cities are growing as fast as Atlanta.
Green space is being gobbled up by sprawl faster than in any metro region in history (according to a real estate research firm and reported by the Atlanta Journal Constitution). Every week, five hundred acres of green space, forest or farmland are plowed under to build parking lots, shopping malls and housing subdivisions. Between 1982 and 1992, the amount of open space lost to development in the Atlanta metropolitan area increased by 38 percent. The rate of land developed nearly doubled in outer suburban counties such as Gwinnett, Henry and Paulding.
The Chattahoochee River was named one of the nation's most endangered rivers in 1998 by the environmental group, American Rivers, which identified rampant growth in the suburbs as the most significant threat to the river. The Chattahoochee is seriously degraded from overflowing sewage systems, city street runoff and other pollutants.
Air quality is also alarmingly poor. The 13-county region is in violation of clean air standards and has lost the right to spend federal money on new road projects. Children with asthma go to the hospital every summer because of high levels of ozone pollution. Cars and trucks are the largest source of air pollution in the nonattainment area. Yet, state, regional and local agencies cannot agree on a plan to clean up the region's air.But there is no escape. The entire metro Atlanta represents a giant Black Hole, and the vote on July 31 will only perpetuate this into the future with funding to the tune of billions of dollars.
All of this will allow whites to continue to flee the problems that so few people dare confront publicly, namely that Black political stranglehold over both MARTA, Fulton County, and the City of Atlanta (increasingly DeKalb, Rockdale, and Clayton County) has created an ecological nightmare around The City too Busy to Hate.
All of the could end, if someone would just dare cut the Gordian Knot in Atlanta. With this act, BRA ends.
"Untie Atlanta"... it's a catchy marketing term used by those who favor perpetuating an insane transportation system that does nothing but enslave metro Atlanta citizens to the cycle of forever vacating a thriving city once too many Black people move there, overwhelming the judicial system and breaking the back of the local economy due to business closures.
Back in 1996, The New York Times wrote that "Atlanta is Burning"; meaning, it's future is uncertain because of the instability of 'The Atlanta Way'.
America's Gordian Knot is Atlanta, home to corporations that have slavishly prostrated themselves before BRA (looking at you Coca-Cola) and the origins of sinister "equality" programs and affirmative actions mandates in contracting and public employment that have polluted cities across the nation, creating barriers to employment for more qualified white males.
Traffic isn't suffocating Atlanta; our inability to be honest about race is suffocating not just Atlanta, but America.
The Gordian Knot is ready to be cut.
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