A Pulitzer Prize winning writer resorts to the "Birmingham 1963" defense It was in his famous 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail...

A Pulitzer Prize winning writer resorts to the "Birmingham 1963" defense It was in his famous 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail...
It's going to happen sooner or later. You've obviously seen the old cartoon with Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. You've, no ...
It's on a day like today, when the events of the past 22 months point to an incredibly unsettling truth, that any good will you had towa...
New column up at VDare.com -- Mitt Romney, Bernard Epton, And The Chicagoization Of America: The 1983 Chicago Mayoral Race = A Case-Study fo...
No matter what Obama does, black people in America have his back. Not long ago, Judicial Watch reported an interesting nugget of criminal in...
Santa Claus isn't real; but, dear Virginia, racial differences in intelligence are real All of modern American life is predicated on one...
I found myself reading "Custer: A Soldier's Story" by D.A. Kinsley on Thanksgiving, a riveting biography of General George Ar...
George Orwell said, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary action." The power of words to stir up Or...
Newark: Where "vibrant diversity" brings us --- misery and decay In 1950, Newark, New Jersey had a population of 438,776 people. O...