Breaking News
Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Info Post

“Don’t throw stones at glass houses.”

Warning to riders/residents of 97% black area of D.C.
So the saying goes.

As Lawrence Auster pointed out in a post entitled WHAT DO YOU GET IN A CITY POPULATED BY BLACKS AND RUN BY LIBERALISM?, the almost exclusively black sections of Washington D.C. are being advised to stop throwing stones at the Metrobuses [Police: Please stop throwing rocks at buses, Washington Post, 1-8-13]:
Metro says that Metrobuses traveling in parts of Southeast Washington are being pelted with rocks. As part of a campaign to discourage this, police are distributing a flier reminding people not to throw rocks at buses or cars. The Metro Transit Police and Metropolitan Police Department have been distributing the flier, which features a reminder that throwing rocks at vehicles is a crime. It also includes 911 as well as numbers for D.C. police (202-727-9099) and the transit police (202-962-2121, which riders may or may not recognize as the number repeated in system-wide announcements).  
Remember, this is an area of Washington D.C. that represents one of the last strongholds of a black presence in the city; conversely, it’s also an area the D.C. Metro system considered stopping service for in the later stages of 2012.

The good folks at Wikipedia provide the demographic detail on the people, youths, teens, or whatever industry jargon the press uses these days to cover for black people:
The population of Southeast is predominantly African-American, particularly east of the Anacostia River. Despite widespread poverty and overall high crime rates for the quadrant, there are Black middle class neighborhoods, such as Hillcrest, Penn Branch, and Fort Dupont. Throughout the Southeast area (except for the gentrified Eastern Market area closest to the United States Capitol), basic shopping, dining, entertainment, and cultural facilities are minimal and scanty, so that residents must travel either downtown or to the suburbs for such services. Cultural events/activities include the annual Martin Luther King Birthday parade, the free weekly summer jazz concerts in Fort Dupont Park, the Fort Dupont ice-rink, the Anacostia Museumof the Smithsonian Institution, and the tennis and learning center for youth on Mississippi Avenue. The population of the southeast quadrant is roughly 134,800 and is about 97% African American.
97 percent black. So, it’s obviously homosexual whites participating in gentrification [the process of removing black people from D.C. and exporting both them and the crime found in their neighborhoods to Prince George’s County (MD)] working for the Republican Party as Congressional Pages throwing the rocks… right Washington Post?
Breakdown of D.C. homicides since 2001 -- why so many in 97 percent black Southeast D.C?

But don’t worry… plans to discontinue night bus service into the 97 percent black Southeast Washington area were shelved [Metro to retain night service on bus routes in Southeast, Washington Post, 12-3-12]:
Metro has withdrawn a plan to discontinue night bus service in parts of Southeast Washington where the transit agency says buses are routinely pelted with rocks. City leaders, including Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D), had protested Metro’s plan to discontinue some night bus service in Southeast, saying the agency had not justified the change. With many Ward 8 residents needing public transit, any cuts in bus service should not be made lightly, they said.Council member Muriel Bowser (D-Ward 4), who represents the District on the Metro board of directors, had also said that cutting service for safety reasons was unacceptable. The areas off Stanton Road where Metro was proposing to stop night service are places where shootings and other violent crimes are common and include bus stops at Jasper Road, Robinson Place, Bruce Place and Elvans Road. 
At the meeting Monday night at the Angels of Hope Ministries, residents and community leaders called on law enforcement to more actively investigate the attacks, which they say are also directed at cars. Some residents said they could not understand why Metro would propose to cut service when other parts of the city also have seen rock attacks. 
“Is it because of the population here, is it because of the fact that we make less money over in this ward, is it because of the academic status of this particular ward?” said the Rev. Alfred L. Harrison, co-founder of the ministry.

Wait... as D.C.'s white population goes up and the black population declines... homicide drops?
No Rev. Alfred L. Harrison… it’s because you are black, and regardless of what city in the United States we are talking about, the same type of Spontaneous Black behavior is pervasive.

 Recall that bus drivers in 92 percent black Detroit halted service in late 2011 because of the violence directed at them ['Scared' bus drivers return to work in Detroit

For those still on the fence, the line between civilization and barbarism is as thin as the color line.

Warning signs asking the 97 percent black population of Southeast Washington D.C. to stop throwing stones is an indicator of the grave necessity to start judging not just people, but an entire community by the content of their character.

“Don’t throw stones at glass houses.”

Isn’t that all Black-Run America (BRA) is – a glass house, thought to be impenetrable,  waiting for the right stone to finally crash through?


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