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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Info Post
America in 2012: All white people search for their own private Maine
Two seemingly unrelated stories had me smiling today. One dealt with white people fleeing the Black Undertow that makes life intolerable in Akron (the home of the infamous "It's a Black world now" Mahogany Mob beating of July 4th, 2009), Cleveland, and Youngstown.

It's a sad article that illustrates why the social policies of the past 70 years have been engineered to destroy Real America and uplift Black-Run America (BRA); since middle-class white families can no longer protect their property - a huge investment that allows them to generate real-wealth via a long-term investment, put down roots in a community that strengthen the city and a families attachment to a particular place, and enter the ranks of the upper-class (in America, we mean via monetary access) through the maturation of their investment - because Restrictive Covenants were declared Unconstitutional in 1948, we have a situation where whites must constantly abandon one city for another when Black crime and dysfunction become too great a threat to ones person and property.

Realize the scenario described in this Newsmax article for three of Ohio's biggest cities is playing all out all across America as white people do everything possible to avoid having a Black neighbor (or sending their children to a heavily integrated school where Black people - regardless of the city, state, or percentage of Blacks at the school - have severe discipline problems):

A nonprofit consortium in northeast Ohio is tackling the tough issue of suburban expansion, where farmland is being taken over by new residential centers and traditional cities are shrinking from declining population.  
The Northeast Ohio Sustainable Communities Consortium says the pattern, repeated in once thriving urban areas across the country, is hurting the region’s economy because fewer taxpayers are being asked to pay for roads, schools, and other public infrastructure, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. 
The sprawl is also hurting the environment and driving up gas prices. The consortium, made up of local and regional agencies, is backed by a $4.25 million federal grant and charged with making recommendations about how the state’s northeast region should be implementing future development plans.  
The group, which has been working for more than a year, plans to present its first major public report in June about the challenges posed by outward migration from the region’s shrinking cities of Cleveland, Youngstown, and Akron.  
According to the Plain Dealer, the region’s population fell by 7 percent from 1970 to 2010, even as the outer suburban areas were expanding. As a result, more governments were formed, new and often duplicative services were established, and the cost of keeping them operational became a burden for the smaller population.  
The consortium is hoping to convince what now amounts to hundreds of municipalities and governments to change their development practices to take into account the costs and consequences of continued outward growth.  
“We’re growing our footprint but not the population to pay for it,” consortium planner Hunter Morrison told the Plain Dealer. “We need to make some choices about where to focus and where to concentrate.”  
A number of other regions around the country, where sprawl has become an issue, are also being studied with the help of federal grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Partnership for Sustainable Communities. They include Salt Lake City, Utah; Hartford, Conn.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Dallas-Fort Worth; and Kansas City, Mo.
How do you curb "suburban sprawl" (i.e. white flight from pervasive levels of Black crime, dysfunction, and the intolerable nature of watching your property value plummet) and keep a city sustainable? Well, you start by having peace, stability, and low levels of crime, coupled with high levels of social trust (deep roots and long-established families dedicated to maintaining communities). 

Basically, you completely remove Black people from the equation:

Maine is the most peaceful state in America and Louisiana the least, according to rankings by an Australian think tank called the Institute for Economics and Peace.The rankings are based on the prevalence of violent crimes, homicides, police employees, size of the prison population and small arms availability. 
Overall, 2011 was the most peaceful year the United States has experienced in 20 years. Homicides and violent crimes both dropped by more than 3 percent last year, while the murder rate has plummeted a staggering 50 percent since 1991, when the survey first started. However, prison violence—which is not counted in the report—has risen dramatically as the number of people behind bars has also grown. (The United States has a higher percentage of its population incarcerated than any other nation.) 
Almost half of all forcible rapes occur in prison.Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Minnesota and Utah were the top five most peaceful states. Louisiana was the least peaceful, followed by Tennessee, Nevada, Florida and Arizona. 
The Cambridge-Newton-Framingham area of Massachusetts ranked as the most peaceful metro area, while Detroit-Livonia-Dearborn was ranked the least peaceful.The report found that out of dozens of environmental, economic and health factors, the percentage of children living in two-parent families was the factor most correlated to peacefulness. The more children living in single-parent families, the less peaceful a state was. Poverty was also a strong indicator. 

Trying to quantify the cost of Black people to America is simple: we could have been on Mars were it not for having to constantly fit the bill for Black-Run America (BRA). In Ohio, white families must abandon major cities. The ability to create and sustain capital (through the investment in a home) was completely destroyed by the federal government when the NAACP waged its 30-year war on Restrictive Covenants; regardless of where you live, the Black Undertow can eventually submerge your property value (and the federal government could just place refugees from some third world nation in your midst, a process we call Man-Made Climate Change).

This article in Yahoo shows that violence and containing violence has a negative economic impact of $460 billion a year. Knowing the broken window fallacy to be true, you should know that this wasted capital could have gone to other programs (improving infrastructure, actually working to improve the education system of the best and brightest in America instead of throwing money away at Head Start Programs which have accomplished.... nothing, or going to benefit the actual Real Americans who do the living and dying in BRA).

Maine and Vermont are the two whitest states in America. New Hampshire, Utah, and Minnesota are also three of the whitest states in America.

Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Utah, and Minnesota are peaceful, tranquil places where America still exists. After 70 years of Black-Run America, the rest of the nation's white inhabitants are still packing up their families and searching for their own slice of Maine in Ohio. You won't find it in Cleveland, a city that has taken on the characteristics of its majority population (Black people).

Regardless of what becomes of the United States of America, that is a hilarious thought.

One day, Americans - Real Americans - will Remember the Maine. To bring back America, it means repudiating the horrific Shelly v. Kraemer decision. Maybe a white family trapped in Akron, Cleveland, or Youngstown (unable to leave because the rising Black percentage of the population has made their property worthless) can sue the federal government for its role in deeming Restrictive Covenants unconstitutional. A government has one job: safeguard the present for its citizens to amass capital and be productive members of a community (a nation) and create an environment where their posterity can thrive as well.

With the decision to kill Restrictive Covenants, the Supreme Court effectively made all of America a potential candidate for being submerged by the Black Undertow. Even -one day - Maine.

Our government has dictated that productive members of society must pay to ensure that the unproductive can thrive (and multiply).

This is not a recipe for a productive future.

BRA is no longer sustainable.


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