The stirrings of secession are rising again |
Mitt Romney is the GOP nominee, and Conservatism Inc. is jubilant—or, at least, it says it’s jubilant.
But what if the upcoming election contest against President Barack Obama just doesn’t matter?
What if, regardless of the outcome, the catastrophe that Peter Brimelow anticipated in the final pages of Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster back in 1995, is already upon us?
Brimelow wrote (Page 268):“The contradictions of a society deeply divided as the United States must now inexorably become, as a result of the post-1965 influx, will lead to conflict, repression, and perhaps, ultimately to a threat thought extinct in American politics for more than a hundred years: secession.”If mass immigration was not stopped, Brimelow predicted,“[d]eep into the twenty-first century, American patriots will be fighting to salvage as much as possible from the shipwreck of their great republic. It will be a big wreck, and there will be a lot to salvage.”Mass immigration, of course, has not been stopped. And, right on cue, secession has been showing up—first at the local level. It will become the hot issue during the next Administration—regardless of who wins the Presidency.
Modern Atlanta, Georgia, is arguably what 250,000 Confederates died to try and prevent: a downtown area controlled by blacks since the 1970s, with crime, property devaluation, and the unmentionable disadvantages of integrated schools driving whites ever further out into the suburbs.
This process has been rinsed and repeated again and again, with Clayton, Gwinnett, and DeKalb County going from majority white to majority non-white over the last 20 years, as diversity progressively enriched the once-monolithic white suburbs.
Atlanta’s still-predominately white outer suburban counties, as Atlanta Magazine happily notes in its August 2012 issue, are set to become majority-minority in the coming years, ushering in another era of peace and tranquility. These suburbs are currently full of transplants from all over America who merely want a safe community for their children to prosper in, an increasingly tough—and expensive—aspiration. [View from the Brain Trust, July 26, 2012]
Perhaps it’s fate: the region where the Civil War reached its fratricidal climax could provide the blueprint for what Brimelow suggested was Americans’ future—fighting, in this case through secession, to salvage something from the wreck.Why? The Leftist editors of Sprawl City: Race, Politics, and Planning in Atlanta outlined their view in their chapter two (“Dismantling Transportation Apartheid”):
- Note that, although white flight has created disastrous traffic problems for those who must commute to the city for work, a proposal that would have raised $7.2 billion in new taxes over a 10-year period to deal with congestion was voted down nearly 3-1 on the 10-county metro Atlanta on July 31. [Voters reject transportation tax, By Ariel Hart, Atlanta Journal-Constitution August 1, 2012]
Transportation equity is not a new concept nor is it a new goal. It has long been a goal of the modern civil rights movement. Many poor people and people of color, who are concentrated in central cities, are demanding better transportation that will take them to the job-rich suburbs. Ideally, it would be better if jobs were closer to the inner-city residents’ homes. However, few urban-core neighborhoods have experienced an economic revitalization that can rival the current jobs in the suburbs.Really? Why is that?Sandy Springs successfully incorporated in 2005. Others have followed suit. Most recently, the citizens of Brookhaven approved cityhood on July 31.
- Note also that, finally tired of pulling up stakes and running for the next suburb every ten years, the primarily white areas of northern Fulton and DeKalb County are laying the groundwork for secession.
USA Today published a vitriolic article prior to the July 31st vote that inadvertently contained some truth:Cityhood is a contentious issue in metropolitan Atlanta, one rooted in and shaped by politics and race. Wealthier, largely white communities on the city's north side, which watched for years as their tax dollars were spent in poorer, mostly minority areas elsewhere in the two counties, had sought for years to break away and incorporate as cities with more local control.
But with Democrats wielding power in the statehouse and the governor's office, those efforts were rebuffed for years. "It used to be considered local legislation," says William Boone, [Email him] a political scientist at Clark Atlanta University here.[ note: a black political scientist—at a black university.]
"The majority forces in the legislature would go along with the local legislators."
That all changed after the elections of 2002 and 2004, when Republicans—who tend to be white and from suburban or rural districts—gained control of the Legislature and the governorship and promptly passed laws allowing the creation of new cities.
Sandy Springs, which had been trying to incorporate since the 1970s, was the first new city, in 2005. The other four soon followed.
The majority-white new cities absorbed lucrative commercial areas [Emphasis added] that had been vital revenue producers in the two counties, which have African-American leadership, Boone says. "It's a definite trend in the metro area," he says. "It's picked up momentum. Pretty soon what you could have is a county like Fulton or DeKalb not having enough revenues to support those still in it."“Absorbed lucrative commercial areas that are vital revenue producers”? That’s as ridiculous a claim as President Obama telling small business owners that they didn’t build their business, the government did.
