We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism |
There is much talk about “the talk.”
“Sean O’Reilly was 16 when his mother gave him the talk that most black parents give their teenage sons,” Denisa R. Superville of the Hackensack (NJ) Record tells us. Meanwhile, down in Atlanta: “Her sons were 12 and 8 when Marlyn Tillman realized it was time for her to have the talk,” Gracie Bonds Staples writes in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Leonard Greene talks about the talk in the New York Post. Someone bylined as KJ Dell’Antonia talks about the talk in The New York Times. Darryl Owens talks about the talk in the Orlando Sentinel.
Yes, talk about the talk is all over.
There is a talk that nonblack Americans have with their kids, too. My own kids, now 19 and 16, have had it in bits and pieces as subtopics have arisen. If I were to assemble it into a single talk, it would look something like the following.
Lawrence Auster has more on the scandal brewing here; Steve Sailer nails it here. In an email, Jim Goad told me that Takimag's server went down last night because of the traffic generated by The Derb's piece.
Personally, I believe that a lot of people in America are experiencing severe levels of "Negro Fatigue" right now. And Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) sense this.
The question is simply this: How much longer can America stay competitive when every decade or so a city must be abandoned to the Black Undertow? Detroit is not an anomaly. There are hundreds of once-thriving cities that are now majority Black and completely reliant on federal loans, federal grants, and tax-payer assistance to survive.
Call it the greatest example of tribute in the history of the world. It's akin to the European powers paying off the Barbary Pirates, so that they wouldn't abduct white people and force them into slavery; now, most white people just don't want to live anywhere near Black people (unless it's cheering on the sons of these same people via lowering academic standards to enroll them at State U for college football or basketball season), so they gladly pay "tribute" to keep them in Black Undertow cities and counties.
Personally, I believe many of the world's smartest people realize that investing in America is a sunk cost at this point. The reason? They understand the threat that Black people pose to national security and the stability of entire city's and regions. Paradoxically, the DWL elite in control of discourse in America will not allow any rational discussion of the negative role and impact that Black people have had on this nation, since the great experiment of Black-Run America (BRA) began in earnest in 1948 (with restrictive covenants declared unconstitutional, it became impossible to protect the integrity and property values of neighborhoods; the ability to maintain wealth over generations was severely impacted, because white families could no longer safeguard their property from an influx of undesirable Black neighbors who presence immediately lowered property value and the quality of the public schools).
Why else would you see massive cities being built (called Aerotropolis') around the world?
The world is preparing for a post-America order, while America is busily working to ensure that absolutely no criticism of Black people be permissible in public discourse.
This is the essence of BRA; all of America's problems stem from not being able to discuss race in a rational manner.
Those on the so-called respectable "right" (conservatives) and on the "left" are in total agreement about our fealty and subservience - deference perhaps - to Black people. There can be no deviation from this script. As America fails, we have basically enshrined in law that discussing problems arising from the Black community is not be tolerated.
John Derbyshire's sensible column has generated a massive response -- most shameful is the reaction for his former colleagues at National Review -- that illustrates why have a dialogue on race is impossible in Black-Run America (BRA).
As America sinks, we must cling - in an ever more delusional manner - to the notion of white racism and white privilege holding down the saintly Black race. Perhaps it will even come to the point where we must do so at the barrel end of a gun.
It might be time to think about leaving America -- DWLs and conservatives have no problem turning every city into another Detroit. After all, it's been the official state-policy of the United States of America since 1948, when the NAACP's mission merged with the federal government.
Kudos for The Derb and Takimag for having the audacity to publish this piece. It has been eye-opening seeing the response.
It's becoming crystal clear: most American's aren't worth trying to save. So let's put it this way: John Derbyshire wrote a book called We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism
Black-Run America (BRA) is doomed. It's our job to survive it's implosion. Conservatives won't help you, for they are nothing more than rent-seeking whores (that goes for all non-profits in Washington D.C. that subsist off the donations of hard-working Americans that actually believe the Constitution, anti-flag burning, gun-rights, border defense, leftist control of college campuses, or whatever superfluous cause still matters will be fought for) and publications that are ostensibly "right-of-center."
The DWL- mindset already infects these "right-of-center" organizations. They too pay homage to BRA.
In fact, they've come to love BRA and will defend it to the end.
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