Breaking News
Friday, 6 April 2012

Info Post
Not in 62 percent Black Macon (one of America's most dangerous cities)

In February, the New York Times proudly reported that Civil Rights museum's have become a cottage industy for builders and Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) everywhere, noting:
Other institutions are less dramatic, like the Tubman African American Museum in Macon, Ga., where Jim Crow-era toilet fixtures are on display alongside folk art. 

But now, a second generation of bigger, bolder museums is about to emerge. 

Atlanta; Jackson, Miss.; and Charleston, S.C., all have projects in the works. Coupled with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, which breaks ground in Washington this week, they represent nearly $750 million worth of plans.
 Poor Macon, Ga. At 62.4 percent Black, Macon is one of America's most dangerous cities. But hey, at least you have the Tubman African American Museum! No worry about Macon being one of America's poorest cities, with the Visible Black Hand of Economics on display in this entrepreneur-less town.

Remember this: Macon - that 62 percent Black city - had to cancel Trick 'or' Treating, because Black resident of this "less privileged" neighborhoods would pour into white areas in search of free candy:\
The Ridge Avenue neighborhood’s celebration of Halloween has become so popular that some residents may not participate this year because of safety and other concerns.
A survey sent out as part of an e-mail to the Ingleside Neighborhood Watch last week drew more than 70 responses, with some neighbors expressing concerns about traffic safety or the attitudes of some visiting trick-or-treaters, who have been rude, left litter or rung the doorbell after the front lights were turned out.
“There’s usually a mix of cars, with a lot of out-of-county tags,” said Nancy Mitchell, a board member with the Neighborhood Watch group. “They are unfamiliar with the streets, and with so many little kids around in costumes, that’s a dangerous mix. Also, there’s been a lot of rude behavior, which is what makes people turn off their lights.”
Mitchell, who doesn’t live on Ridge Avenue, said she’s heard from other residents about minor vandalism and flower beds getting trampled. She said many adults try to get in on trick-or-treating, meaning some neighborhood residents spend more than $100 on candy.
“It’s the kind of stuff that makes you not want to give out a piece of candy,” she said. “Nobody minds giving a piece of candy to a little kid. But when you are looking up at a person who is bigger than you are, that’s a problem.”
Some Ridge Avenue residents, and many of those who live on side streets, have been participating in the Halloween tradition for decades, with many of them devising elaborate yard scenes. It is arguably Macon’s best-known trick-or-treating neighborhood.
With so many people from outside the neighborhood now showing up, Mitchell said she worries about pedestrians, especially since sidewalks on both sides of the street are often jammed with trick-or-treaters, leaving some people to walk on the road.
Read more here:
What was in that Tubman African American Museum again? Certainly not the story of why the behavior of Black parents has ended the tradition of Easter Egg hunts in Macon, Georgia:
For the first time in years, the Easter bunny won’t be paying a visit to Central City Park this year.
The annual Easter egg hunt there, traditionally one of the largest in Middle Georgia, isn’t being held Saturday.
Bibb County Commissioner Joe Allen, founder and CEO of Kids Yule Love which coordinated the egg hunt, said he canceled it because “parents caused a situation in which some children got hurt.”
Although areas of the park were designated for different age groups, Allen said some parents insisted on accompanying their children in the egg-finding quest. Incidents occurred, he said, when parents became violent in an attempt to get eggs for themselves or their children.
In past years, one woman was injured and several children were “trampled on,” Allen said.
The event, he decided, had become a liability for Kids Yule Love.
“When people get hurt, they want some kind of compensation,” he said.
Allen said Thursday that parents should “let the Easter egg hunt be about the children.”
“People forgot what the program was about. ... An Easter egg hunt is only part of what Easter is all about,” he said.

