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Vulcan stands watch over a dying city, where prejudice and injustice flow from a black-dominated government |
Take a walk into Birmingham City Hall today, and be reminded of the racism alive today, only allowed to perpetuate because of the white guilt manufactured by those images in Kelly Ingram Park [Birmingham accountant slaps city with federal lawsuit claiming pattern of racial discrimination toward whites, Birmingham News, 1-11-13]:
The Birmingham city accountant fired twice on allegations of racism and incompetence today slapped the city with a federal lawsuit saying it was Mayor William Bell's administration that was the true perpetrator of racial discrimination.
Virginia Spidle's federal lawsuit alleges that the city has a pattern of discrimination and retaliation against white employees.
Much of the 49-page lawsuit recounts the testimony heard in days of hearings at the Jefferson County Personnel Board, where Spidle was ultimately cleared of her initial firing charge.
"We are celebrating 50 years of progress in civil rights. In the year we are celebrating that, good people of Birmingham would not approve of mistreating a person because of their race," Spidle's lawyer, Gayle Gear told al.com/The Birmingham News in an interview. "The foot soldiers - those who have worked diligently on behalf of race relations for this city - what happened in 2010, 2011 and 2012 is not a step forward in race relations. It is a step backwards. And that is why the lawsuit had to be filed."
Spidle is seeking a jury trial where she will ask for compensatory damages, additional back pay and related economic losses.
"The city instigated and condoned a race-based hostile work environment in the city's finance department," the lawsuit reads. "The discriminatory animus was severe and pervasive altering the terms and conditions of employment."
Efforts to reach Birmingham city attorneys for comment were unsuccessful this afternoon. City lawyers usually cite a standing policy of not commenting about ongoing litigation.
The city's protracted legal fight with Spidle began in July 2010, when the 24-year employee was fired after accusations of racial discrimination against black subordinates. Spidle is white.
She returned to work after the Jefferson County Personnel Board, after days of hearings, cleared her of those charges and ordered her reinstated with back pay. But Spidle's return was short-lived when the city fired her again in January 2012 -- after one week back on the job -- on new charges of incompetence.
In a separate proceeding in Jefferson County Circuit Court, a three-judge panel also ordered Spidle back to work, clearing her of the original charges and ordering that she receive back pay from the time of her first termination.
The city last month sent a letter telling her to return to work, just before the beginning of another hearing before the Jefferson County Personnel Board was set to begin. Spidle is back at City Hall, but in a different department.
Spidle's newly filed lawsuit claims her firings were retaliation for her participation in an earlier complaint filed by a white employee who complained of mistreatment based on her race.
"The city also ignored the Personnel Board's factual findings that exonerated plaintiff of all charges including the scurrilous charge of racism instigated by (Jarvis) Patton weeks after his appointment as Chief of Operations," the lawsuit states. "The actions of the city were the result of intentional race discrimination and retaliation..."
"Despite protestations by plaintiff and other Caucasian employees, a racially charged hostile work environment was instigated, encouraged and condoned by top city officials, specifically Mayor Bell and Chief of Operations, Jarvis Patton," the lawsuit states.
Spidle claims the entire process that resulted in her termination was biased and part of a culture of hostility toward a white minority in her department at City Hall.
"During the period that plaintiff was being subjected to race-based discrimination, other supervisors, who are Caucasian, were reporting similar discriminatory treatment altering the terms and conditions of their employment."
The lawsuit lists several examples of alleged mistreatment of white employees in the finance department.Birmingham is set to celebrate 50 years of Civil Rights "progress" (just don't look at the actual economic and moral state of the city under black-political; just celebrate that black people now occupy positions of power in the city), which equates to nothing more then a continual celebration of 'payback' for the laws that were once the books to protect white peoples property value, the integrity of the school system, and - most importantly - from unleashing black people on one another with their political emancipation.
Birmingham in 2013 - a city where the City Council continues to pass moratoriums against the issuing of permits for Title Loan or Payday Stores (the only part of the city's economy that is growing) - is a testament to all those evil 'racists' who warned us about what would happen if... what would if western civilization caved to barbarism.
Yes, barbarism is the only word to describe the level of civilization found in a city dominated by blacks (look to Detroit in 2013 for more evidence of this); worse, for those few remaining whites, you must live as second-class citizens in a rapidly disintegrating city, where a legal system protects the will of the majority.
Birmingham's only growth industry in 2013 is the desperate clinging to of the past Civil Rights movement (and the many shrines around the city to this great victory) that looks more hollow every day. In Carolyn Maull McKinstry's book "While the World Watched: A Birmingham Bombing Survivor Comes of Age During the Civil Rights Movement," this quote stings falls on deaf ears today:
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "I like to believe that the negative extremes of Birmingham's past will resolve into the positive and utopian extreme of her future; that the sins of a dark yesterday will be redeemed in the achievements of a bright tomorrow." (p. 268)What happened at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church on September 15, 1963 was an atrocity. But the cache from this incident has allowed a greater atrocity to prevail: not just the complete destruction of Birmingham as a viable city, but the collapse of scores of other neighborhoods, communities, cities, and counties into... into blackness.