[Georgia scraps over creation of new, mostly white cities, by Larry Copeland, USA Today, July 31, 2012]
The highest property valuations in both Fulton and DeKalb County are in the whitest areas. A significant portion of economic activity and tax revenue for the primarily black county governments is generated there. Thus the onus of providing the bulk of both economic activity and tax revenues falls on the white homeowners in both Fulton and DeKalb, with increased rates hitting each county hard.
Fulton County residents question property tax values, By Renee Starzyk,, May 25, 2012
How DeKalb wound up with 26% tax rate hike, By April Hunt, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution July 14, 2011Read the rest here, and comment on it below.
Interesting, other areas of the nation - most notably Ballantyne in Charlotte - are following the lead set forth by Oliver Porter in his book Creating the New City of Sandy Springs: The 21st Century Paradigm: Private Industry
More importantly, the initial court test that these white enclaves have faced was tossed out (Judge dismisses suit seeking to dissolve young cities, March 20, 2012, Atlanta Journal Constitution):
A federal district judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed against the state which sought to dissolve the cities of Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Milton and Chattahoochee Hills.
The lead attorney for the Legislative Black Caucus, which filed the suit last April, called the decision "shocking" and said he would appeal.
"We're disappointed in what we see as a very political decision," said attorney Jerome Lee. "Essentially, the judge found a legal fault."
A spokesman for Attorney General Sam Olens declined to comment.
The suit alleged that the state skirted the normal legislative process and set aside its own criteria when creating the "super-majority white" cities within DeKalb and Fulton counties. In so doing, the suit argued, it diluted minority votes in those areas, violating the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution.
Sandy Springs incorporated in December 2005. The other cities followed over the next three years.
In its motion to dismiss, the Attorney General's Office argued that incorporation of the cities created new governmental bodies, not a redistricting of existing governmental bodies. The new cities do not diminish anyone's existing right to vote and did not violate the Voting Rights Act, it said.
"Nor did the creation of these municipalities discriminate on the basis of race [or any suspect class, for that matter] and does not violate equal protection, " the state's motion stated.
In his decision, U.S. District Judge Timothy C. Batten, Sr. called the caucus's remedy -- dissolving the charters of all five cities -- untenable.
"If the court were to adopt plaintiffs’ proposed benchmark, it would effectively prohibit the state from creating a municipality in any area that is predominantly white but is located within a majority-black county," Batten wrote in his opinion filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Atlanta.Yes, secession is coming. It won't appear that way at first, but many people are preparing for the post-American world order. Creating enclaves, divorcing themselves from counties and cities under complete Black political control, and keeping tax-revenue from being redistributed from supporting those who keep electing a permanent Black political class (and who engage in racial cronyism).
The best example of why divorcing themselves from Black political control can be found when Atlanta Black Mayor Bill Campbell appointed Laura Lawson as chairperson of the MARTA board of directors. At the time, she was living off welfare in public housing (Atlanta's New Transit Chief:African-American woman from the projects takes job in stride,Christian Science Monitor, January 27, 1998):
The new leader of Atlanta's mass transit board will never need to interview riders to find out how well the subway and bus system serves them. She is one of them, depending daily on rail and wheel to take her to her job, church, and children's schools.
It's a first for Atlanta - having a transit chief who doesn't even own a car - and unusual even in cities where public transportation is more a part of life than it is here.
But while the move makes sense, the promotion of Laura Lawson from Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority board member to MARTA board chairwoman has stirred quite a storm.
Lawson stresses that her role as chairwoman of the MARTA board is to solicit input from the 16 other members and work with them to reach a decision agreeable to all - not to push her own agenda. She talks often of teamwork. "First and foremost I want each and every board member to know that I respect their opinion on every issue," she says. "I wouldn't want any member to feel like their input is not important."
Except for the fact that she lives in public housing, Lawson's path to public service mirrors that of many women leaders today. She first became active in her four children's parent-teacher associations and went on to lead the equivalent of a neighborhood association. She parlayed that into her multiple roles on appointed city boards and now says a run for city council may be in her future.As longtime talk radio host Neal Boortz put it (Atlanta Magazine, July 1998):
Last January when Laura A. Lawson, a public housing resident, was named chairperson of the MARTA board of directors, Boortz went ballistic, denouncing MARTA, the welfare system, and Lawson ad nauseum. ("Imagine this woman going to Cobb County and trying to get them involved in rapid transit.") A month later, he's still riled up. "She's on welfare for god's sake," he tells a reporter. "She lives in welfare housing. If she's, by God, so qualified, let her get a job and stop pilfering my pocket!"The future is now. Secession is coming to America. And yes, it's 100 percent racial.
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