Breaking News
Sunday, 26 February 2012

Info Post

PK Note: A deluge from the skies postponed the Daytona 500 until tomorrow. Head over to to read yet another Paul Kersey article, this one on the quest to diversify NASCAR into an acceptable, multi-racial sport. Act of Valor was the number one movie in America, by the way. Expect a big week. 

I HAD (I Have a Dream) people are noticeably quiet right now. They keep citing the true “Father of America” – sorry, it’s no longer George Washington – Martin Luther King, and appear shocked that Mein Obama himself would target Black people with his African-Americans for Obama campaign.

Matt Drudge, who considers Alex Jones’ Prison Planet a legitimate source of news, has linked to an article that decries and bemoans Mein Obama’s explicitly targeting the Black vote as a betrayal of what Saint Martin Luther King wanted.

Actually, it’s exactly what MLK would have wanted. It’s only I HAD people who cling to some illusion that MLK was some color-blind savoir. But no example of the kind of policy MLK would have favored can be found that is greater than what Comcast announced this past week. We talked about this last year, when it became obvious that Comcast – and all of Corporate America – was fully invested in Black-Run America (BRA).

Here’s what Adweek reported:
Comcast is making good on its promise to beef up minority involvement in its cable division, though it's doing so with digital networks instead of terrestrial cable channels. It's not quite what it sounded like when, as a condition of its purchase of a majority stake in NBCUniversal (then 80 percent held by GE), Comcast agreed to create cable networks with minority leadership. Still, a channel is a channel. 
The company is launching four new digital nets with headliners including Magic Johnson, Sean "Diddy" Combs and film director Robert Rodriguez, starting as soon as April. The four networks will be available on Comcast's digital basic tier, but they won't be taking the place of any existing cable channels. Instead, they'll be digital subnets, a growing sector of the cable market that is mostly occupied by public access-style programming at this point. 
Johnson, whose title will be chairman, will lead Aspire, a new network with an African-American focus and inspirational programming. In a statement issued Tuesday, David Jensen, Comcast's vp of content acquistion, said that the Atlanta-based network (a partnership with GMC TV) will involve "an enduring focus on delivering quality programming that positively resonates with ethnically diverse communities." 
Combs' network, Revolt, will also have an African-American focus when it debuts next year but will be more of a music and news network. Revolt will be heavily engaged with social media and already has aspirations beyond Comcast's subscriber base. In a release issued by the new network this morning, Combs said that his hope was "that this new network will spark a revolution in entertainment and encourage other media and communications companies to bring Revolt to their audiences.” 
Rodriguez's network, El Rey, will focus on the Latino audience, with content created by the net's new production company, Tres Pistoleros, which will develop programming for the channel. Rodriguez's background as a director of films including Sin City and Planet Terror is mirrored in his vision for the channel: "The majority of the players today are doing a fantastic job serving the first generation [of Latinos in America]," Rodriguez told Deadline, "and what we want to do is serve their offspring.” The start date for El Rey is some time in 2014.
 Wait a second. Does this mean what we think it means? Has a South African form of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) come to America? Yes. Quickly, let’s allow the South African government to tell us what the BEE program is:

South Africa's policy of black economic empowerment (BEE) is not simply a moral initiative to redress the wrongs of the past. It is a pragmatic growth strategy that aims to realise the country's full economic potential while helping to bring the black majority into the economic mainstream.
Through its BEE policy, the government aims to achieve the following objectives:
  • Empower more black people to own and manage enterprises. Enterprises are regarded as black-owned if 51% of the enterprise is owned by black people, and black people have substantial management control of the business.
  • Achieve a substantial change in the racial composition of ownership and management structures and in the skilled occupations of existing and new enterprises.
  • Promote access to finance for black economic empowerment.
  • Empower rural and local communities by enabling their access to economic activities, land, infrastructure, ownership and skills.
  • Promote human resource development of black people through, for example, mentorships, learnerships and internships.
  • Increase the extent to which communities, workers, co-operatives and other collective enterprises own and manage existing and new enterprises, and increase their access to economic activities, infrastructure and skills.
  • Ensure that black-owned enterprises benefit from the government's preferential procurement policies.
  • Assist in the development of the operational and financial capacity of BEE enterprises, especially small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) and black-owned enterprises.
  • Increase the extent to which black women own and manage existing and new enterprises, and facilitate their access to economic activities, infrastructure and skills training.

Yikes. Isn’t this exactly what these networks basically represent, a form of BEE in America? Let’s take a look at another article celebrating this state-mandated minority ownership (Congress Compels Comcast to give Earvin “Magic” Johnson his own network, by Patrick Howley, Washington Free Beacon, February 22, 2012):

National Basketball Association legend and prominent Democratic donor Earvin “Magic” Johnson is set to launch a new network that will be carried on Comcast Corp. cable after pressure from Democratic politicians to “diversify” cable lineups.
Johnson’s Aspire network will launch on June 30, according to the Los Angeles Times. It is the first of 10 new networks—the majority of which are owned by African-American and Latino businessmen—that Comcast will launch by 2018, per its agreement with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Department of Justice to “diversify the cable landscape.”

