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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

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Conservatism Inc.'s favorite black person: Artur Davis
Conservatism Inc.'s favorite "Uncle Tom of the Moment"is the black Democrat turncoat from Alabama, Artur Davis. Appearing all over FOX News and highly sought after by the likes of National Review and Weekly Standard for his sufficiently black punditry, Davis is the 'mocha' choice of the month.

He recently told George Talbot of The Birmingham News that a Democrat in the state of Alabama doesn't stand a chance of winning an election, outside of counties or cities that are majority black [Artur Davis: Election showed Alabama Democrats "barely have a pulse", 11-7-12]
 Former Alabama congressman Artur Davis played a key role in Tuesday's election as a surrogate for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. Davis, once a Democrat from Birmingham and an early supporter of President Barack Obama, earned headlines for his move to switch parties, endorse Romney and position himself for a run for office in Virginia. 
Davis declared that, by his reading of the results in Alabama -- where Obama got less than 40 percent of the vote -- the state Democratic Party was all but dead. "As a practical matter, the Democratic Party in Alabama barely has a pulse," Davis said. With the exception of Jefferson County, the 7th Congressional District and other African American counties, Democrats are largely unelectable. 
"It will be another generation before any young, aspiring politician outside the black community seriously considers running as an Alabama Democrat." 

Considering what has happened to cities that suffer under the iron-rule of black-political control (Birmingham anyone?) and the deplorable state of the black belt counties in Alabama - just look at Macon County, home of Tuskegee University - it would be wise if white Alabamians continue to coalesce around the implicit white party.

Davis didn't play a "key role" in the election between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama; he was a black face trotted out by the Republican Party to appear diverse at the Republican National Convention in Tampa. Black people still supported Obama almost monolithically nationwide, and, in an equally unanimous fashion, consider Artur Davis the epitome of a 21st century Uncle Tom.

An incredible 84 percent of the white vote in Alabama went to Mr. Romney, only eclipsed by the 89 percent of the white vote that went his way in Mississippi. We already know that black people who vote for the Democratic Party (especially when a black man or woman is on the ticket) do so out of racial loyalty, knowing that they will be rewarded for remembering that in racial democracy voting for "group interests" is the only logical way to go.

White people? Well, they tend to still be the most passionate believers in America. Especially in a state like Alabama. Worse, they tend to be the most wedded to the notion of color-blindness when it comes to interaction with other races.

Admirable.... but mistaken. This is no way to operate in a racial democracy.

When one thinks of the white voters in states like Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina, and North Carolina (with white people giving 68 percent or more of their votes to Romney) who have voted in Republicans to virtual one-party rule in their respective states, only one question comes to mind:

What if they actually cast off white guilt and their color-blind attitudes aside (like the flotsam and jetsam they represent) and defend white interests? What if those cities that are teeming with black crime - which drive down property value, scare away potential new residents, and force all businesses out - actually were brought up for debate in the state legislatures?

The condition of a city, county, community, or neighborhood can be immediately determined by the majority of the race who inhabits it. Almost any area under black-political country has the same, simple few key phrases to describe the quality of life found there: underdeveloped, blight, high crime, economically disadvantaged, and bad schools.

But no one -- not even in this Republican controlled states of the South -- will point out that problems of Jackson (MS); Baton Rouge and New Orleans; Atlanta, Albany, Savannah, Augusta, and Columbus; Birmingham, Selma, Tuskegee, Montgomery, and Mobile; Little Rock; and Charlotte and Durham are all the creations of... black people.

These cities are vexed by both high rates of black crime and a near monopolization (or growing monopolization) of black control of public jobs.

When I see agents of Conservatism Inc., swoon over Artur Davis and his "courageous" color-blind attitude to denouncing Barack Obama,  it becomes clear - in my eyes - what Creedence Clearwater Revival meant when they sang "Fortunate Song":
 Some folks are born made to wave the flag, Ooh, they're red, white and blue. And when the band plays "Hail to the chief", Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord,
"It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one"... to believe in the inherent goodness of a 'color-blind' America anymore. The pathetic nature of life in majority black or black politically-controlled areas of Birmingham (these cities, counties, and communities are 'economically disadvantaged' because of a paucity of white people; these cities, counties, and communities are brimming with crime because of a surplus of black people) doesn't convince black people from pulling the lever - or punching the ballot - for a Republican.

Mr. Davis will now be an invited guest to Republican events across the nation, reinventing himself as yet another - in a long, and incredible undistinguished - line of Uncle Tom's who are glorified by Conservatism Inc.

He should be laughed at instead... but only after white people carefully study his remarks to Mr. Talbot in the Birmingham News. White people, bless their souls, are the only people clinging to the notion of "color-blindness" anymore.


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