The Magnificent Mile -- the refuse of the demolished Robert Taylor Homes on the South Side threaten civilization in Chicago Islam is not a t...
The Black Unemployable Rate (BUR) in Action: Bob Johnson Battles Low IQ and Poor Future-Time Orientation in the Black Community
Uh-oh. The Black Unemployable Rate (BUR) is back in the news, with Black Entertainment Television founder Bob Johnson bemoaning the toxic co...
R.I.P Lawrence Auster
Lawrence Auster's work had a profound influence on shaping the political philosophy of SBPDL. Months ago, in a private conversation with...
10-year-old Luke Bresette -- Death by State-Mandated Diversity at the Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport
Writing at, resident white-guilt drenched editorial writer John Archibald voices his disgust with anyone daring to notice a racial a...
Guns, Blacks, and Steel: Michael Moore Compliments White People on Their Safe Communities
Oh Michael Moore. You had to put your foot in it, didn’t you? [ MICHAEL MOORE: 90 PERCENT OF GUNS OWNED BY 'SCARED' WHITE PEOPL...
Was Luke Bresette a Victim of "Disadvantaged business enterprises"? -- 35 Percent of Contracts for $201 Million Expansion at Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport Awarded to Minority Firms
A 10-year-old boy is dead. An information sign at Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport in Birmingham, Alabama crushed Luke B...
"The Day the EBT Card Runs Out" -- Augusta, Georgia Edition
Never, ever forget that Thomas Malthus was right. Completely, 100 percent correct.* *He just was unable to factor in one data point – t...