The commitment to the new networks came in 2010 as a result of pressure placed on NBCUniversal by Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) during the company’s $14 billion merger with Comcast.
In February 2010, Waters asked then-NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Zucker, “Is there some assumption that black programming is not profitable?” Waters offered to help arrange meetings for Zucker with African-American producers. Waters also alleged in a hearing that a Comcast representative had called her with the implicit offer of a payoffin exchange for her support—an accusation that Comcast denied.

Johnson made a proposal for one of the cable networks immediately after learning that Comcast was taking submissions. “We wanted to be the first one,” Johnson said to the Times.
Given the political nature of the network’s creation, Johnson was in a prime position to realize that goal. Johnson has donated more than $80,000 to Democratic candidates, committees and PACs since 2007, including $51,200 to the Democratic National Committee and $11,900 to President Obama, according to a database maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Aspire will be led in partnership between Johnson and the family-oriented GMC TV. The financial terms of the agreement between Johnson’s group and Comcast were not disclosed.
Waters’ crusade to insert diversity-based programming into the terms of the merger gained enough publicity to warrant a parody of the congresswoman during the 2010 season of the NBC sitcom “30 Rock.” Even after the FCC released its 279-page review and approval of the merger in January 2011, which included Waters’ diversity-programming mandate, the California congresswoman was not satisfied.

Waters said, “I do not believe the American public can have much confidence in Comcast-NBCU’s commitment to launch 10 new independent channels when current networks have had so many challenges negotiating reasonable carriage terms with the cable giant.”
Why are conservatives silent on this too?

Well, except Alex Jones that is. Doesn’t that tell you something. Matt Drudge understands news. This is why he’s giving so much space to stories that denote Black pathologies, such as their love for rioting over Nike shoes. Were another conservative site to cover this story (or a politician), Drudge would give them publicity via The Drudge Report.

But they remain silent. They remain silent as Eric “My People” Holder wages a war against the historic majority population of the United States, with this Department of (IN) Justice suing South Carolina for passing a voter identification law; suing Arizona, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama for passing immigration laws because of the failure of the federal government to enforce the laws on the books.

Worse, Christian Adams documented the egregious levels of anti-white hatred found in the halls of Holder’s DOJ, though it was there before Mein Obama was elected. And few people even mention this now, save a conspiracy run by a guy named Alex Jones who actually believes our government and the New World Order wants to decimate the world's population, when every action of the UN and the USA is to bolster and strengthen the populations of Africa and other third world hellholes.  

Ladies and gentleman, the nightmare of BRA cannot end until someone publically takes on Obama and Holder. Until then, you’ll see Atlas Shrugged-style BEE laws mandated by Congress to economically level the playing field for Black people and other minorities. That person will become a star overnight, with millions of people rallying behind them and their rhetoric. 

Folks, Freedom has failed. We are now entering an era where Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is officially-sanctioned – mandated even – by the federal government. Funny, we've already seen what a version of BEE does to a major city like Detroit, where the Visible Black Hand of Economics turned one of the world's great cities into the "Mogadishu of the West" in only two decades from assuming power in 1973. 

To illustrate the pervasive power of BRA and how corporate America has been basically helping maneuver the concept of BEE into our nation, we must look no farther than the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). It’s been an abysmal failure, with horrible ratings.

But before it had even broadcast its first show, corporate America did something unprecedented:
The Oprah Winfrey Network, the 50/50 joint venture between Oprah Winfrey's Harpo Inc. and Discovery Communications, announced last week it had secured a significant commitment from Procter & Gamble, the world's largest advertiser. P&G, the manufacturer of dozens of household name brands like Tide, Crest, Tampax and Pampers, committed to a deal reportedly worth more than $100 million over three years. The agreement, which includes the purchase of time and integration into programming, is unprecedented in that Winfrey's network (OWN for short) will not be on the air until January 2011, does not yet have a full programming lineup and has no audience and therefore no basis for ratings, reach or demographics.

It is a sad state of affairs that the only conservative outlet – it’s only nominally – bringing up many of the racial onslaughts by Obama and his cohorts is Alex Jones.

This isn’t a conspiracy folks. BRA is real. BEE coming to America is real. It’s being mandated by Congress.

And the silence of conservatives is… to be expected.

 I have a dream that this all ends. Only conservative white people believe in a color-blind society, and actually try and practice the false rhetoric of MLK, a man who represents the greatest fraud in world history. 


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