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Thursday, 16 February 2012

Info Post

The window burns to light the way back home
A light that warms no matter where they've gone
They're off to find the hero of the day
But what if they should fall by someone's wicked way?

- Metallica 

All 600 Black Townsville Mutineers are heroes of the day in BRA: Black Captain America's
Black History Month. Another month where Crusading White Pedagogues, always desirous of an uplifting Black tale (or is that Red?) to tell, rely on the few sturdy oldie but goldies to get through the shortest month of the year.

From the depths of history has emerged a story that fits the narrative of Black-Run America (BRA) perfectly, and illustrates an example of courage under fire for all races of America to unite around. Covered up for decades, the story of racial insurrection - by the good guys, oppressed Black people - against evil bigots - evil white men, like the ones who discriminated against Omar Thronton - is the perfect story to make into a thrilling movie for release in February 2013.

Just in time for Black History Month. Unlike the Freeman Field Mutiny (instigated by future Detroit Mayor Coleman Young, the famous Tuskegee Airmen who turned his guns on his own city), this story is one that is accidentally surfacing in a time where "the Blacks" who machined gunned their white officers will probably be awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor:
An Australian historian has uncovered hidden documents which reveal that African American troops used machine guns to attack their white officers in a siege on a US base in north Queensland in 1942.
Information about the Townsville mutiny has never been released to the public.
But the story began to come to light when James Cook University's Ray Holyoak first began researching why US congressman Lyndon B Johnson visited Townsville for three days back in 1942.
What he discovered was evidence detailing one of the biggest uprisings within the US military.
"For 70 years there's been a rumour in Townsville that there was a mutiny among African-American servicemen. In the last year and a half I've found the primary documentation evidence that that did occur in 1942," Mr Holyoak told AM.

During World War II, Townsville was a crucial base for campaigns into the Pacific, including the Battle of the Coral Sea.
About 600 African-American troops were brought to the city to help build airfields.
Mr Holyoak says these troops, from the 96th Battalion, US Army Corps of Engineers, were stationed at a base on the city's western outskirts known as Kelso.
This was the site for a large-scale siege lasting eight hours, which was sparked by racial taunts and violence.
"After some serial abuse by two white US officers, there was several ringleaders and they decided to machine gun the tents of the white officers," Mr Holyoak said.
He has uncovered several documents hidden in the archives of the Queensland Police and Townsville Brigade detailing what happened that night.
According to the findings, the soldiers took to the machine guns and anti-aircraft weapons and fired into tents where their white counterparts were drinking.
More than 700 rounds were fired.
At least one person was killed and dozens severely injured, and Australian troops were called in to roadblock the rioters.
Mr Holyoak also discovered a report written by Robert Sherrod, a US journalist who was embedded with the troops.
It never made it to the press, but was handed to Lyndon B Johnson at a Townsville hotel and eventually filed away into the National Archives and Records Administration.
"I think at the time, it was certainly suppressed. Both the Australian and the US government would not have wanted the details of this coming out. The racial policies at the time really discluded [sic] people of colour," Mr Holyoak says.
Both the Australian Defence Department and the Australian War Memorial say it could take months to research the incident, and say they have no details readily available for public release.
But Townsville historian Dr Dorothy Gibson-Wilde says the findings validate 70-year-old rumours.
"Anytime it was raised, people usually sort of said, 'Oh you know, no that can't be true. Nobody's heard about that', and in fact it must have been kept pretty quiet from the rest of the town," she said.
Mr Holyoak will spend the next two years researching the sentences handed out to both the officers and the mutineers involved, and why the information has been kept secret for so long.
 Marvel Comic re-launched the origins of Captain America in 2002 with Truth: Red, White, and Blue, the re-visioned story of how a Black man, Isaiah Bradley, was the first Captain America. A key component of that story was a rumored mass-killing of Black soldiers - who were engaged in insurrection - in Mississippi, though that story is just one of many told by Black people to confirm racism, well, everywhere (didn't you know the circled "K" on the Snapple bottle means it was bottled by the KKK!!?!!).

This story of the Townsville massacre is real, and in BRA, it is considered an act of valor, a heroic reminder that bigotry, racism, and intolerance can only be confronted and gunned down with the pull of trigger.

Just ask Omar Thornton.

Expect more on this story soon at VDare. But just like the Tuskegee Airmen who were lauded with a Presidential Gold Medal when the story of "never losing a bomber" blew up in their face, the tale of the Townsville Mutiny will soon be researched and packaged as a heroic victory over both German Nazism abroad and the American-version at home.

Omar Thornton was only carrying on in the proud tradition of the Townsville mutineers.

For BRA to endure, the narrative needs new heroes. How many movies and documentaries can be found in the story of what happened in the land down under back in 1942, that for some reason, has been covered up until an inquisitive PhD decided to investigate in 2010?

Or could this story provide insight into the insidious origins of BRA, a totalitarian ideology whose acceptance would never have occurred were the news of a huge San Domingo (read about the Haitian Revolution) Rebellion told to Americans during World War II?


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