To even speak out against the black dysfunction found in the Birmingham City Council, all elected and appointed officials in City Hall, and the citizens of Birmingham who are actively competing with the black citizens of Detroit to see which metropolitan area will have the lowest property value makes you the moral equivalent of those men who bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church so long ago.
That's the power of Black-Run America (BRA).
So while aged Civil Rights activists will be paraded out to speak about their victory in Birmingham this year, no one will have the audacity to ask, "What exactly did you win, when the city of Birmingham is nothing more then a crippled mess? A crippled mess courtesy of the black dysfunction the Civil Rights victory unleashed?"
This story of racism by the the black government in Birmingham isn't new, by the way [Supreme Court Roundup; Supreme Court Lets Stand a Decision That Found an Affirmative-Action Plan Unfair, New York Times, April 18, 1995]:
The Supreme Court ended one chapter in the long-running legal battle over the integration of the Birmingham, Ala., Fire Department today, when it refused to review a lower-court ruling that race-based promotions were unfair to 14 white firefighters.
Without comment, the Justices turned down appeals filed by Birmingham officials and by a group of black firefighters from a Federal lower court's decision invalidating the promotion plan, part of a 1981 consent decree that promoted white and black firefighters to the rank of lieutenant on a 1-to-1 basis until the number of black lieutenants equaled the 28 percent of the surrounding county's work force that was black.
That target was reached in 1989, leaving the white firefighters with claims to back pay for their delayed promotions but depriving the case of much continuing practical importance. Other important aspects of the Birmingham plan, including the validity of promotional exams, have not yet been resolved in the lower courts.
These circumstances may explain the Court's decision to pass on the case, despite the Justices' manifest interest in the issue of affirmative action. The Court already has one affirmative-action case awaiting decision, a challenge to a Federal Government contracting program, and others in the pipeline. A refusal by the Court to accept an appeal is not a judgment on the merits of the case.
The Birmingham Fire Department case began in 1974, when the city had only a handful of black firefighters and none in supervisory positions. The convolutions in the case since then have often mirrored the shifting public debate over affirmative action.
The Federal Government during the Administration of President Gerald R. Ford was the original plaintiff in the case, suing Birmingham in 1975 on the ground that the city and the county personnel board engaged in extensive and systematic discrimination.
During the Administration of President Ronald Reagan, the Government switched sides and supported a challenge by white firefighters who had not been parties to the original lawsuit or the subsequent negotiations. A 1989 Supreme Court decision permitted the white firefighters to intervene in the case to challenge the settlement.
The white officers lost in Federal District Court in Birmingham but won an appeal last year before the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, in Atlanta, which denounced the promotional plan as "outright racial balancing."
Despite the fact that the plan's numerical goals have long since been reached and most aspects of the consent decree are no longer operational, the case was closely watched as it made its way back to the Supreme Court, both for its symbolic significance and because the appeals court used such strong language in denouncing the plan as "the perpetuation of discrimination by government."The "perpetuation of discrimination by government" has continued in 75% black Birmingham, but to dare stand against it and speak out places that brave individual in the same position as those who plotted the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church.
At least in the eyes of Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) and Organized Blackness.
In the epilogue of Diane McWhorter's love-letter to the very movement that helped bring about the city's demise, "Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama - The Climatic Battle of the Civil Rights Movement," we are treated to this passage in the epilogue:
For many years, the Chamber of Commerce quaked every time a civil rights anniversary brought the national press back to Birmingham, but finally the white leaders decided to stop denying what had taken place and, if not quite embrace it, put it under glass in a museum. The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute opened across the street from the 16th Street Baptist Church and Kelly Ingram Park in 1992, with dubious bronze likenesses of Martin Luther King and Fred Shuttlesworth welcoming sightseers to the battleground where African-Americans waged a nonviolent civil war and threw off the chains of segregation.
Birmingham was America's city in a valley, but out of the depths rose a city upon a hill. Beauty from destruction. There is magic in that. (p 586-587)
The only investments corporations make in 75% Birmingham today are for events that honor those civil rights anniversary and the good publicity such tax write-offs will provide.
Is there magic in that?
"50 years forward," we are told with a smile.
What if - and this is just a hypothetical - but what if, the very city celebrated as the most important victory for 'civil rights' becomes the battleground for its very undoing?
What if those statues in Kelly Ingram Park, erected to remind white people of their evil past and continually beat them into submitting before BRA, in the not-too-distant future serve as a bold reminder of the necessary measures that must be taken to preserve civilization?
For all around them now, civilization has fallen into decay.
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