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It's going to happen sooner or later. |
Only after proceeding for another few seconds does the tricked Coyote realize strange things are afoot; he looks at the viewer, then looks down... realizing he no longer standing on ground, but suspended in the air. Mere seconds later, the Coyote plunges down, with the viewer watching the this all unfold from a 20,000 foot view.
The Coyote disappears into the landscape below before... SPLAT!!! A huge dust cloud emerges where the Coyote has crashed to the earth.
Currently, the United States of America federal government is in a similar situation as the Coyote; but instead of looking down to realize it - like the Coyote - is no longer on solid ground, it continues to move forward.
Personally, I don't really care what happens. I just know that the Weekly Standard has reported on the type of economic titans needed to ensure the financial cliff of insanity is a hurdle the Obama Administration maneuvers past with the dexterity of the Road Runner side-stepping a trap [Obama Consults With MSNBC Host Al Sharpton, and Other 'Civil Rights Leaders,' on Fiscal Talks, 11-16-12]:
This afternoon, President Barack Obama consulted with MSNBC host Al Sharpton, who's also associated with the National Action Network (NAN), about the fiscal talks between the White House and Congress. At the same meeting, Obama also consulted with other "leaders of civil rights and civic organizations."
Per the White House, expected attendees included:
President Obama and Vice President Biden met with leaders of civil rights and civic organizations to discuss negotiations over how to avoid the fiscal cliff. The meeting lasted over an hour, and participants spoke to reporters outside the West Wing after they wrapped up.
* Peter Berns, The ArcWorry not! The economic future of America is secured knowing these fantastic organizations are working in tandem with the Obama Administration to scale the fiscal cliff of insanity, plant a giant black flag atop it, and scale back down with more entitlements (EBT/Food Stamps, Welfare, Section 8 Housing, Obama Phones, etc.) to spread to those voters who helped bring about his second term.
* Sister Simone Campbell, NETWORK
* Chad Griffin, Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
* Wade Henderson, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR)
* Deepa Iyer National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA)
* Ben Jealous, NAACP
* Marc Morial, National Urban League
* Janet Murguia, National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
* Barry Rand, AARP
* Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, MomsRising.org
* Rev. Al Sharpton, National Action Network (NAN)
* Aaron Smith, Young Invincibles
* Rev. Jim Wallis, Sojourners
The Dread Pirate Roberts climbed the cliff of insanity
Like those black women ages 18-29 who gave Obama near monolithic support (98 percent - 1 percent for Romney) in the 2012 election. This is the same group of women who have a median net worth of $5 dollars , so we should all once bow to the glory of democracy in helping to elect our commander-in-chief.
Why might the financial cliff of insanity be an obstacle to America's future? Well, let's allow this quick anecdote from Howard Gillette Jr.'s Camden After the Fall: Decline and Renewal in a Post-Industrial City provide the gruesome detail.
Dr. Gillette, a professor of history at Rutgers University, writes glowingly about Myron Orfield's plan to enact a plan of "regional equity agenda" (the New Jersey Metropatterns report), which promoted redistributed wealth from white suburbs of Camden to the depressed city of Camden - almost entirely non-white - as a way to "enhance opportunities for redevelopment and for the poor" (p. 224-225):
The report spoke directly to the situation int he greater Camden area. During the 1990s, the suburbs immediately adjacent to Camden, most notably Pennsauken, but also Collingswood and the western portion of Cherry Hill, began to be affected by the same patterns of blight and unsettling demographic change that affected Camden's outer residential areas. In both Pennsauken and Collingswood, the area between the Camden border and U.S. Route 130 began to look more like Camden, both physically (with more rental units) and demographically. As a sure sign of change, the presence of black and Hispanic children in Pennsauken schools increase to 46 percent in 1995 and 68 percent in 1999.Camden was 89 percent white in 1940 (104,842 out of 117,536 residents),and it was thriving. It attracted a steady flow of black migrants in search of jobs (that they didn't create, nor could they sustain). By 1980, the city was 53 percent black (45,009 out of 84,910 residents). Only 26,003 white people remained.
White flight was beginning in Pennsauken. When one family, the Bonifacios, decided to leave for Cherry Hill, the sale of their home was delayed because only minority buyers who found financing difficult to obtain considered the home.
As early as 1987, some white homeowners had begun to express alarm. "I'm afraid the value of my property will depreciate because East Camden is moving in slowly, " one commented. "You can see it coming. I'm talking about drugs, theft, noise." Quipped one Pennsauken resident only a few years later, "Let's face it, everyone is moving out of Pennsauken: just ask a realtor. There are more than 600 houses for sale in Pennsauken."
Responding to the perception that crime was spilling over from Camden into their townships, perception that crime was spilling over from Camden into their township, Pennsauken officials in 1994 instituted spot police checks of cars crossing the border. Only when Camden Mayor Arnold Webster, backed by a constitutional expert who saw racism in Pennsauken's actions, objected strenuously did the practice stop.
This is how the city of Camden went over the fiscal cliff -- no more white residents paying the taxes to support the city. Eventually, the same non-white population that overwhelmed Camden started to overwhelm the white suburbs surrounding the city.
What's interesting is that many of the same people President Obama recently consulted in helping his administration and the federal government climb over the fiscal cliff of insanity have spent their lives dedicated to ensuring that all America look like Camden.
And... that white people pay for it.
Moral of the story?
You figure that one out.
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