“Killing, killing is the solution.” No, it's the "Redeker Plan" |
The reason that "prosperity" doesn't exist in almost exclusively black Englewood might not be properly articulated by the former president, but a resident of the community put into words the unmentionable point that illustrates why white people [99 percent of the population in 1930] vacated the area.
Those words: When asked why violence troubles Englewood, a black gang member stated there's no solution to violence, only to then switch his answer and say, "Killing, killing is the solution." [‘Killing Is The Solution,’ Gang Member Tells Walter Jacobson, CBS Chicago, 9-27-2012]:
Gangbangers in Chicago: What makes them tick, what are they thinking? CBS 2’s Walter Jacobson sat down with gang members in Chicago’s troubled Englewood neighborhood to try to find some answers. Some of the responses he received were not encouraging. “There’s no solution to the violence,” one gang member tells him.
“Killing, killing is the solution.” Jacobson asked the young man if he would kill personally, if he had to. “I’ve never killed before, but if I had a gun in my possession,” he said. Jacobson says he has been walking the blocks for many years, but the state of despair never changes – poverty, sticks and stains. The gang members do not like the state of affairs any more than anyone else.
“We’ve got to eat. We want to. We want money. We want to get fresh, we want fresh J’s almost every day. We want all that,” another young man said. But where do they get the money they need? The young man answered bluntly.
“Rob, steal and kill. That’s the only way. We didn’t grow up in Beverly Hills. We don’t get it handed to us,” he said. “We ain’t living in Hyde Park,” added a third young man. The home of the University of Chicago is only a couple of miles away from Englewood – geographically, at least.
But given the state of their impoverished Englewood neighborhood, where is the money they can get? “Selling drugs,” a young man replied. “In our neighborhood, I ain’t going to lie to you. That’s where the money comes from.”
The gang members also said they are at war with the Chicago Police Department. “The police hate us,” a young man said.
“Every time they ride past us, they shoot us down and do all that. Do what you want to do, I don’t care about you all, keep riding. Who are you all? We’re not scare of you all. I’ll fight you too. Take that badge off.”
But he says the police cannot catch them or exact any consequences. “I laugh at the police,” he said.
“They’re a joke to me.” And where would the young men like to be in 10 years? One of them replied, “in a mansion, with a lot of cars, and a lot of women.” Another said, “I just hope I’m still living.”The state of Englewood, a place prosperity never will touch because of the current people who occupy the city, is in such a horrific state that a weekend when no one is killed is considered a victory. Three writers for the Chicago Sun-Times joined police to report on what these men experience on your typical weekend in Englewood, a place where the young black residents have admitted they are "a joke". [Ride-along: No murders, one shooting makes it a ‘good day’ in Englewood, By MARK KONKOL, FRANK MAIN and KIM JANSSEN, Chicago Sun Times, 9-22-2012]
Toriano Clinton rolls up to a curbside memorial for a dead gang member and slows his SUV.
“Hey, Pretty Boy,” a middle-aged drug dealer calls to the plainclothes Englewood District cop.
Clinton smiles, even though he hates the nickname.
“Everything cool, cuz?” he says.
The dealer nods.
Throughout his shift on this hot summer night, Clinton will go through the same exchange a dozen times.
Police work in one of Chicago’s most dangerous neighborhoods isn’t only about chasing the bad guys and locking them up.
It’s also about connecting with the people you see every day — even the bad guys.
It’s about being seen.
It’s about doing the mundane things that police Supt. Garry McCarthy is counting on to keep shootings and other serious crimes from happening in the first place: Shooing loiterers off the street corners. Busting up sidewalk dice games. Clearing teenagers out of raucous house parties.
After 11 years in Englewood, Clinton knows the complicated patchwork of gang boundaries and the bosses who control the street crime.
On the street, the crooks and sweet old ladies alike recognize Clinton by his good looks. He’s linebacker-buff with a movie-star smile and dreadlocks tied back in a ponytail that bounces behind him as he moves.
“I’ve built a rapport with a lot of gang members,” he says. “They’ll give me information.”
The one he called “cuz?”
“I arrested that guy before,” he says. “I trust no one, even though our conversation was friendly.”
When McCarthy came in with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the new superintendent disbanded the old specialized units of black-uniformed officers who used to be sent out en masse to hot spots of violence. Instead, McCarthy put his emphasis on beat cops and tactical officers like Clinton.
He boosted their numbers in Englewood, and he is making sure they have up-to-the-minute information on the 100 well-armed gang factions in the district. The goal: to prevent retaliatory shootings.
Englewood’s reputation for violence is well-deserved. This is where three members of Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson’s family were gunned down in 2008 and where Officer Alex Valadez was fatally shot while on duty a year later. More recently, teen rapper Joseph “JoJo” Coleman was killed earlier this month in a drive-by shooting possibly connected to an Internet feud with another rapper.
This year, though, the number of murders in Englewood has plummeted by 30 percent, even as the number of killings citywide is up 27 percent....
On this weekend, there are 70 officers and supervisors working each shift in Englewood. They include officers from other districts who volunteered to work on their day off under an overtime initiative targeting high-crime districts....
Officers responded to reports of four robberies, one burglary and one stolen car.
They also made three narcotics arrests and responded to 16 batteries, 10 reports of criminal damage, six thefts, two reports of criminal trespass, one sexual assault, one weapons violation, one call of a “deceptive practice,” one liquor-law violation, one offense involving a child and six other reports that didn’t fit any specific category.
There were no murders.
This is the reality of the Black Undertow. This is why "urban" areas have blight; this is why white people chose to move to the suburbs, free of the type of criminal element that infects areas that are majority black; this is why Chicago Public Schools (CPS) have such high-degrees of "extreme racial isolation" among the student body -- it's dangerous to be around the byproduct of black male sexual encounters.
And never forget that the 1992 Supreme Court decision in Freeman v. Pitts returned this verdict, "Where resegregation is a product not of state action, but of private choices, it does not have constitutional implications. It is beyond the authority and beyond the practical ability of the federal courts to try to counteract these kinds of continuous and massive demographic shifts."
The state has no authority to change the racial balance of a school, nor can it take action to mandate segregation. Thus, white flight is constitutional; however, there exists no state-sanctioned manner [yet] to protect these white flight communities.
The plight of Englewood's near 100 percent black is not our concern. Only the containment of the problems they cause (as realized by the Chicago Sun Times article, the required police force needed 24/7 to maintain the peace there are only going to escalate) are our concern. For Englewood is but a microcosm of all areas around America that are monochromatically black, and where the black population found there is "...untouched by [the nation's] prosperity."
There is only one solution to the criminal problem found in Englewood (and the problem of Black crime that threatens the future financial stability of Chicago): a real-life application of the Redeker Plan.
If you've read Max Brooks novel World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War
The Redeker Plan (commonly known as "The South African war plan") is a strategy employed in the fictional world of World War Z, a novel written by Max Brooks. The Redeker Plan is essentially the intentional sacrifice of a large portion of the population in order to save a population in a more defensible or important location.
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