Read more here:
"Trampled on" is the reason given for cancelling this wonderful, community building event in 62.4 percent Black Macon, Georgia. Whites have given up on Macon, with many deciding to live in virtually crime-free suburbs around one of America's brokest cities. Macon has a bus system, and like most cities, it's virtually only used for transporting around Black people. Well, Macon is also home to something called "transit racism":
Transit racism is also under siege in Macon, Georgia, a city whose population is evenly divided between blacks and whites.53 Over 90 percent of the bus riders in Macon are African Americans. African Americans in Macon filed a class action lawsuit challenging Macon and Bibb County use of federal funds under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act or ISTEA. Over 28 percent of Macon’s African Americans are carless compared to only six percent of the city’s whites. Mercer University law professor David Oedel reports that a disproportionate share of transportation dollars in Macon and Bibb County go to road construction and maintenance at the expense of the bus system. 

In 1993, Macon and Bibb County devoted over $33.65 million of federal, state, and local funds for roads, streets, and highways, of which some $10 million coming from federal funds. During the same year, local officials accepted no federal funds for the Macon-Bibb County Transit Authority and budgeted only $1.4 million for public transportation. Overall, the bulk of federal transportation monies received by Macon and Bibb County are accepted to support road construction in mostly white suburban areas outside the reach of many African Americans.
It should be noted that federal money and grants (i.e. your tax-dollars) go to helping keep the Macon-Bibb County Transit Authority going. How dare white people have the ingenuity to save for - and actual make - car payments! How dare they exercise long-term thinking and investments that allow them to create capital! It should be noted that those white people living in the suburbs are sending their children to schools were such nonsense as Critical Race Theory (CRT) isn't espoused:
In his Macon Miracle school improvement plan, Superintendent Romain Dallemand said he wants to hire the Pacific Educational Group to close the achievement gap between white and Asian students and those of color, primarily blacks and Latinos.
The mission statement of PEG, founded in 1992 by Glenn Singleton, is fairly straightforward: “At Pacific Educational Group we believe systemic racism is the most devastating factor contributing to the diminished capacity of all children, especially black children, to achieve at the highest levels, and contributes to the fracturing of the communities that nurture and support them.”
One of the Macon Miracle’s goals is to train people throughout the district to recognize racial factors in the classroom -- by providing ongoing PEG training.
But in recent public meetings, many Bibb County parents have voiced their concerns, saying the PEG program needlessly attacks white teachers by telling them they are racist. Those parents said Singleton is a polarizing figure, attracting as much criticism for the PEG methodology as he does praise.
“I think it’s horrible to tell students they can’t learn because of the color of their skin,” said Andy Wilson, a Bibb County parent of three. “I’m all for giving students help, but not because of the color of their skin. ... This is a lawsuit waiting to happen, and if my child brings (racist teachings) home, I’ll be the first one to file.”
Read more here:
 Why do racial disparities exist in education and test scores? Why do racial disparities exist in median household wealth? Why do more Black people commit crime and help make 62 percent Black Macon a city where outside investors are rightfully worried about relocating a business to? Why do Black people disproportionately rely on government assistance (40 percent of Black people in Bibb County are on EBT/Food Stamps compared to seven percent of whites)? Why do more white people have cars in Macon, Georgia than Black people? Why don't you ask nature that very question, for this scenario is not isolated to Macon. No, Macon is not an anomaly.

When Black-Run America (BRA) ends, it will be a city like Macon, Georgia that reminds us of the true legacy of the Civil Rights movement.

Then, and only then, can we have trick or treating and Easter Egg hunts again in Macon. Now? All you get is the Tubman African American Museum and the New York Times gloating about the erection of more of these museums being built around the nation, when the true legacy of "civil rights" is the state of cities like Macon, Albany (Ga.), Harrisburg, Memphis, Montgomery, New Orleans, and - of course - Detroit.

These cities - and hundreds more - represent living museums, where the buildings and infrastructure were erected by white people who once lived and thrived in the very same communities where Black people do the exact opposite.

That's the real legacy of "Civil Rights."


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