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The DWL MInd: The Moon Landing < Election of Barack Obama |
And when it is finally supplied, all you can do is laugh. Courtesy of the Academy Award-winning composer Randy Newman, we now are offered insight into the penetrating mind of the DWL [Randy Newman writes new satirical, political song, AP, 9-18-2012]:
Randy Newman is weighing in on the presidential election, and he's playing the race card through a song he wrote called "I'm Dreaming."
The piano tune features the refrain: "I'm dreaming of a white president." It is full of satirical, sarcastic — and signature — Newman anecdotes about someone who votes for the president because he is white.
Newman, who is white, is openly supporting President Barack Obama. He says he wants the public to find comedic relief in the song, but to also know he's serious about his thoughts that racism is well and alive in the world — and in the current presidential race. He called racism "the great issue of this country."
"I felt that that sentiment exists in the country," Newman said in an interview Monday. "I don't know how many people you can get to admit it. I think maybe zero."
Newman believes Obama will be re-elected in November and feels that Republican contender Mitt Romney isn't a "serious candidate for president."
Newman said he's proud of how America has progressed, though, but adds that "there's a long way to go."
"No European country would have elected a black man," he said. "I can't believe it happened. I think it's fantastic, like a step on the moon."
"Like a step on the moon?"
It would be difficult to ascertain what Newman means by "how America has progressed," but a cursory glance at Detroit and Birmingham post-Civil Rights Era wouldn't be prudent for one professing 'progress' as a synonymous with Black-rule.
But no matter: it's the act itself that Mr. Newman supports, damn the consequences. For Mr. Newman, supporting Obama is a liberating experience as it frees him from being called either racist or a white supremacist (which all white people are in the eyes of non-whites, which is why DWLs place that community's promotion as the great possible outcome in any endeavor).
But comparing the election of a Black man to the office of the presidency of the United States to... "a step on the moon?" Seems outlandish, right?
Considering that it was Black people who complained of the Apollo mission for wasting money that would have been better spent, not sending white people to the moon, but on keeping white people grounded to the reality of eternally caring for the Black Undertow.
It is in "Live from the Moon: The Societal Impact of Apollo" by Andrew Chaikin, a chapter in the book Societal Impact of Spaceflight, that the Black/white view of space exploration comes into view. There is no grey in this discussion:
As momentous as apollo 8 was, its historical impact was equaled, even surpassed, by that of apollo 11, the first landing of humans on another world.When neil armstrong and Buzz aldrin took history’s first moonwalk on 20 July 1969, an estimated 600 million people—one-fifth of the world’s population—witnessed it on live television and radio. it was difficult not to feel the enormity of the event, and some observers viewed it as a turning point in the course of civilization—especially science fiction writers, many of whom had envisioned the event in the decades before it happened. one was robert heinlein, who had penned the story for the 1950 film Destination Moon; on the day of the moonwalk he appeared as a guest on CBS news’television coverage of the mission.“this is the greatest event in all the history of the human race up to this time,”heinlein said.“Today is NewYear’s Day of theYear one. If we don’t change the calendar, historians will do so.”
And yet no one could ignore the fact that the first moon landing, taking place at a time of continuing turmoil in the united States, was also evoking dissent. On
the day before the apollo 11 launch, Ralph Abernathy, chairman of the Southern christian Leadership council, came to the Kennedy Space center with a small group of protesters to draw attention to the plight of the nation’s poor. And in new York city on the day of the landing, a member of harlem’s black community voiced the same concern to a network TV reporter:The cash they wasted, as far as I’m concerned, in getting to the moon, could have been used to feed poor black people in Harlem, and all over this country. So, you know, never mind the moon; let’s get some of that cash in Harlem.A defense of the apollo expenditures (the estimated total was $24 billion) came from arthur c. clarke, the writer and futurist who had collaborated with director Stanley Kubrick to create the screenplay for Kubrick’s 1968 epic science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey. in his comments, clarke looked to apollo’s long-term benefits:I think in the long run the money that’s been put into the space program is one of the best investments this country has ever made . . .This is a downpayment on the future of mankind. It’s as simple as that.
By winning the space race with the Soviet union, apollo had given a boost to the nation’s prestige in the world and, for many americans, a heightened a sense of national pride. But seen through another lens, particularly that of the nation’s disadvantaged, the view was starkly different.to black poet Gil Scott-Heron, Apollo was emblematic of the nation’s racial inequalities.he expressed this in “Whitey on the moon,” which begins,A rat done bit my sister Nell. (with Whitey on the moon) Her face and arms began to swell. (andWhitey’s on the moon)I can’t pay no doctor bill (but Whitey’s on the moon) Ten years from now I’ll be payin’ still. (whileWhitey’s on the moon)
No Mr. Heinlein, historians didn't start the calendar over. It would have to wait until 1-20-2009, when Mr. Obama was elected president of the United States. At least in the eyes of Mr. Newman.
The exploration of space effectively ended: We could have been on Mars, but instead we funded Black-Run America (BRA). And because we chose the latter path, Mr. Newman and DWLs like him can feel morally superior to rest of us. Had we chose the former path, we would have just felt superior to everyone else as we prepared to traverse the starts.
Now, we have to use GPS devices to steer us clear of Black Ghettos (largely funded by money that would have propelled us to the stars).
Never forget what Lawrence Auster wrote:
Did you know this? I didn’t. I just came upon it in Wikipedia’s article on Ralph Abernathy, Martin Luther King’s successor as the head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference:
"On the eve of the Apollo 11 launch, July 15, 1969, Abernathy arrived at Cape Canaveral with several hundred members of the poor people to protest spending of government space exploration, while many Americans remained poor. He was met by Thomas O. Paine, the Administrator of NASA, whom he told that in the face of such suffering, space flight represented an inhuman priority and funds should be spent instead to “feed the hungry, clothe the naked, tend the sick, and house the homeless.” Mr. Paine told Abernathy that the advances in space exploration were child’s play compared to the tremendously difficult human problems of society, and told him that “if we could solve the problems of poverty by not pushing the button to launch men to the moon tomorrow, then we would not push that button.” On the day of the launch, Dr. Abernathy led a small group of protesters to the restricted guest viewing area of the space center and chanted, “We are not astronauts, but we are people.”
So there you have it. One of the greatest achievements in history, the first manned flight to the moon, and the most prestigious black civil rights organization, the SCLC, wanted it not to take place, because they thought the money it cost could be better spent on transfer payments to blacks. And that is all that blacks as an organized community have to contribute to our civilization: endless complaints about white injustice to blacks, and endless demands for the wealth and goods that white people have produced, and that blacks are incapable of producing. Plus a third “contribution” not brought out in this incident: endless threats of violence and riots if the blacks don’t get their way.
The black blackmail and dragging down of white civilization will continue, until whites stand up, name it for what it is, and say, “No more.”
But since there is zero indication that whites will do that in any foreseeable future (to the contrary, as we can see in the George Zimmerman affair, whites, including many “conservatives,” are becoming more, not less attuned to the worldview of “Black-Run America”), the black blackmail and dragging down of our civilization will continue and intensify, until the civilization is ruined.
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